March 18, 2018
What does it say?
It is much more desirable to have a home filled with love for God and people than to have a home filled with great wealth that is tainted by hate, greed, or sinful motives.
What does it mean?
Several verses in this passage emphasize that it is better to have less in this lifetime and please God than to amass much without Him. Solomon does not condemn wealth or say that prosperity is sinful. However, material gain tainted by greed or hatred cannot be enjoyed in peace. Contentment, even with little, leads to a better life for the person who is in a trusting relationship with the Lord. Building wealth by sinful means is not worth the turmoil and trouble it brings.
How should I respond?
True contentment requires a shift in focus from what we can get from God to God Himself. Greed keeps our focus on getting the things we want at any cost. But God desires that we trust Him to provide all that we need. Contentment is not dependent on wealth, achievements, or circumstances that change throughout life. Seeking a godly life brings contentment that pursuing wealth never can bring (1 Tim. 6:6). What turmoil in your life is the result of a greedy pursuit? With what is God asking you to be content? Will you choose to pursue the Lord and be satisfied with all He has provided?