

Read – Ezekiel 41

What does it say?
Ezekiel described the outer and inner sanctuary of the temple from his vision. Between the two areas, he noticed what was called, “The table that is before the Lord.”

What does it mean?
Details like the beautifully carved wooden doors signaled to Ezekiel that the inner sanctuary was truly set apart and special. Just before the Most Holy Place, he saw the only piece of furniture mentioned, “The table of the Lord,” which is believed to be where the bread of presence will be placed during Christ’s millennial reign. In previous temples the twelve cakes of showbread provided nourishment for the priests, who ate it on the Sabbath after the twelve fresh loaves were placed on the table. It represented the Lord’s continual presence with His people as the Sustainer of life.

How should I respond?
Christ Jesus called Himself, “the Bread of Life,” identifying with the bread of presence that was placed on the table just outside the Holy of Holies (John 6:48). The word picture is a vivid reminder of the sacrifice He made to connect us with the presence of God the Father. Though you can’t see Jesus with your eyes right now, you can find sustenance for your should be accepting His sacrifice, enabling you to live a holy life. Are you hungry for God’s presence in your daily life? Remember today that Jesus is your Sustainer – the Bread of Life.