March 4, 2018


Read – Proverbs 8:22-36

What does it say?
Wisdom was the first of God’s works and was at His side when He created everything in Heaven and earth. Finding wisdom results in a life of blessing and favor from the Lord.

What does it mean?
This passage sets up a thought-provoking chain of events. Wisdom is central to the character of God. He is the source of all wisdom; finding wisdom results in His blessing and favor. If God is the very embodiment of wisdom, then wisdom is found in His presence. Before sin entered the world, there was perfect harmony between the Lord and His creation; wisdom didn’t have to be sought – it was the byproduct of enjoying the presence of the Lord. Death entered the world through one foolish and sinful act that reflected a hatred of God’s wisdom. To reject wisdom is to reject the Lord.

How should I respond?
Are you pursuing God’s blessings or God Himself? His blessings are often well within our reach as the result of making wise decisions. Today’s passage offers the key to recognizing wise choices: living in the presence of God. As you open your Bible each day, ask God to reveal Himself; then spend time in prayer meditating on who He is. The more you learn about Christ and begin to take on His character, the more quickly you’ll recognize sin in your daily life. How have your decisions this week reflected accepting or rejecting God’s wisdom? Go straight to the source and let Him handle the blessings.