

Read – Lamentations 2

What does it say?
The right hand of the Lord came against Jerusalem as His enemy. The prophets’ false messages failed to expose Israel’s sin, leading to their enemies’ gloating in the temple.

What does it mean?
Because God’s people had repeatedly rejected Him, He became their enemy. Prophets had given self-serving messages benefiting their own agendas. Even the temple had become a place of religious ritual and tradition rather than a holy house of worship, so the Lord allowed it to be overrun by Babylonian soldiers. Generations of her enemies had longed for the day they would see Jerusalem destroyed. God’s people finally acknowledged their sin, although it took utter tragedy. In sorrow and exile, Judah called out to the Lord for relief and retribution on her enemies.

How should I respond?
We live in a time when the destruction of our culture is the motivating force of some. What would happen if God completely withdrew His hand of protection from our nation? Worse yet, what if He came against us as an enemy? If our country doesn’t look to the Lord, recognizing His blessings, He may allow circumstances that give us nowhere else to turn. To be a friend of God requires obediently responding to the truths revealed in Scripture. Who is in need of hearing that truth? Determine right now to lovingly tell them about Jesus. How will you demonstrate today that you’re God’s friend, not His foe?



Read – Lamentations 1

What does it say?
Because of Jerusalem’s many sins, the Lord allowed the city to be overtaken and looted by her enemies. Judah’s sin was like a yoke around her neck, causing inner torment.

What does it mean?
With the memory of Nebuchadnezzar’s invasion fresh on his mind, Jeremiah penned Lamentations as an acrostic dirge to portray the devastation and grief that consumed Jerusalem. The city had taken pride in its social, religious, and commercial importance but paid no attention to the cancer eating away at its core. God’s judgment stripped away the sin hidden beneath Judah’s splendor and religiosity. The consequences and guilt of their sin weighed heavily upon them. The collective realization of rebellion against their righteous God caused incomparable inner torment.

How should I respond?
Current culture views God as a judgmental tyrant who enjoys making people feel guilty. But a proper view of God brings clarity to anything in your life that is unrighteous. The initial work of the Holy Spirit is to convict the human heart that it’s sinful; otherwise, we would die in our ignorance, eternally separated from God in Hell. Conviction of sin is God’s mercy. The Holy Spirit continues to convict Christ’s followers of sinful thoughts, attitudes, and behaviors. How have you responded to the reality of your sin? If something has your stomach in knots and your emotions agitated, you may be under conviction. Will you be repentant or resentful? Stop right now and settle the issue with God.



Read – Jeremiah 52

What does it say?
Destruction came to Jerusalem as had been prophesied by Jeremiah. Nevertheless, God provided a glimpse of hope in the midst of despair.

What does it mean?
The account of Jerusalem’s fall undoubtedly proved that Jeremiah’s prophecies were authentic and accurate. Judah suffered greatly as a result; leaders were executed, thousands were taken into exile, and the city was pillaged. Yet, after being held captive for 37 years, a former king of Judah named Jehoiachin was released from prison and treated kindly for the rest of his life. The favor shown to Jehoiachin provided hope. God had kept His word concerning their judgment and would do the same regarding the restoration of His people. God’s promise to the Davidic line was being kept.

How should I respond?
Where do you find hope when your world seems bleak and grim? As a believer in Christ, you possess the greatest hope from the source of eternal hope (Rom. 15:13). As you spend time in Scripture, your faith is strengthened, giving you assurance that God will fulfill every one of His promises. You choose how to spend your time each day. Will you make a commitment to fill your heart and mind with the Word of God daily? If so, the hope of Christ will abound in your life. The Lord is faithful and will fill you with His love, peace, and joy as you yield your life to Him.



Read – Jeremiah 50-51

What does it say?
God declared Babylon’s punishment and promised Israel’s deliverance.

What does it mean?
Jeremiah proclaimed a twofold prophetic message concerning the punishment of Babylon, the first of which was fulfilled in 539 B.C. when Medo-Persia conquered the Babylonians. Since complete annihilation did not occur at that time, part two remains to be seen. The future destruction of the final Babylon is predicted to take place at the end of the Tribulation (Rev. 17-18). God’s devastating punishment will come on those who afflicted His people. The Lord’s promise to redeem Israel will be kept, and His remnant will return to their land in peace. By seeking the Lord, they will be pardoned through the Messiah in an everlasting covenant known as the New Covenant.

How should I respond?
Just as ancient Babylon was punished for the affliction of God’s people, Babylon of the future will be utterly destroyed by the hand of the Lord. The Abrahamic Covenant promises that those who bless Israel will be blessed, and those who curse Israel will be cursed (Gen. 12:1-3). Are we, as a nation, supporting Israel or turning our backs on God’s people? Pray today for the peace of Israel and trust God to deal with those who violently oppose His Word and His people. The Lord will follow through on every promise He has ever made. His people will be redeemed.



Read – Jeremiah 47-48

What does it say?
Jeremiah prophesied the annihilation of the heathen nations of Philistia and Moab.

What does it mean?
According to Jeremiah’s warning, God’s wrath was about to be unleashed on the Philistines and Moabites. Israel’s combative relationship with the Philistines is well documented; but the greater part of today’s passage details the prophecy against Moab. Their offenses included worshiping idols and false gods, relying on their own achievements and treasures, and being proud and arrogant. Everything they worshiped, trusted, and prided themselves on was worthless in their day of judgment. God was going to judge His chosen people severely. How much worse would it be for Philistia and Moab?

