November 22, 2019
What does it say?
Children of God should stop sinning. Their love for one another should be the sign of their new life in Christ.
What does it mean?
Today’s passage gives the test of a true Christian. Followers of Jesus will not habitually sin; in fact, they have a strong desire to resist sin. When a believer does sin, the conviction of the Holy Spirit makes him uncomfortable because he doesn’t want anything to come between him and the Father. The Spirit gives strength to live a righteous life and the ability to show genuine love to others. Obeying Christ’s command to love fellow believers is confirmation that a permanent change has taken place in the hearts and minds of those who follow Him.
How should I respond?
How does the thought of disobeying God make you feel? We all sin sometimes, but desiring to please God through obedience is validation that God’s Spirit truly lives within you. What have you said or done this week that did not show the righteousness or love of God? If you struggle with displaying genuine love to someone, pray now for God to set you free from any bitterness, anger, or pride that’s getting in the way. Ask Him to help you mend broken relationships. Whom will you please today, yourself or your Savior?