Tiny Giants: Jude – Remaining Faithful
Memory Verse: Jude v20-21
20 But you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit, 21 keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life.
– many today believe that they are free to do whatever they want to do because of what Christ has done
– truth of the matter is that we are free NOT to do the things of the world because of what Christ has done. We have been set free, no longer slaves to sin.
– Romans 6:6 We know that our old sinful selves were crucified with Christ so that sin might lose its power in our lives. We are no longer slaves to sin.
– it is not politically correct to live right, do it anyway
– do not allow yourself to fall into the trap of verse 16
– vs 20a … build each other up in your most holy faith…
– be a person who genuinely cares for others and wants to help
– don’t tear others down for the purpose of making you look better
– prayer actually does make a difference
– Acts 4:31 says, “And when they prayed, the place where they had gathered together was shaken, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak the word of God with boldness.” God shook them physically and spiritually. I believe that our churches today could use a good spiritual “shaking.” The early Christians prayed, God shook them by filling them with the His Spirit, and then he shook the world as they witnessed boldly for Christ.
God ministered to through them to perform mighty miracles. There was no way to they were going to keep silent. They had “seen and heard” too much from their Lord. Their lives had been radically changed. It all began with prayer! Perhaps if we would pray as they did, we too would be “shaken.” We just might “see and hear” more from the Lord then we do presently – Steve Gaines
* https://prayforrevival.wordpress.com/tag/steve-gaines/