April 22, 2018
What does it say?
Solomon, son of David and king over Israel, had gained more knowledge than all before him. Solomon found everything was meaningless and futile, a chasing after the wind.
What does it mean?
God had given Solomon unmatched wisdom, knowledge, and wealth. Yet as he reflected on nature, past generations, and human effort in general, he found no meaning in any of it. Ecclesiastes was written near the end of Solomon’s life. All of the things that had once seemed important are now described as a “chasing after the wind.” He realized that everything in life is endless repetition. What has already happened will happen again and will one day be forgotten. Since life’s meaning cannot be found in any effort of mankind, its true meaning must be found somewhere else.
How should I respond?
Think about trying to catch the wind. It is as futile as children trying to catch their shadow – a meaningless task that can never be completed. Yet how many times do we “chase the wind” as adults? “If I get that promotion, I can spend more time with the family.” Or, “When I pay off this debt, I’ll have money to help others.” What are you chasing right now? Whatever you try to do in your own strength and effort will ultimately be meaningless. Determine today to live for Christ. It’s only then that you’ll find life’s true meaning and purpose.