How should I respond?
Sadly, much of present day society has been duped into trusting in manmade religions, good deeds, power, and wealth. None of these things satisfy God’s holiness in dealing with sin; He requires justice. Anyone not covered by the righteousness of Christ will be left to face the judgment of God. In that final day, mercy and grace will no longer be offered, and one’s own merits will amount to nothing. Who in your family or among your friends and acquaintances needs to receive Jesus? Ask the Lord to burden your heart and use you to bring them to faith in Christ before it is too late.|Further reading: Jeremiah 49



Read – Jeremiah 46

What does it say?
Jeremiah foretold the destruction of Egypt by the Babylonians and the future restoration of the scattered remnant of Israel.

What does it mean?
Jeremiah’s message to Egypt was one of impending doom. Even though she was a world power at that time, Egypt’s military grandeur and strength would be of no avail because Almighty God had orchestrated her judgment. Egypt had heavily influenced Judah’s decision to rebel against Babylon in direct opposition to God’s instructions for His people. Pharaoh presented himself as an ally to Judah’s leaders but failed to come through in the end. Despite the fact that they would be taken into exile, Israel had no need to fear. God promised to be with His people and to restore a remnant to their land.

How should I respond?
God’s covenant promises to Israel are a beautiful display of His mercy and grace. Because of His great love, God continues to offer restoration and redemption. Just as Israel had the promise of God’s covenant, believers today have the promise of the New Covenant in Christ and have been sealed with the Holy Spirit (Eph. 1:13-14). To whom do you turn for help? Are you relying upon your Heavenly Father, allowing His Spirit to comfort and guide you? Any influence that leads you away from Scripture will fail the test of time.



Read – Jeremiah 45

What does it say?
Baruch expressed great sorrow after writing the prophecy dictated by Jeremiah. The Lord told him that he would live, but he was not to seek great things for himself.

What does it mean?
Baruch was the scribe who had written the Lord’s message on a scroll, as dictated by Jeremiah (Chapter 36). The prophecy caused sorrow to overwhelm both the prophet and the scribe, but apparently for different reasons (8:21-9:1). God addressed the root cause of Baruch’s anguish – how God’s judgment would affect his own plans. The blinders on Baruch’s eyes gave him a limited and selfish perspective, but God’s plans were much bigger than one man’s personal aspirations. The Lord was rebuilding His people through whom the Messiah would come as Savior of the world.

How should I respond?
At some point, each of us has looked at something God has allowed and thought, “How does this affect me?” While that thought is part of human nature, it’s also a symptom of a huge misunderstanding in current Christian thinking. For the most part, we live in our own little bubbles, focused on what’s best for us. But as a follower of Christ, He asks you to live for something bigger than a personal agenda. How is God changing your world by uprooting and rebuilding something or someone? Will you respond in faith, looking for God’s purpose? Remember today … it’s not about you!



Read – Jeremiah 42

What does it say?
The remnant of Judah asked Jeremiah to inquire of the Lord, promising to do all He commanded, but then they refused to obey.

What does it mean? |Today’s reading is an example of what not to do in a crisis. The people were afraid of retaliation from Babylon, so they wanted to run to Egypt, thinking they would be safe there. They did not stop to inquire of the Lord through Jeremiah until after their plan was in motion. Jeremiah’s instructions required complete trust in God as their Protector. The reply was not what they wanted to hear. Their reaction proved that they were only asking for God’s approval of their plan. Even direct instructions from the Lord would not stop them from doing what they wanted to do.

How should I respond?
Sound familiar? Have you come up with a plan of action in the middle of a crisis and then stopped to pray? Too many times we make decisions and ask God to bless them rather than stopping first to ask God what His plan is. God promises to guide and protect us, but we must be willing to follow Him even when His directions are counterintuitive. What decision or crisis are you currently facing? How are you praying? Is it, “Bless my plan,” or “Lord, what is Your plan?” Take a moment to prepare your heart and mind to face today’s challenges. Ask God to help you trust and follow His plan.



Read – Jeremiah 40:1-6

What does it say?
Jeremiah was released and learned that the Lord had brought disaster on Judah just as He said He would because His people sinned against Him and did not obey Him.

What does it mean?
Word had spread to Babylon over time about Jeremiah, the prophet in Judah, who prophesied God’s judgment at the hands of Nebuchadnezzar. While the Lord’s message had been largely ignored by His own people, the commander of Nebuchadnezzar’s guard was familiar with its content. He seemed baffled that any nation would disobey their God. Jeremiah was afforded leniency because of his constant urging for Judah to peacefully surrender to Babylon.

How should I respond?
Every follower of Christ has a reputation among people who do not know the Lord. People without Christ may not follow the teachings of the Bible, but they certainly expect professing Christians to live by them. A personal relationship with Jesus creates change in your life (2 Corinthians 5:17). What do your neighbors and coworkers see as they observe your daily choices? Does your lifestyle baffle family members who do not yet follow Jesus? Ask the Lord to help you recognize and confess any area of disobedience to Him. Your lifestyle as a believer should have a marked difference that draws others to Christ. What kind of reputation will you build today?|Further reading: Jeremiah 40:7-41:18



Read – Jeremiah 39

What does it say?
When Nebuchadnezzar laid siege on Jerusalem, he captured Zedekiah, killed his sons, and put out his eyes. Jeremiah was set free, just as God had promised him.

