

Read – Read Zechariah 1:7-21

What does it say?
Through a vision, the Lord explained to Zechariah that He would show mercy and give comfort to Jerusalem again.

What does it mean?
The world was at peace, but Israel was still in great distress. The predetermined time of discipline was over, and God’s people needed to experience renewed fellowship with Him. God’s reason for judgment was His deep love for Israel. He went to great lengths to preserve a remnant and protect His covenant. They would again experience His presence and flourish as a nation. God’s discipline would be replaced by His mercy, comfort, and favor. Even though the Gentile nations acted as God’s hand of judgment, they would answer for the extreme cruelty with which they treated His chosen people.

How should I respond?
Parents, teachers, and employers alike can benefit from God’s pattern for discipline. Start with a warning and clearly state the consequences if the unacceptable behavior continues. Do not make idle threats, being careful that the punishment fits the crime. Keeping your accountability to God in mind will help you avoid being overly harsh. The motivation for disciplinary action should be love and concern for the relationships and people involved. Children, particularly, need to be protected from the devastating consequences of foolish actions. Don’t dwell on past behavior when the time of discipline is over. Offer words and actions of comfort and move on.