

Read – Hosea 3

What does it say?
Hosea was instructed to love his adulterous wife as the Lord loved the Israelites.

What does it mean?
The freedom Gomer sought through promiscuity led her into the bondage of slav- ery. Although Hosea must have been deeply shamed and grieved, he purchased Gomer back, assuring her that he would be fully devoted to her as before. Through his marriage, Hosea gained a fuller understanding of the depth of love the Lord had for His wayward, undeserving people. Israel no longer appreciated God’s blessings, just as Gomer had taken Hosea’s love, provision, and protection for granted. Hosea’s reconciliation with his wife pictures the Lord’s future restoration of Israel, which will be marked by His love and favor.

How should I respond?
Young adults who’ve grown up in church are leaving in record numbers. While it’s incumbent upon the church to understand the range of reasons, a few results from a 2011 Barna poll are quite revealing. Christian views on science, sexuality, and world religions feel stifling to this generation in view of today’s culture. In a nutshell, they are searching for freedom from biblical mandates. Independence from God, however, brings bondage not freedom (John 8:34-36). True freedom is only found through a relationship with Jesus, whose death and resurrection delivered us from slavery to sin. Who has God put on your mind today? How will you show them God’s unconditional love?