

Read – Read Micah 5

What does it say?
Micah prophesied that a ruler with ancient origins would come from Bethlehem, a small village in Judah. He will majestically lead His people to live in security and peace.

What does it mean?
This passage contains not only prophecy of the Messiah’s future deliverance of Israel from attack by enemy nations, it also foretells specific details of Jesus Christ’s birth almost 300 years before it happened. Micah’s vivid description clearly indicates His identity. Though this ruler would be born in Bethlehem, He has always existed and is the same one who will gather the remnant and reign in majesty forever. As God, Jesus was present at Creation and from eternity past (John 1:1-2). He was born in Bethlehem (Luke 2:1-20). He is the Messiah who will rule Israel forever (Luke 1:32-33).

How should I respond?
Many know Jesus as the baby born in Bethlehem who grew up to be a great teacher and healer. But Scripture tells us so much more: Jesus is God in the flesh. He is Creator, Savior, the Alpha and Omega, the Lion and the Lamb. The fulfillment of prophecy assures us that what the Bible says about Jesus is true. How much time do you set aside to really study the Scriptures that reveal who He is and His purpose for coming into the world? Jesus’ power has always been at work and is at work in your life now. How will you allow His Spirit to reveal Himself in and through your life today?