What does it say?
The Israeli-Damascus alliance would fail when God brings judgment through Assyria. A remnant of people from Israel would trust God.
What does it mean?
Israel was unfaithful to God; they had forgotten and forsaken their Savior. During the devastation of war, some would realize their allies and idols were inadequate to rescue them. This minority would trust God in the middle of the desolation of the Assyrian attack and the failure of Israel’s alliances with Damascus and Cush. They would look to God and trust in Him. Isaiah gave assurance that the Lord would defeat Assyria after He had completed His judgment on Israel. Although God’s judgment would be difficult, some people would turn from idols to the Lord.
How should I respond? |Good ideas, hard work, and volunteer service cannot make up for failing to trust in God alone. Being faithful to the Lord means looking to Him first in any situation, allowing the Holy Spirit to enable you to live according to God’s plan. He knows the end of all things and has power to limit evil and bring world events to His intended conclusion. What situation should you stop trying to fix? Will you trust God even when you don’t understand all He is doing? Turn your expectations to your Creator today and trust Him to work for you. He may even use that situation to increase your faith.