March 29, 2018
What does it say?
Even a child’s character can be known by whether or not his conduct is pure and right.
What does it mean?
People reveal their character by what they do. A person of understanding uses the eyes and ears that God gave him to discern with whom to enter into personal or business relationships. Although no one is completely without sin, some character flaws are danger signals to potential relationships. Those who engage in drunkenness, quarreling, laziness, and dishonesty can have devastating effects on the people around them. A wise person associates with others who have high moral character, keep their word, and honor their commitments.
How should I respond?
First impressions are important. However, they’re not always accurate. Lots of people talk a good game, but you later find out that it’s just that … talk. So what should you do at the outset of a potential new relationship? Observe. What someone does tells you more than what he says. We all have character flaws of some kind, but the kinds of behavior Solomon warned about in today’s passage point to deeper spiritual issues. Your closest circle of friends will impact your life. Ask God today for discernment in your relationships. Remember, words can be deceptive, but actions can’t be hidden.