What does it say?
Gabriel interpreted Daniel’s vision of the ram and goat. The vision revealed future world powers that would be antagonistic toward God and His people.
What does it mean?
God charged Daniel to preserve this disturbing prophecy of future events when world leaders will deceive Israel and oppose her God. This prophecy refers to the Greek domination of Israel and also foreshadows the Anti-Christ in the future. The rise to power of the final king will not be by human means alone. The desecration of all that Israel considers holy will come to an end when this godless leader is destroyed by God’s sovereign power. Terrifying as the vision was, knowing these things in advance prepared Daniel and God’s people to continue living for Him through terrible times with the knowledge that when the end comes, God wins.
How should I respond?
From Scripture we know there will be an end to human history. It may be near or far away. Studying events that are yet to come both challenges and prepares you to live each day for Christ in His strength, not your own. What has God called you to do? Just as Daniel continued his work for the king, you are given the opportunity to invest your abilities and resources for eternal value. How does your knowledge of God’s final victory motivate you to share Christ? God the Holy Spirit will empower you to accomplish things that matter for eternity. Focus today on the eternal, not the temporal.