Group Notes | April 15

April 15, 2018
Pastor Jonathan Falwell



Sometimes we meet a stranger, and the relationship morphs into a deep bond easily and quickly. Other times, a past wound by a friend may have led to a severed relationship, and we have to intentionally take steps to reestablish it, forgiving and moving forward. Can anyone think of an example of either?

Two weeks ago we began a new series, “A Brand New Day,” as we looked at the new life a believer has when he accepts Jesus Christ as Savior. Last week we looked at the growth we should have as a Christ-follower. Today we want to examine our new life in the area of relationships, cutting out those things that would bring us back into bondage, and learning to trust the Holy Spirit as He renews our thoughts and attitudes.

Focal Passage: Ephesians 4:17-32


  1. Sin will damage your relationships beyond repair
  2. Read Eph. 4:17-19. Paul, through the Holy Spirit, encourages these believers (and us) to leave the life in the world lived before salvation, and lists some habits to avoid in order to be Christ-like. What are they (8 of them)?
  3. How do these sinful actions sound like the things we see unbelievers doing daily? Why would they keep us from a close relationship with our God?

 The “TURN” that happened when you came to Christ is a daily commitment

  1. Read verses 20-24. What are you told to concentrate on after salvation?
  2. Give examples of some things that must be daily commitments for the good of our physical body?
  3. What are some reasons the intentional responsibilities in these verses have to be daily disciplines, rather than being a “once for all time” need?

How do these play out in our relationships?

  1. Honesty
  2. Read verse 25. What is this simple instruction?
  3. Why are relationships strong when built on honesty, while dishonesty wrecks them?
  4. Give some examples that seem to make complete honesty sometimes difficult.



  1. Read verses 26-29a. What are the three sins to avoid in these verses? Why is this so necessary?
  2. Read James 1:19-20. What are two reasons listed in Eph. 4:27 and James 1:20 that are so very important? How does this go along with the language we use?
  3. What are we to use our strength and resources for?

Building Up

  1. Read verse 29b. What does this verse tell us about our many interactions with others during our day?
  2. Why is this so important?
  3. Is this you?

A change in action and attitude

  1. Read verses 30-32a. Can anyone relate how you felt when you grieved your parent (or someone you loved) by a bad action as a child? We are instructed to be so conscious of the Holy Spirit that we do what (vs. 32)?
  2. Read verse 31 again. What are we to put away from us? Is this a daily commitment?

A life of forgiveness

  1. What kind of life did you live before you were saved?
  2. Did you deserve salvation—or Someone dying for you?
  3. Can someone give an opinion as to why it’s so very hard to forgive when a wrong has been done to us?

Key Verse: Ephesians 4:24: “…and that you put on the new man which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness.”


Sometimes we hear people say, “The Christian life is just a big list of do’s and don’ts!” If they were reading this passage, they might feel they are correct. However, when you dig deeply, you see the beautiful underlying love that surrounds the relationship we now have with our Creator Father! Verses 24 and 30 both show a love that existed before we were even formed in the womb! This love is so special that Jesus went to the cross just for YOU, and then called you to Himself, making you a new creation. The old you has passed away and the new has come. We want our lives to reflect glory to Him for what He has done, just as we tried hard to please our mom or dad when we were children. The things that the world engages in—the sinful desires of the flesh, the abusive lifestyles, the lack of self-control—will never bring happiness. They may give someone a power trip, but true happiness, peace and joy will never be found in anyone else except Jesus Christ. If you follow the principles laid out in these short verses, you will find a life filled with meaning, joy, and peace with God!