What does it mean?
Although both Jeremiah and Zedekiah were fearful of Nebuchadnezzar, a stark contrast is seen between their reactions to God’s message and the consequences of their individual choices. Zedekiah didn’t trust God enough to give up control and obey the Lord. He lost far more than he feared he would because he resisted God’s message. Jeremiah, however, allowed fear to drive him toward God. He chose to trust God in spite of the dire situation. The Lord rewarded Jeremiah with an outcome that was more than he could have ever hoped for – freedom.

How should I respond?
Every decision we make has a consequence. The Bible is like a roadmap that guides us through the choices of each hill and valley in life. When we choose to ignore His Word and go out on our on, we are responsible for the consequences of our words and actions. When we turn to God in trust and obedience, He handles the consequences. What situation are you trying to control? How might you be ignoring the Lord’s instructions from Scripture? God will never call you to do anything that is contrary to His will or His Word. How will you demonstrate trust and obedience today?



Read – Jeremiah 38:14-28

What does it say?
Zedekiah sought advice from Jeremiah on what he should do about the impending siege and fall of Jerusalem to Babylon.

What does it mean?
Knowing that Jeremiah was a man of God, King Zedekiah sought his advice. It seems, however, that he only intended to follow Jeremiah’s instructions if God’s command had changed to his liking. The Lord had already given Zedekiah multiple warnings to change his course of action or face severe consequences. Fear kept Zedekiah from repentance and obedience to the Lord. His reaction shows that he was more fearful of being humiliated and mistreated by the Babylonians than of facing the Lord’s coming judgment on the city.

How should I respond?
Fear can cause us to make irrational choices or freeze up and not make a choice at all. Living in fear can keep you from being obedient to God. Psalm 118:5-6 tells us to call upon the Lord because He will answer. You never have to fear what the Lord instructs you to do. As a child of God, His will is the very place you will find the most security. What aspect of obedience to God causes you to be afraid? Being laughed at or ostracized? Give that fear to God today. Your obedience to God’s Word will have lasting effects on those around you – and could possibly impact generations to come.



Read – Jeremiah 38:1-13

What does it say?
Jeremiah was thrown into a cistern because he faithfully spoke God’s message.

What does it mean?
Jeremiah faithfully spoke God’s message to anyone who would listen, even though the message was not a popular one. The officials quickly dismissed the idea of surrendering to the Babylonians in order to live. They completely rejected the warning that they would die from war, famine, or disease if they tried to defend Jerusalem. Rather than acknowledge the divine nature of the message, they heard it from a human perspective, which made Jeremiah seem like a traitor. Although his life was spared, the elderly prophet paid a high price for preaching the Word of the Lord.

How should I respond?
It’s easy to talk with others when the message you are trying to convey is something they want to hear. In America, we do not experience the same persecution that many Christians around the world face. As a result, we usually lack the same passion to witness. As followers of Christ, we are called to tell those with whom we come in contact what God’s Word says, even though our society generally rejects the message. How will you share God’s Word today with your neighbors, friends, coworkers, and family? You’re not responsible for whether or not they accept the message; just be faithful to give it as He directs.



Read – Jeremiah 37

What does it say?
King Zedekiah imprisoned Jeremiah after he prophesied the destruction of the city.

What does it mean?
Zedekiah wanted Jeremiah to pray on behalf of the kingdom of Judah. But Zedekiah’s religion was superficial; he wanted God’s blessing without repentance. On the other hand, Jeremiah’s willingness to sacrifice all to deliver God’s message demonstrated more than commitment to a religious creed. He had a true relationship with the living Lord. Even though he was beaten and imprisoned, Jeremiah chose to serve the Lord wholeheartedly.

How should I respond?
Do you identify with one of the people in this chapter? Are you outwardly religious or inwardly committed to Christ? Man-made religion focuses on what you do, whereas a relationship with Jesus focuses on who you are in Christ. God desires to have a relationship with you. He wants you to know Him through reading the Bible and talking with Him in prayer. The more you experience His love, the more willing you’ll be to serve the Lord no matter the cost. How can you choose to serve God wholeheartedly today? Determine to follow Christ, not a mere religious creed.



Read – Jeremiah 36

What does it say?
Jeremiah dictated the Lord’s message to Baruch, who wrote it on a scroll. Jehoiakim, king of Judah, burned the scroll and ordered the arrest of Jeremiah and Baruch.

What does it mean?
The Lord wanted His people to return to Him. Jeremiah’s prophecy foretold the terrible things that would occur in Israel, Judah, and the surrounding nations unless there was repentance. Although the king proclaimed a time of fasting, it seems to have been a ritualistic attempt to appease God and stop the impending Babylonian attack. He didn’t grasp that God wanted their hearts to bow in obedience, not just their knees. Jehoiakim’s reaction to God’s message was as futile as it was defiant. God’s Word is indestructible because it flows from God Himself.

How should I respond?
God’s Word is eternal. Everything in life comes and goes, but God’s Word is unchanging (Isaiah 40:8). Yet there are people all around us who discount its truth, authority, and accuracy. Even people who believe the Bible is the inspired, inerrant Word of the Lord can be guilty of ignoring portions that cause them to be uncomfortable. What importance do you place on Scripture? Have you disregarded a difficult passage or marginalized its significance? If you are struggling with a question about Scripture, talk with a godly friend or a pastor. God’s truths are for all times and cannot be destroyed.



Read – Jeremiah 35

What does it say?
God contrasts the faithful obedience of the Recabites to their ancestor’s command with the direct disobedience of the Israelites to His call.

