

Read – Esther 2

What does it say?
Esther was chosen to be the new queen. Her cousin Mordecai saved the king from a plot to take his life.

What does it mean?
The search for a new queen was a fearful and anxious time for the young women in Ahasuerus’ kingdom. They were involuntarily taken from their homes and sent off to spend the rest of their lives with hundreds of other women in the king’s harem. Despite the dire circumstances, Esther kept her composure, stayed humble, and listened to wise counsel – all of which led to her finding favor with the king. Life had taken an unexpected turn, but God was positioning her for His purpose.

How should I respond?
Unexpected and unwelcome changes often leave us asking, “Why?” A need for understanding can be a distraction from trusting God. Self-imposed pity parties about our circumstances pull our focus away from the Lord, causing us to miss what God is working out, both in us and through us. What situation in your life has you perplexed and asking God, “Why?” Take time to honestly talk with God. Then turn that question into “What?” or “How?” by asking, “What do You want to do in and through me? How can I glorify You with my response to these circumstances?” God may be using your circumstances to position you perfectly for His purpose.