March 24, 2020


Read – Exodus 40

What does it say?
Assembly and staging of the Tabernacle were completed. Once the work was finished, God’s glory filled the Tabernacle, and His presence resided with His people.

What does it mean?
With the completion of the lavish components for the Tabernacle, God’s people now had the opportunity to assemble this massive structure. As the Israelites viewed the finishing stages of the project, they must have been awed at the beauty and significance of the work God had given them to do. But more importantly, God’s people now had a place to worship Him where His actual presence could reside. Rather than remain at a distance, God made sure His people knew the reality of His presence ‘during all their travels.’

How should I respond?
God still wants to be involved in the lives of His people. God sent His Son Jesus to be the visible, tangible evidence of His desire to be with us. Through Jesus, you can have an ongoing, personal relationship with God. He no longer inhabits a place; His presence inhabits His people. The same presence that descended on the Tabernacle lives inside the life of every follower of Christ. Take time today to reflect on the reality that the almighty God desires to be intimately involved in your life. Are you pursuing a relationship with the One who is so interested in you?