December 7, 2023
What does it say?
Jehoshaphat became king and instituted reforms to turn the people to godly practices. God blessed Jehoshaphat’s reign with peace and protection.
What does it mean?
As a king who followed the commands of the Lord, Jehoshaphat expected his people to do the same. He removed the “high places” and the practice of worshiping other gods alongside the Lord. Jehoshaphat knew it would take more than that to turn the people’s hearts back to the one true God. He couldn’t revive their faithfulness to the Lord by decree from his throne in the palace. So Jehoshaphat sent his officials, priests, and prophets into the community with the Book of the Law. Rather than simply tell them what to do, Judah’s leaders showed them firsthand.
How should I respond?
Helping people isn’t done from a distance. We must go where people are in order to give them what they need. Obviously, not everyone can leave home and go to the jungles of Guatemala or Africa, and that’s okay. But chances are you have a little time to spend with someone who has a need. Who around you has a physical or spiritual need? How could they benefit from your time? Remember, both Jesus and Paul influenced people by building relationships. Relationships take time, but the impact they make can last a lifetime … and often make a difference for eternity.