June 13, 2020


Read – Joshua 7

What does it say?
Israel suffered a bitter defeat in the battle of Ai because Achan took some of the spoils after the battle of Jericho and hid them.

What does it mean?
Their first battle to claim the Promised Land had been a wonderful experience for Joshua and the nation. Before that battle, the Lord had made it clear that no one was to take any of the “devoted things” in Jericho. After 40 years of wearing the same clothes and shoes, the Israelites would have to resist the temptation of taking anything for themselves. But Achan didn’t resist, and the whole nation suffered for it. He finally confessed but only after he was directly confronted. Achan didn’t come forward and repent on his own. He confessed because he was caught.

How should I respond?
Confession and repentance are two different things. Repentance goes a step further than merely stating what one has done wrong – repentance involves a complete change of the mind and will. God is Holy and commands His people to be holy. Because Jesus took our punishment, God freely bestows His grace on those who repent. What secret sin is buried in your heart? Confess it to the Lord and then head in the opposite direction – His direction. He will forgive, pardon and cleanse you! The consequences of being unrepentant can be devastating for both you and your family.