What does it say?
The Israelites who were guilty of intermarriage with pagan women confessed their unfaithfulness and made a covenant to separate from their pagan wives.
What does it mean?
There is no doubt that the decision to send away the pagan wives and children caused heartache and division. The Israelites were not banned from marrying women from other nations, as long as they had converted to the Jewish faith. However, God had specifically forbidden intermarriage with women who worshiped idols. Obedience was important for the nation to remain true to their worship of the Lord. Although these events in Jewish history are difficult to understand, the case-by-case investigations most likely determined which wives worshiped the Lord God of Israel and Him only.
How should I respond?
Dating websites match personalities, political opinions, and interests in order to make a connection. However, no connection is stronger than living for Christ. Sharing spiritual beliefs is vital to a healthy marriage. Because marriage is sacred to God, it should be to us as well. So, what should you do if married to an unbeliever? Scripture is clear and concise: the believing marriage partner is to do everything possible to preserve the marriage (1 Cor. 7:12-20). Let your obedience to God’s Word be a spiritual example and influence to your spouse. Pray daily that your spouse will see his or her sin and receive God’s forgiveness. It may be your influence that leads your mate to faith in Christ.