February 25, 2018
What does it say?
Solomon taught his sons that having wisdom is superior to all else and gaining understanding is worth giving up everything because it brings life and grace.
What does it mean?
In these verses we learn why Solomon asked God for wisdom when he could have asked for anything he wanted (1 Kings 3:5-14). Solomon’s father, King David, taught him that gaining wisdom and understanding was worth more than all the treasure he could acquire – worth giving up all that he had. To aid his understanding, David personified wisdom as a woman due the love and fidelity of a beloved wife. This lesson changed the course of Solomon’s life. Wisdom had indeed exalted and honored his embrace. Solomon carefully passed on his father’s advice to his own sons.
How should I respond?
As parents, we are the most important teachers our kids will ever have. It’s vital to intentionally plant the seeds of truth in their hearts and minds. The things we say and do will have a lasting impact on the course of their lives. What truth from God’s Word have you learned this week? How are you passing that on to your children? They listen, watch, and learn – even when we think they aren’t paying attention. How do your actions match what you say you believe? Wise children are the product of careful teaching.