What does it say?
The Sovereign Lord declared that a day of disaster and doom was near. He would judge Israel according to her conduct and unleash His anger on their detestable practices.
What does it mean?
Ezekiel’s message was issued like a herald announcing a dire verdict, “The end has come!” God had warned Israel repeatedly to repent from their sins. Micah’s prophecy regarding the destruction of Jerusalem had fallen on deaf ears for generations (Micah 3:12). God’s people took advantage of His mercy in delaying judgment, continuing to worship idols and seek wealth more than His law. Israel’s sin had finally come to full bloom. God’s patience reached an end. By the time Jerusalem’s inhabitants took the warnings to heart, it was too late; His judgment was both just and final. All of their silver and gold wouldn’t protect them from Nebuchadnezzar’s army or save them from plague and starvation. The chains that would bind them and lead them into Babylonian captivity were the direct results of their own disobedience.
How should I respond?
It’s a prevalent idea in today’s world that the God described in the Old Testament is an angry and vengeful God. The Bible actually teaches the exact opposite. God has the right to judge our sin immediately, but He chooses to be patient, compassionately drawing us to Christ (2 Peter 3:9). God’s patience will not last forever; the end will come and He will judge unrepentant sin. Anyone who has not turned from sin to follow Christ will be eternally separated from Him (Matt. 24:14-31). All the wealth and good deeds in the world will be worthless when that day comes. How have you responded to God’s mercy? Take God’s warning to heart; then share it with someone else.