May 28, 2020
What does it say?
God set Israel aside as His special nation and put the tithe in place as a continual reminder of His deliverance, provision, and love.
What does it mean?
God wanted to remind the Israelites that He had brought them to this land and had given them the prosperity they currently enjoyed. Some of the first fruits of the land were to be placed in a basket and taken to the priest at the place God had chosen as a dwelling. As part of the ceremony, their deliverance from Egypt and the journey to the Promised Land was recounted. The ceremony was a public acknowledgment of the fact that they were serving a truly good and loving God who deserved their trust, love, and obedience.
How should I respond?
God is the Provider of everything we have. In return, we can offer back to God a portion of the time, money, and energy He gives us. How would your feelings about giving or volunteering at church change if you first stopped to recite all the ways God has been good and loving in your life? Start a list of things God has done to free you and lead you in your personal journey. Put it on your dashboard or on your closet door where you will see it before you head out to church. When we’re reminded of just how much we have to be thankful for, giving back to God is an easy thing to do.