What does it say?
Zechariah saw a vision of four chariots leave the presence of the Lord to go throughout the earth. Then a crown of silver and gold was made for Joshua, the high priest.
What does it mean?
Zechariah’s eighth vision symbolized God’s final judgment on Israel’s enemies and the beginning of Messiah’s millennial reign. Although they felt safe in Zechariah’s first vision, God’s judgment on Egypt (to the south) and Babylon (to the north) will come suddenly and completely (Rev. 18). The fact that judgment awaits the descendants of these nations indicates continued animosity against the Lord Almighty and His people. Joshua’s coronation as king-priest is symbolic of the crowning of Christ when Israel’s enemies are no more. Civil and spiritual matters will exist harmoniously under His rule.
How should I respond?
When Jesus establishes His earthly kingdom there will be no separation of church and state by anyone’s definition. This future reality should be a present practice for Christians for whom every matter is a spiritual matter. Since our God is also the Creator, each issue in His world is to be viewed from His perspective. How might you be dividing your life into “spiritual” and “secular” categories? Has animosity toward the Bible in our culture swayed your thinking in some area? God’s Word will stand, but His enemies will not. Until that day, strive to see every issue of life through the lens of His Word.