What does it mean?
The Recabites were nomadic descendants of Jethro who followed a code of conduct similar to the Nazarites. Even though their lifestyle was harsh and humble, they kept their vow. Knowing the Recabites would refuse the wine, Jeremiah used the situation to give the people of Judah an object lesson on obedience. The faithful obedience of the Recabites is contrasted with the disobedience of Judah and Jerusalem to the Lord’s instructions. If these nomads could obey the commands of a human leader, how much more should the people of Judah have obeyed the commands of the Lord?

How should I respond?
What are your family traditions? Some of them may be fun or silly, while others pass down important aspects of character and morality. Shouldn’t we be even more intent on obeying God’s Word than on keeping earthly traditions? The Lord gives us boundaries and commands to protect and guide us. The truths in Scripture point to a living relationship with Christ both today and eternally. How might you be disobeying God in some area of your life? What blessing of the Lord or aspect of your salvation have you taken for granted? Choose to obey God’s call and pass on a spiritual family tradition.



Read – Jeremiah 34

What does it say?
Jerusalem was about to be destroyed and its people taken into captivity. The Jews were rebuked for breaking their vow to free their slaves.

What does it mean?
Jeremiah’s warnings of God’s judgment had begun to take place as Babylon attacked the outskirts of Jerusalem. Zedekiah’s proclamation to free all slaves seems to have been an attempt to ward off God’s wrath by one corporate act of obedience. They had broken God’s Law by not releasing Hebrew indentured slaves every seven years. The Israelites initially followed Zedekiah’s command but were quick to break their promise when the Babylonian army withdrew temporarily. Ironically, God’s punishment for their disobedience was declaring their “freedom” to die by the sword.

How should I respond?
As children we were told, “Don’t make a promise that you don’t intend to keep.” Imagine what life would be like if we all stopped to think about our promises. By definition, a promise is a lasting agreement that is not to be broken. Too often, many of us fail to keep our word to both God and others. Because Christ is truth, He desires His followers to be people of integrity whose “Yes” means “Yes” and whose “No” means “No.” What promises have you made but failed to keep? Whose forgiveness do you need to seek? Start to correct the situation today. Determine to be a person whose promises are kept.



Read – Jeremiah 33

What does it say?
The Lord reminded Jeremiah that a time of peace and prosperity would come again to Israel and Judah. God reaffirmed His covenant with David and the promise of a Savior.

What does it mean?
God wanted Jeremiah to understand that His covenant promises would not be broken, despite the siege of Jerusalem. Once again, the Lord shared with Jeremiah the future healing of the land and restoration of His people. Captivity was the temporary consequence of their rejection of Him. Joy, prosperity, and peace would again reign in Jerusalem, as would David’s descendants. God’s message foreshadowed the eternal reign of David’s greatest Seed, the Messiah. In answer to Jeremiah’s prayer for understanding, the Lord revealed His glorious plans for His people.

How should I respond?
God still offers to give understanding. Just as He told Jeremiah, “Call to me,” God desires for us to seek Him when we lack understanding. Even better, He desires to answer us. Where do you turn for answers to your questions about life? It’s impossible to understand all the complexities of this life on your own. But as a follower of Christ, you are intimately connected to the One who knows how it all fits together. Will you call to Him today? His answer might be the reiteration of a promise or a revelation of His character. Regardless, He promises to be found by those who genuinely seek Him (Deut. 4:29; Matt. 7:7-8).



Read – Jeremiah 32

What does it say?
While imprisoned, Jeremiah was urged by the Lord to purchase land which was occupied by the enemy. He prayed and received confirmation on his purchase.

What does it mean?
Purchasing land currently occupied by enemy soldiers was counterintuitive. When you add the fact that Jeremiah’s own king had imprisoned him, and the city was about to be overtaken, none of it made any sense. Yet Jeremiah trusted and obeyed the Lord’s instructions. Jeremiah’s purchase of the land was a symbolic act, revealing that the exile would be temporary. The Lord would prove faithful to restore the land, even though it seemed unrealistic at the time. God reminded Jeremiah that nothing is too hard for Him!

How should I respond?
At times, God calls us to get out of our comfort zone and do something that doesn’t seem to make sense. God’s call to action usually comes through prayer or through the study of His Word. You have two choices when God prompts you to act: obey or disobey. Obedience is born of trust in the One who is asking you to act. What do you think God is calling you to do presently? How will you respond? He will never ask you to do anything that is outside His will or His Word. Even though you may not understand “Why?” or “How?” – remember that nothing is too hard for the Lord!



Read – Jeremiah 31

What does it say?
God promised the house of Israel that He would provide restoration, forgiveness of their sins, and a New Covenant.

What does it mean?
The New Covenant God promised to make with Israel is not a standard of conduct, like the old covenant Moses received. It is an internalization of God’s law in the hearts and minds of His people. Under the New Covenant, the sins of the nation would no longer be simply covered by the sacrificial blood of bulls and goats; God will forgive their sin and “will remember their sins no more.” The superior nature of the New Covenant completely removes the condemnation and guilt of sin. The New Covenant will be fulfilled with Israel during the Millennium. The nation of Israel will be restored to God and will again be known throughout the world as God’s people. This covenant will allow an intimacy with God that they could never experience under the old covenant.

How should I respond?
The New Covenant was enacted by the death and resurrection of Jesus. Through faith in Christ, every believer participates in this covenant by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Rather than follow a list of rules, Christians follow the internal prompting of the Holy Spirit, Who discloses the righteous nature of God and convicts of sin. Under the New Covenant, our sin can never exhaust God’s mercy and forgiveness. God is faithful and will forgive our sin when we confess it to Him and turn from it. Once forgiven, He will never bring up the record of our failures again because our punishment was placed on Christ at the cross. God calls us to forgive others just as He has forgiven us. God poured out His mercy on us when we deserved it the least. Who do you find difficult to forgive? Will you share the forgiveness you’ve received in Christ with someone in your life who desperately needs it?



