April 19, 2022


Read – John 10

What does it say?
Jesus compared His followers to sheep and described Himself as the True, Good Shepherd and the Door of the sheep.

What does it mean?
Jesus used a metaphor of an Eastern shepherd to describe Himself. This shepherd knows his sheep by name. His rod guards them from predators, and his staff pulls them back when they wander into dangerous areas. At night he lies down in the opening of the pen, becoming the door as well as the shepherd. They know his voice and never follow anyone else. Jesus is the Good Shepherd, who knows, protects, and warns His followers. As the Door of the sheep, He is the only way into the kingdom of God.

How should I respond?
Being compared to sheep may be accurate, but it’s not flattering. Sheep are smelly and not very smart. They desperately need a shepherd … and so do we! We follow our Shepherd through the guidance of Scripture and the conviction of the Holy Spirit. Do you enjoy spending time in God’s Word? That’s how you distinguish God’s voice from all the noise in the world that pulls you away. God delights to know you personally and will always seek to draw you back when you wander into an area of sin. Where is He leading you right now? Will you choose to follow Him out of love and obedience today?