What does it say?
Ezekiel’s guide showed him a river flowing eastward from under the temple. The boundaries to be used for dividing the land are specified by God.
What does it mean?
In His future kingdom, the water flowing from the Lord’s temple will be a reminder of the presence and blessings of God. This river is a beautiful picture of the mercy and grace extended through Jesus Christ. As the endless flow of life-giving water deepens, so the grace of God increases to meet every need. He alone has the power to transform death into life, as will be evidenced by the desert blossoming (Isa. 35:1). Trees will bear perpetual fruit for food and leaves for medicinal purposes. Israel and believing Gentiles will live in the Promised Land under the blessing of the Lord during His 1,000 year reign.
How should I respond?
No one is beyond the reach of God’s mercy and grace. Regardless of what you may have done or how broken you may be, the Lord freely offers living water to you (John 4:10). Jesus was referring to the Holy Spirit, Who not only gives eternal life but offers satisfaction in this life as well (John 7:37-39). His transforming power has the authority to forgive, cleanse, and heal. What areas of your life need to be saturated with God’s living water? Will you allow His Spirit to flow in and through you?