

Read – Isaiah 49

What does it say?
God had not forgotten His people. He was raising up a Servant to bring salvation and blessings to His people and to be light for the nations to find God.

What does it mean?
These first several verses comprise the second of four “servant songs” in the book of Isaiah (see also 42:1-4; 50:4-9; 52:13-53:12). The Servant whom God has chosen has two purposes. The first is to use His words to speak on God’s behalf and call God’s children back to Him. Notice, however, that the Servant is to speak not only to Israel but to the other nations as well. The second purpose is to be a weapon in God’s hand to combat the chaos of the world. Later, Jesus and the Apostles would acknowledge Jesus’ ministry to be in line with that which Isaiah describes in these servant songs.

How should I respond?
Just as the Servant’s ultimate goal was to be a light for all the nations and bring salvation to the ends of the earth, Jesus calls us today to speak on God’s behalf and call all people to Him (John 12:32; Matt. 28:19-20). Whom can you tell the good news of salvation: that God forgives all their sin through what Jesus Christ has already done? Can you think of friends or family members who do not know or understand this yet? How might you start a conversation with them about this good news? God will help you find a way because it has always been His plan to bring salvation to the nations.