November 5, 2023


Read – 1 Chronicles 14

What does it say?
The Lord established David as Israel’s king in Jerusalem. David sought God as he defended Israel, and God gave victories over the Philistines.

What does it mean?
David knew the Lord had made him king. He, with his wives and children, became established as Israel’s royal family. The main focus of David’s energy was God and the nation of Israel. When enemies threatened, David talked to the Lord, listened for His answer, and obeyed His guidance. God gave specific directions and decisive victories in battle, authenticating David’s reign before all the nations. David was the king of Israel, yet he knelt before the Lord as a servant in need of discernment to lead Israel. This prayerful king openly acknowledged the Lord as his authority, defender, and protector

How should I respond?
Prayer is more than verbalizing your daily needs. It is an acknowledgment of who God is and a recognition of your need for wisdom and discernment to handle life’s situations His way. Prayer can be an act of worship when you, as a believer, commit to obey when the answer comes. What is your most pressing prayer need? Ask God how to pray specifically and according to His will for that need. He may give you a verse to pray or remind you of a character trait you need to develop as you trust Him. God answers the prayerful believer who seeks to know and act on God’s specific direction.