Read – Jeremiah 30

What does it say? |God’s message promised the captive remnant in Babylon that He would restore them to their land where their descendants would serve Him in peace and security.

What does it mean?
Because God is just, He could not ignore Israel’s rejection of His commands. Yet one of the most amazing aspects of God’s character is that He disciplines out of love for the purpose of restoring His people. Because of their sin, Israel would experience great suffering, both in Jeremiah’s day and in the future. In fact, the future wound of the nation will appear to be incurable. However, God promises not only to hear Israel’s cry, but also to physically and spiritually heal them. His judgment on Israel’s oppressors applies to Babylon as well as the nations of the world during the Great Tribulation. God will justly save the nation and restore their land.

How should I respond?
It’s unpopular in our culture to believe that every person is born with a sin nature, but it is clearly taught in Scripture. Like God’s people in today’s passage, we each suffer a spiritual wound for which there is no cure from a human standpoint. Regardless of the fact that we deserve the wounds from our sin, God mercifully provided a complete cure through the death and resurrection of His Son, Jesus Christ. Those who believe and receive Him are no longer separated from God, but are free to live in the peace and security He provides. Have you received this incredible gift?



Read – Jeremiah 29

What does it say?
Jeremiah’s letter warned against false prophets and promised that God’s plan was good.

What does it mean?
While the exiles were captive in Babylon, false prophets gave false hope regarding the length of their captivity. Their teaching completely ignored the purpose behind God’s judgment. Jeremiah’s letter explained God’s true plan – to cause His people to return to Him. Judah had not remained faithful to the Lord during years of enjoying His blessings, nor had they responded to His warnings. Although His people were in captivity, God promised that when the people finally looked for Him, they would find Him. True to His covenant, God was taking care of His people, even though it seemed otherwise. All their hope rested in the fact that His plans for their future were far better than their own.

How should I respond?
Times of hardship are not always caused by disobedience; God sometimes allows suffering for our benefit. God’s plan is always to draw us closer to Him. If His goodness and blessings are not enough to bring us closer to Him, then He may use difficult circumstances. Either way, He promises that His plans for us are always good. What painful situation is God using to shape your character and future? How might you be looking for hope in anything or anyone other than Jesus Christ? Ask God to open your eyes to His plan. The old statement is true: God is good … all the time.



Read – Jeremiah 28

What does it say?
Hananiah prophesied that the yoke of Babylon would be broken within two years. Jeremiah said that Hananiah’s life would end for preaching rebellion against the Lord.

What does it mean?
It wasn’t difficult for Hananiah to persuade people to believe his lies; it was what they wanted to hear. But claiming to speak in the name of the Lord is a serious matter. There was only one way to prove that any prophet was truly a prophet of the Lord – what he preached had to come true. Jeremiah didn’t respond on his own to Hananiah’s challenge or dramatic breaking of the wooden yoke. Instead, he waited for God to send a message. Hananiah’s death, coming two months later, exposed him as a false prophet and proved Jeremiah to be the true prophet of the Lord.

How should I respond?
Our culture challenges God’s Word in some way every day. While standing for truth is important, how you do it may determine the impact of your words. First, make sure your convictions are based on scriptural commands and principles, not your own opinions or wishes. Then pray for discernment to know when to speak up and the boldness to do so. Those who challenge God’s Word often seem to have louder and more influential voices than ours. Just know that God will hold accountable anyone who challenges Him. What message from God’s Word do you need to pass along today?



Read – Jeremiah 27

What does it say?
God told Jeremiah to give a message to the people of Judah and her king: they must submit to Nebuchadnezzar or be destroyed.

What does it mean?
The Lord instructed Jeremiah to go to extreme measures to get Judah’s attention. Because their focus had been on false prophets instead of the Lord, He told them to do the unimaginable – submit to the pagan king, Nebuchadnezzar. It definitely did not make sense to them at that time, but God had a bigger plan. He was going to allow painful circumstances in the lives of His people to correct their theology and restore their relationship with Him. As Creator, God can do as He pleases, but His actions were based on love, not vindictiveness.

How should I respond?
Everything that touches your life has been sifted through the loving hands of God the Father. While He is not the cause of all painful circumstances, He has allowed them. When you can’t see God’s purpose, trust His heart. He loves you and views your life from an eternal perspective. In order to draw you closer, the Lord sometimes allows trials to shape your character, remove sin, or bring glory to His name. In what impossible circumstance do you need to trust God? Doing so will impact the lives of those around you for His honor and glory.



Read – Jeremiah 26

What does it say?
The priests and prophets called for Jeremiah to be sentenced to death. The officials and the people, however, refused to kill the one who spoke in the name of the Lord.

What does it mean?
Chapter 26 records the response to the Lord’s message given through Jeremiah (Chapters 7-10). The lackadaisical attitude toward sin stemmed from a disbelief that God would ever destroy His holy city or His house. But where God’s people worshiped was not as important to Him as the purity of their worship. Their religion had higher priority than their relationship with the Lord. Although they admitted that the message came from God and refused to kill His prophet, they stopped short of repentance. God had proven to be longsuffering (v. 5) and merciful (v. 19); He would also be just in judging their sin.

