

Read – Daniel 10

What does it say?
God gave a vision that overwhelmed Daniel, but God’s messenger strengthened him.

What does it mean?
Under Cyrus, Israel’s captivity had come to an end, and many Jewish exiles had returned to reoccupy Jerusalem. But God revealed to Daniel that Israel’s future would continue to be filled with conflict. This news caused him to mourn and put everything aside in order to seek God and pray. God responded to Daniel’s prayer by sending a vision and His messenger who explained future events and gave him encouragement. The prince of Persia and prince of Greece are thought to be Satan’s demons, who oppose God’s messengers. The angel pulled back the earthly curtain and gave Daniel a view of spiritual activity triggered by the prayer of God’s people.

How should I respond?
Prayer is spiritual warfare activated by those who love God (Eph. 6:12; 18). Because the Lord hears and responds when we call on Him, we should be motivated to talk with Him in both good times and bad. How would you describe your communication with God? You may never know what spiritual activity your prayers have prompted or the hidden battles being fought on your behalf. God will give you strength to pray and continue praying as you look to Him and wait for His answer. Commit to consistently attend the battle and persist in prayer for God’s will.