

Read – Read Hosea 4

What does it say?
The Lord’s charge against Israel: there was no faithfulness, love, or acknowledgment of God in the land of Israel. They were without knowledge or understanding of His Law.

What does it mean?
The foundations on which Jewish society were formed had collapsed. The source of the problem could be traced to their lack of knowledge and understanding regarding God’s Law, which the priests no longer taught or modeled. Priests, prophets, and the people violated the Ten Commandments routinely. With no moral standard to live by, the people gave in to sensuality – completely eroding religious, family, and community life as established by God. The covenant was broken. Israel in no way characterized the name, “God’s people.”

How should I respond?
Today’s passage is as relevant to 21st century America as it was to Israel in Hosea’s time. The many similarities are cause for alarm. Our culture has turned its back on God, embracing instead any idea that pushes the boundaries of morality. Godly values will be upheld only to the extent that Christians desire to know His Word. What role do biblical principles play in your everyday life? The difference between believers and the world will only widen as time goes on. Determine now to be a Christian of substance, not in name only.