How should I respond?
America has long claimed to be a Christian nation, yet each generation turns further from God. National mottos like, “In God we trust” and “One nation, under God” come under attack again and again from our own citizenry. The Lord’s message is still the same: repentance brings mercy, but continued disobedience means judgment. How have you responded? Don’t mistake God’s longsuffering nature for His unwillingness or inability to righteously judge sin. He still sees through superficial worship. No religious practice can take the place of a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.



Read – Jeremiah 25:1-14

What does it say?
For 23 years the people of Judah continually rejected God’s messages through His prophet Jeremiah, provoking God’s anger and His judgment against them.

What does it mean?
God had shown mercy to the Jewish people by sending His prophets over and over again. With each one, though, they continued to disobey the law, worship idols, and reject God’s warnings. Still, His judgment was not immediate. Rather than respond to His mercy, they continued to disobey, reflecting attitudes of stubbornness and pride. God’s longsuffering of their rebellion had come to an end, and they would suffer 70 years of captivity in Babylon. After that time, God would free them and judge the Babylonian Empire for the ruthless treatment of His people.

How should I respond?
Stop and evaluate your own rebellion. We too sometimes choose stubbornness and pride instead of obedience to the Lord. What other attitudes hinder you from experiencing closeness with God? How has the Lord put the same message in front of you time after time? Have you listened and followed through, or have you just let it go in one ear and out the other? Thankfully, God is merciful and patient. Because He desires a close relationship with you, He will not allow you to continue in rebellion. How will you respond to His mercy?|Further reading: Jeremiah 25:15-38



Read – Jeremiah 24

What does it say?
God showed Jeremiah two baskets of figs representing the people of Judah. The Lord would destroy the unfaithful, but would give the faithful a new heart to know Him

What does it mean?
God’s desire has always been to have a relationship with His people. He has done whatever was necessary to display his unending, steadfast commitment to loving and caring for them, even in their unfaithfulness. God made it clear that He would purge the land of evil by removing and destroying those who turned Jerusalem against Him. But God still had a people. The remnant would return to the land and be restored to God. One day they would be devoted to knowing Him with their whole hearts. They would be His people, and He would be their God. There would be no place for idolatry.

How should I respond?
God still requires His people to have a whole-hearted commitment to Him. The Holy Spirit prompts us to remove influences that make us callous to sin. The Lord wants to purge anything from your heart that takes a higher priority than your relationship with Him. Sometimes, there is a gentle nudging. At other times, He convicts with more significant force. He will do whatever it takes to bring you to a place of complete commitment to Him. What is the Lord doing right now to bring you to such a place? God’s love is steadfast, and His commitment to you never wavers. How will you respond?



Read – Jeremiah 23:9-40

What does it say?
Jeremiah prophesied God’s punishment on the lying prophets and wicked priests.

What does it mean?
In Jerusalem, self-proclaimed prophets were distorting God’s Word, dismissing the evil deeds of the people, and encouraging the worship of false gods. The priests in the Lord’s house were also intentionally leading God’s people astray. The spiritual leaders of Judah no longer sought God; none of them spent time with Him or listened to Him for truth and direction. Instead, they invested their efforts and time in making people feel better about their sin. God’s true word from Jeremiah was like a fire, meant to penetrate and purify their hearts. While harsh, it was sorely needed in a city where lies were embraced, and truth was ignored.

How should I respond?
The truth is sometimes hard to hear. Since all truth comes from God, His Word is the standard by which we can test what we read and hear. Any preaching, teaching, or advice that makes you feel better about your sin will eventually destroy you. How might you have accepted sweet-sounding promises and lies over truth? Spend some quiet time with God in order to evaluate the influences on your life with truth from Scripture. Even when it’s painful to hear, truth is for your benefit because it chips away at sinful thoughts and habits, making you more like Christ.



Read – Jeremiah 23:1-8

What does it say?
God promised to punish the shepherds who scattered and destroyed His people. He will gather the remnant and place them under a wise and righteous Davidic King.

What does it mean?
A shepherd’s role was clear: protect the flock. The leaders who were to shepherd God’s flock not only neglected their basic needs, they actually put the people in harm’s way. The line of kings through David was now cut off, but God promised to restore that line through a great future King. The Righteous Branch of David – the Messiah – will deliver Israel from their enemies. When He returns, King Jesus will justly and wisely reign over a united Israel for a thousand years.

How should I respond?
Men often fail, but Jesus has never failed and never will. Is your trust and hope placed in Him or in human leaders? Regardless of the care or neglect of the leadership you are under, you can experience the peace and love of Jesus Christ, the Good Shepherd. As the Messiah, He has initiated the greatest rescue and victory of all time – salvation from sins and the hope of eternal life. Have you acknowledged Jesus as your King? How will His imminent return affect your thoughts and plans today?



Read – Jeremiah 22:11-30

What does it say?
Jeremiah prophesied the fate of King Josiah’s sons.

What does it mean?
God was outraged at the behavior of Josiah’s sons. They were not men of character. They led God’s people away through the worship of false gods and chose to advance their own agendas. Each saw his position as a pathway to fame and fortune rather than as a place of service to the Lord. Kings who ruled over God’s people were to reflect His character. How a king treated the people was evidence of his commitment to God. Instead of establishing a kingdom of righteousness and justice, Shallum and Jehoiakim corrupted the royal throne and left a legacy of disgrace.

