May 28, 2018


Read – Isaiah 24

What does it say?
Isaiah spoke of God’s glory, punishment for rebellion, and the Lord’s reign.

What does it mean?
The prophet warned that there would be a future “day” of judgment beyond the Assyrian invasion. Isaiah saw the Tribulation, Christ’s millennial reign and judgment on evil at the Great White Throne. God’s worldwide judgment will be sure and impartial. Those who receive God’s mercy through faith in the Messiah will come through the judgment, acknowledge God is supreme over all, and worship Him. The Lord will put away all rebellion of heavenly and earthly powers and rule the world in righteousness from Jerusalem. God is the authority over Earth, and in His time His plan will be fulfilled. Mankind and all spiritual forces are subject to God and will be held accountable.

How should I respond?
A time is coming when God will intervene in events, and Jesus will rule the world. Only what is good and righteous will remain. This view of Earth’s future should be a comfort to all who trust God. How does the sure hope of the Lord’s righteous reign impact your attitude and actions? How does knowing that the earth and everything in it will pass away affect how you use your time, energy, and resources? Choose to invest in that which will survive the earthly judgment and bring glory to the Lord. How will you interact today with others who need to know about Jesus? Will you tell them?