June 25, 2018


Read – Isaiah 60

What does it say?
The glory of the Lord will rise upon Zion, bringing honor, wealth, and peace.

What does it mean?
At the start of Christ’s millennial reign, Jews will be gathered to their Promised Land. The removal of spiritual darkness during this time will create a desire for people to come to Jerusalem to be near the source of such light – Jesus Himself. People from nations around the world, including former enemies, will worship Christ, bringing the wealth of their homelands in honor of the great King. Jerusalem will be known as the City of the Lord; He will defeat any nation that comes against Israel. God’s hand of judgment on His people will be completely removed, bringing joy and peace. Through Israel, the world will finally understand that Jesus is the Son of God and Savior of the World.

How should I respond?
For generations, presidents and world leaders have tried to broker peace between Israel and her enemies. Scripture tells us that peace will come when Jesus Himself sits on the throne in Jerusalem. Violence in Israel will completely cease, finally. One day, this small parcel of land will rule as the world’s foremost super power. Have you recognized Jesus as the King of the entire world and as your personal King? Will you pray right now for the leaders of our country to commit their support to Israel? Anyone who opposes Israel opposes the Lord, plain and simple.