November 28, 2019
What does it say?
Gaius walked in the truth, and Demetrius had a good testimony. Diotrephes, however, caused division in the church by his untruthfulness, inhospitality, and selfishness.
What does it mean?
John contrasted two types of people in the church: those who are humble and willing to serve others and those who put themselves first, desiring power and position. People who genuinely love God have a desire to do what’s right. The right perspective of God gives them the right perspective of self. By not thinking too highly of themselves, these people naturally have a good reputation with other believers. On the other hand, those causing discord in the church show that they aren’t obeying Christ and should be dealt with by church leaders before more harm is done.
How should I respond?
There is no greater example of serving with humility than Christ, so there is no better way to demonstrate that you are a follower of Christ than purposely putting the needs of others before your own. Are you willing to do the seemingly insignificant task? Working behind the scenes might not bring lots of recognition, but it does give a profound sense of satisfaction. Are you a servant, or do you have a self-seeking attitude? Your actions will either help build others up or pull them down. Your attitude can promote either harmony or discord. What kind of reputation will you build today?