April 20, 2022


Read – John 11

What does it say?
Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead while the Jewish leaders plot Jesus’ death.

What does it mean?
We should note four truths from this passage: 1) Suffering has a purpose. Just as with the blind man in Chapter 9, Lazarus’ illness would be “for the glory of God.” 2) Jesus loved Lazarus and his family. His delay in coming to them didn’t mean He loved them less. 3) God is never late. He performs His will in His time. 4) Jesus has power over life and death. We also see several character traits of Jesus as God. In verse 11 He’s omniscient (all-knowing). Jesus is Life, according to the fifth “I am” statement in verse 25. His omnipotence (infinite power) is obvious as He speaks Lazarus to life in verse 43.

How should I respond?
Americans hate to wait. Convenience is bred into our culture. But times of waiting are opportunities to trust God. How do you respond when God delays His answer to your heartache? Don’t misinterpret the delay as a lack of love. Instead, view your circumstances through His love. What current suffering in your life could be used to strengthen your faith and bring glory to God? Jesus knows exactly what you’re facing and has all power over the situation. Continue to be faithful. Wait on the Lord. Trust that His answer will be right on time (Psalm 27:14; Isaiah 40:31).