

Read – Psalm 10

What does it say?
The Lord seems far away from the schemes of the wicked. But He is able to call them into account and defend the oppressed who wait on Him for help.

What does it mean?
It appeared to the psalmist that God was hiding while wicked men plotted against the innocent and weak. Arrogance motivated these ungodly people to use curses, lies, and threats to oppose God and His people. They thought they were invincible, untouchable, invisible, and unaccountable because they were getting away with their deplorable actions. The psalmist refocused his thoughts on what he knew to be true: His eternal God sees and knows everything and is able to defend the helpless. With his heart and mind firmly grounded, the writer confidently asked God for encouragement and justice.

How should I respond?
We see it every day: ungodly people inflicting harm on other human beings. It often seems that the identity thieves and terrorists are winning the battle. We rant, text, tweet, and post about the injustice, but how often do you go directly to the One who holds all people accountable? About what issue do you need to spend time in prayer rather than more time on the phone or online? It’s true that in your lifetime you might not see justice served completely on the issue that hits home the most. You can be sure, though, that the wicked and arrogant will ultimately be held accountable to God Almighty.