July 17, 2019


Read – Psalms 74, 75

What does it say?
Asaph lamented the sad state of Jerusalem. He recounted God’s past deeds and called on Him to rescue His people.

What does it mean?
Asaph was bewildered. Jerusalem had been attacked and the temple destroyed. It seemed as if God had rejected His own people. He no longer spoke to them in kindness as their Shepherd, but had allowed harsh treatment from the enemy as His judgment on their sin. Nonetheless, Asaph still trusted God, confident that the Lord could, and would, overthrow their enemies. God has all authority. He rules over nature itself, so He was certainly able to rescue His people. Asaph asked God to remember His promises to Israel. Since God judged the sins of His own people, surely He would punish the wickedness of their enemies.

How should I respond?
We typically think of God as a kind father or a gentle shepherd, but we don’t like to dwell on the fact that He is also a judge. God is the ultimate authority. He will hold all people accountable for their actions – both toward Him and toward others. Today’s passage gives insight to the words of Hebrews 10:31: “It is a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the living God!” While those words can be frightening, we have to remember that God’s judgment is tempered with mercy. When we consider God’s mercy, we find a God who dealt with our sin and our failings by providing His own Son as a sacrifice in our place. One day, God will judge the wickedness of the world, but if you have received His gift of salvation, you do not have to fear Him as your Judge. You can look to God as your loving heavenly Father and to His Son as your gentle Shepherd.