

Read – Psalm 11

What does it say?
David took refuge in the Lord, who righteously and justly rules from His heavenly throne.

What does it mean?
While serving in King Saul’s court, David wrote this Psalm after slaying Goliath. Driven by jealously and suspicion, Saul tried to kill David on multiple occasions during those years. Everyone gave David the same advice, “Run!” Even though the situation was dire, David was exactly where God had placed him. It would have been disobedience to God for David to run away. Instead, he placed his life into God’s hands. He chose to trust the Lord just as he had always done. Because David chose to live righteously, his righteous God was on his side.

How should I respond?
What makes you want to quit? Have things started to deteriorate at your job or in your church? Have friends advised you to get out before things get really ugly? It’s instinctive to get away quickly from anything that causes discomfort or discouragement. At times, however, God may call you to withstand situations that are beyond human logic. There’s only one reason for a child of God to change direction – obedience to God. Likewise, the primary reason for Christians to stay where they are is the knowledge that God has placed them there and has not yet released them to go. Either way, will you trust God enough to place your life’s direction in His hands? What is He directing you to do today?