What does it say?
Isaiah spoke of coming judgment on Babylon, Edom, and Arabia.
What does it mean?
Isaiah knew God is sovereign and just in His dealings with mankind, but he was overcome with grief as he warned Israel against trusting in their ally Babylon to rescue them from the Assyrian invasion. He described the destruction of false gods, the spiritual darkness, and the suffering of refugees. His grief was like a continuing wrenching pain in his body; his mind was astounded and confused, while his emotions were perplexed. Isaiah had the burden of warning the nations of coming judgment as he proclaimed his trust in the holy and righteous Lord Almighty, the God of Israel.
How should I respond?
People today without faith in Christ live very much as the people in Isaiah’s time. Many have a worldview that has “no God” and no day of accountability, yet they worship other things. What attitude prevails when you are reminded of God’s just and righteous judgment on our fallen world? Do you wish disaster on people who disagree with you on spiritual matters, or do you pray for them? When your heart is right with God, it will be broken for people who refuse to believe and receive Him through a relationship with Jesus Christ. Stop now and pray for someone who has rejected Christ.