April 28, 2022
What does it say?
Jesus prayed for Himself, his disciples, and for all who will ever believe in Him.
What does it mean?
The “High Priestly Prayer of Christ” is the longest prayer of Jesus in Scripture. Several principles surface from what Jesus prayed for Himself and those who follow Him. First, the deepest desire of Jesus was to glorify the Father. God receives glory when the work He gives is completed as Jesus did by securing eternal life for believers by His death on the cross. Next, Jesus and the Father are one. God desires to experience this same unity with followers of Jesus and for believers to have unity with one another. Finally, disciples of Christ are to be sanctified by the truth of God’s Word. Sanctification is being set apart from sin for God’s purpose.
How should I respond?
The chief purpose of the Christian life is to glorify God by doing the work He designed for you to do. This is an impossible task if not done God’s way through sanctification and oneness. From what do you need to be separated so you can draw closer to God? God calls us to work alongside other believers in a local church. Unity in the church validates the message of Christ but is only achieved when each member is one with God. Look back over the prayer of Jesus. How can you pray for yourself, your family, and your church in order to better glorify the Father?