November 18, 2023


Read – 2 Chronicles 1

What does it say?
King Solomon and all the people sought the Lord at the altar in the tabernacle. God told Solomon to ask for whatever He wanted. Solomon asked for wisdom and knowledge.

What does it mean?
Solomon’s response when God said, “Ask for whatever you want,” was threefold. First, he humbly remembered God’s promises to his father David. Then, he asked that God would keep His promise and give him wisdom to lead and judge His people. Finally, He recognized the enormity of the task and his inability to do it on his own. God was pleased that Solomon’s desire was to be equipped for leadership. Solomon began his reign in humility with full reliance on the Lord. God answered beyond Solomon’s expectations by giving him wisdom, power, riches, and influence.

How should I respond?
We can become so overwhelmed that we pray only for what seems to offer immediate relief. However, Scripture tells us that the key to answered prayer is to ask according to His will (1 John 5:14). Praying, “If it’s Your will, Lord,” requires humility and reliance on God to fulfill His purposes for us. Understanding God’s will requires God’s wisdom that He promises to give us if we ask in faith, expecting to receive it (James 1:5-6). In what area of your life do you lack wisdom concerning God’s will? How will you pray for that today? Remember that specific answers require specific requests.