December 6, 2019
What does it say?
The Lamb is declared worthy to open the sealed scroll and is worshipped as God.
What does it mean?
John saw a scroll in the hand of God the Father. Only Jesus is worthy to break its seals and reveal the Father’s judgment on the world. As the Lamb, Jesus purchased salvation by His blood; as the Lion of Judah, He will judge the world; as the root of Jesse, He is eternal God. When Jesus came to the earth the first time, He was rejected as the Son of God, and the world at large denied His divine nature. One day, everyone and everything in Heaven, on earth, under the earth, and even in the sea will give Jesus Christ the same worship that is given to the Father. Jesus is worthy of worship.
How should I respond?
Typically, our society places value on something in light of its scarcity or worth. Often we put these things in a conspicuous place so that others can appreciate them. We sometimes even brag about our valuable items. Jesus is the only Lamb of God, and His worth surpasses everything and everyone else. In what ways do you celebrate His value? You can tell how valuable a thing is by how often you mention it. Check your priorities. How valuable is Jesus to you according to your conversations about Him? How will you show how valuable Jesus is to you today?