How should I respond?
As followers of Jesus, we share many blessings. If we are not careful, we can become self-absorbed with the benefits we gain in Christ. Those privileges come with the responsibility of caring for people who have less and sharing the gospel of Jesus. Does your treatment of others reflect Christ? Or do your actions reflect a person devoted to self? Where are you serving the Lord, encouraging others to follow Him? You can choose either to advance your own name or honor the name of Christ – but you can’t do both.



Read – Jeremiah 21:11-22:10

What does it say?
Jeremiah prophesied the destruction of Jerusalem unless the king and the people pursued what was just and right.

What does it mean?
The laws of Israel and Judah addressed their relationship with God and their relationships with one another. Their continual disregard for His covenant was leading God’s people to destruction. They chose to ignore His warnings and continued to pursue selfish desires. The complete annihilation of the city would be the consequence of covenant unfaithfulness. Even people from surrounding nations would recognize the ruins of Jerusalem as the Lord’s judgment against His people and their worship of other gods. God’s greatness would be proclaimed, even in disaster.

How should I respond?
God is worthy to be praised, regardless of the situation. We can get distracted by negative circumstances and forget to look for His greatness in the midst of it. Do you limit your praise of God to situations that fit your liking? We can be confident that He is the same amazing God in the good times and the bad. Are you in the midst of difficultly right now, or do you know someone close to you who is? How can you choose to bless His name today, regardless of the situation? Ask God to give you eyes that are open to seeing Him work and a heart willing to praise Him … regardless.



Read – Jeremiah 21:1-10

What does it say?
Jeremiah told King Zedekiah that God would join Nebuchadnezzar and fight against Jerusalem.

What does it mean?
Pashhur and Zephaniah wanted God to miraculously fight for His people as He had done throughout their existence as a nation. They failed to realize that previous displays of His power on their behalf were usually connected to their obedience. Presently, Judah disregarded warnings regarding their sin. Although the city and the monarchy would be destroyed, God graciously offered His people a way of escape: surrender to the Babylonians. Surrendering their will to God’s plan would be their means to life.

How should I respond?
The American mindset is, “Never surrender!” Like Judah, however, complete surrender to God is our means to life. Despite His patience, we often remain defiant, knowingly disobeying the Lord’s instructions while presumptuously asking Him to fight our battles. Giving up control of your life requires humility. So how do you know when you’ve surrendered? Can you honestly say that you trust Him more than your own agenda? Do you spend more time fighting against God’s plan or for His purpose? God wants to graciously intervene in your life. You must first be willing to say, “I surrender all!”



Read – Jeremiah 20

What does it say?
Jeremiah was physically punished for prophesying God’s impending wrath. In prayer, he both complained to the Lord and praised His name for deliverance.

What does it mean?
No one had more reason to be discouraged in ministry than Jeremiah. His prayer in this passage is a roller coaster of emotions. He felt ill prepared by God for the rejection and abuse he had endured and wanted to quit, but he found it impossible to stay quiet. As he prayed for vengeance, Jeremiah came to better understand God’s heart regarding Judah – their increasing wickedness had to be dealt with, but the high cost to His beloved people and city was heart-wrenching. Is it any wonder he lamented being born in such sorrowful times? At the height of the prayer, Jeremiah remembered God’s promises for his ministry (1:19; 15:20), leading him again to worship the Lord.

How should I respond?
Jesus never promised that following Him would be easy; in fact, He warned that it would be difficult (John 16:33). Are you discouraged when you don’t see results in your ministry efforts or when someone publicly ridicules your faith? How can you keep from being disheartened when you’re tempted to give up? Listen to music that focuses your mind on the Lord; nurture relationships with other believers for mutual encouragement. Most importantly, search Scripture for promises and meditate on them through prayer. Having a godly mindset will help you stand firm and focused during challenging times.



Read – Jeremiah 18-19

What does it say?
Jeremiah saw the potter smash his clay pot and start over because his work was not forming what he had intended. God could rightfully do the same with Judah.

What does it mean?
The relationship of the clay to the potter is one of total submission. Jeremiah saw that the potter had every right to smash and reshape the lump since the clay did not mold to the potter’s intentions. After all, it was his clay and his design. Likewise, the Lord was justified in building up or reshaping His creation, specifically the house of Israel, as He determined. Of course, it would pain the potter to destroy the work that he had started. God was also grieved that His daughter Israel had become so hopelessly wicked that He needed to crush the nation and rebuild from the exiled remnant.

How should I respond?
Would a lump of clay question the potter’s design (Isaiah 29:16)? Just as a potter forms clay into a beautiful and useful vessel, God’s specific plan for you unfolds through obedience to His Word. Turning away from His commands shapes your life into something other than God’s perfect design, something harmful to you. Because He loves you, the Lord will always try to bring you back to Him through discipline and the conviction of the Holy Spirit. He may even allow you to suffer the natural consequences of sinful choices. Are you submitting daily to God’s will for your life? How will you be a vessel that brings Him honor and glory today?



Read – Jeremiah 17:1-13

What does it say?
Judah’s sin was deeply engraved on hearts that were totally wicked. Only the Lord can examine a heart and mind and reward each person accordingly.

What does it mean?
God’s people abandoned a clearly laid-out path to peace and freedom in exchange for a path that led to death and captivity. Such an absurd choice can only be explained by deception – in this case, self-deception. The Judeans’ own hearts told them that they had done nothing wrong, which was treachery against God. It was more comfortable to believe their misguided hearts than to accept their true condition – sinful. However, the deceptive motives of the heart and mind cannot be hidden from God. Only He saw and understood their hearts and minds at the deepest level.

