

Read – Isaiah 29

What does it say?
Jerusalem will suffer judgment, but one day her people will be receptive to God.

What does it mean?
God would allow judgment on Judah to bring them to a place of self-examination and humility. They were a religious people who were also spiritually dull, deaf, and blind. One day, God will intervene in history and deliver His people from their enemies in a way that clearly reveals the reality of who He is. This sudden realization will astound those who think they are intelligent and wise. All who oppose God will be removed, and the Redeemer of Abraham will bring spiritual restoration to His people. When God’s people see His works from a renewed heart and enlightened mind, they will bow in awe of Him.

How should I respond?
It’s possible to practice religion as a mechanical, intellectual activity without engaging the heart. Intellectual pride can invert your priorities, making you spiritually dull. Wrong thinking robs you of the continual awareness of God. How have you swapped a meaningful relationship with Christ for religious activity or an intellectual pursuit? Spend time alone with the Lord – a time of opening your heart to Him, telling Him your desires, and listening to the Holy Spirit as you read His Word. Allow God to bring you to a place of self-examination and humility. A heart of pure devotion leads to a genuine worship.