What does it say?
God promised that if Israel would stop robbing Him and give a tenth of all they had to Him, He would bless their farmland and its produce.
What does it mean?
Israel was primarily an agrarian society. The people were farmers and raised livestock. God promised to bless the land itself and their livestock if they would remain faithful to Him and bring an offering of “first fruits” at harvest time. Throughout their history, God caused famines to fall on their land during times of disobedience. In today’s passage we see that the Israelites were skimping on their tithes and offerings. God promised that if they would start giving their harvest and other offerings again, He would bless their land richly. All they had to do was trust Him and obey.
How should I respond?
God does not need our money. The Bible tells us that He owns the cattle on a thousand hills (Ps. 50:10). All the heavens and the earth are His. We give a portion of our income as a form of worship – showing that we are thankful for all He has given to us. We give beyond that to help those in need. Did you know that only 3% of American families who attend church give a portion of their income to God on a regular basis? If giving a portion of your income to God is not part of your budget, revisit your budget, trusting the challenge in today’s passage. Give in faith, and see what God does with your faith.