May 15, 2018
What does it say?
Isaiah composed a song about God’s care for His vineyard, Israel and Judah. Their rejection of the Lord resulted in unfruitfulness and judgment.
What does it mean?
God provided everything Israel needed to produce the good fruit of justice and righteousness. Instead, they became a nation of bloodshed and distress, self-indulgence and pride. The condition of society and the prevalent sins are revealed in the woes pronounced. All their sin was rooted in their rejection of God and His authority over their lives. The Lord’s zeal for righteousness resulted in judgment. God called godless nations as instruments of judgment on His people. He provided for and preserved the nation through judgment so that the Lord Almighty would be known through His people.
How should I respond?
God has provided everything you need to live for Him. Reading and responding to His Word will develop God-honoring attitudes and actions. As the fruit of the Holy Spirit is matured within your life, you will begin to display the reality of God and produce spiritual fruit (Galatians 5:22-23). How does your daily life show you have regard and respect for God and His Word? How has studying Scripture helped you to be spiritually fruitful? Some people may reject you because you accept God’s authority over your life, but others will have a desire to know Jesus because of your example.