What does it say?
God showed Amos a basket filled with ripe fruit symbolizing Israel. There would be a famine of hearing the words of the Lord in Israel.
What does it mean?
God’s pleading with Israel to return to Him had come to an end. Like summer fruit that is ripe for eating, God’s people were ripe for judgment. Along with continued prosperity had come spiritual poverty. Throughout the nation’s history, God had used famine and drought as a means to draw His people back to Him. This famine would involve more than a lack of food – it would be a spiritual famine of hearing from God. God’s guidance and revelation of Himself through the prophets would be replaced by His silence. Since they had rejected God’s Word, there would be no comforting words from Him.
How should I respond?
Sadly, there is a famine in our nation for the Word of God – not from lack of access, but from neglect. Even many of God’s people are biblically illiterate. As a result, our nation embraces and approves practices that are diametrically opposed to God’s Word. As a believer, rebellion against or neglect of God’s Word diminishes the desire to know and obey Him. How have you responded to God’s voice? Do you have a hunger for God’s Word and a thirst to know Him more? A commitment to read the Bible daily is the first step to coming out of a spiritual drought.