How should I respond?
In our present culture, it has become popular to think that we are all basically good, but the Bible is clear: every person is born with evil inclinations. Our sin nature causes us to twist truth, convincing ourselves that we’re okay as we are. Without the Holy Spirit, we’re helpless to discern Scripture and compare our tainted thinking with God’s teachings. The Holy Spirit stands ready to help you overcome the sin struggle you’re facing right now (1 Cor. 2:12-13). Ask God to search your heart and mind today and reveal any misleading thoughts that contradict His Word. |Further reading: Jeremiah 17:14-27



Read – Jeremiah 16

What does it say?
God restricted Jeremiah from marrying or having children. Jeremiah was also not to attend funerals or occasions of feasting with the wicked, disobedient people of Judah.

What does it mean?
Most Hebrew men were married before the age of twenty. So God’s instructions for His prophet to forego marriage and family certainly raised questions. The Lord required His prophet to give up an important part of Judean culture as a sign to God’s people that normal family relationships would be severed in the horrible times ahead. The additional restrictions to abstain from times of celebration and mourning pictured the absence of joyous occasions and a total lack of godly comfort. The restrictions on Jeremiah’s human relationships left him without family or friends. Each restriction, however, had a purpose that forced Jeremiah to rely on the Lord alone.

How should I respond?
God’s plan for your life may be very different from what you have pictured. Following Christ sometimes requires sacrificing something that seems good for you. In those moments, it isn’t a matter of right and wrong, but of good and best (Philippians 1:10). God may call you to remain unmarried, to move across or out of the country, or take a job that pays less. What has God asked of you that goes against your culture or family traditions? Whatever it is, you can be certain that it is not random … He has a purpose.



Read – Jeremiah 15:10-21

What does it say?
Distraught over the persecution he faced from the Judeans as a result of his loyalty to God, Jeremiah questioned God’s reasons for his continued misery.

What does it mean?
Jeremiah’s job as God’s prophet was to rebuke Judah and warn of destruction and captivity if they did not return to the Lord. When his fellow Judeans rejected the message, Jeremiah took it personally. However, it was actually the Lord and His message they were rejecting. Jeremiah had been obedient to give the message but was blind to his own sin: self-pity. God promised strength, resolve, and protection if Jeremiah changed his attitude and fully submitted to God. Without personal repentance, Jeremiah could be swayed by the Judeans instead of making an impact on them.

How should I respond?
You have a choice when feeling defeated: dwell on your weaknesses and adversaries, or focus on God’s strength and abilities. Jesus Himself assures us that His power works best in our weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9). When you face adversity, will you choose self-pity and accept defeat, or will you trust God to use your weaknesses to make His strength known? Ask God to reveal any sin that may be in the way of your service to Him and confess it. Who is the Lord leading you to influence for His purpose? Your attitude today may determine the impact you will have on them.



Read – Jeremiah 14:1-15:9

What does it say?
The devastation of the drought and famine caused the people of Judah to cry out to God. Jeremiah appealed to God on their behalf, and He spoke regarding their rebellion.

What does it mean?
There are several accounts in the Old Testament of God’s using drought and famine as discipline to turn His people back to Him. In this instance, the people of Judah acknowledged that only God could bring rain. They expected His help, appealing to God’s goodness and His covenant with them. The Lord saw their hearts, though, and knew that their repentance was not sincere. They were not genuinely broken over their sin. They had, in fact, deserted Him – not the other way around. As a result, they believed lies from the false prophets as their nation headed toward horrible destruction.

How should I respond?
If you have a friend who only calls you when he or she has a need, then you have a glimpse of how God viewed the nation of Judah in today’s passage. At one time or another you’ve probably been guilty of the same thing. Have you, as God’s child, neglected your relationship with Him, only to plead for help when things go wrong? While God promises to care for His people, He may show His love through discipline if you choose to ignore His commands. It takes genuine repentance to restore full health to the relationship. Are you truly seeking God today or just looking for His blessings?



Read – Jeremiah 13

What does it say?
God’s people were to be bound to the Lord like the belt around Jeremiah’s waist. Those they thought to be allies would take Judah captive if they arrogantly refused to listen.

What does it mean?
God gave Jeremiah object lessons and word pictures for the people of Jerusalem. The linen belt lesson revealed their problem: God’s people were soiled by pride and the worship of false gods. The wineskins demonstrated the consequences of their arrogance – He would destroy Jerusalem if they didn’t listen. He continued with multiple word pictures illustrating their sin and its coming judgment: stumbling in the dark, taking a flock captive, changing a leopard’s spots, scattering chaff by the wind, and disgracing a woman’s purity. The overarching message in each part of the passage is, “Listen.”

How should I respond?
Object lessons and word pictures demonstrating God’s truth surround us. Gardeners may notice that weeds don’t need any help to grow and take over a garden. It takes diligent care for the desired plants to bloom and flourish. The same is true in our spiritual lives; sin is the result of neglect, while the fruit of the Spirit requires careful nurturing. Pay attention today, and you’ll begin to see God’s object lessons everywhere. What message is God trying to get across to you? Are you listening? How can you convey what you learn to family and friends?



Read – Jeremiah 12

What does it say?
Jeremiah knew the Lord was righteous but questioned why the wicked prospered. God would forsake Judah, allowing enemies to lay waste to their land.

What does it mean?
What Jeremiah knew to be true about the Lord didn’t seem to match what he saw happening. Like Job and David before him, he questioned why people without regard for God seemed to have His blessing. The righteous were suffering from the drought sent by the Lord as judgment on sin, while the unrighteous appeared to be unaffected. God didn’t directly answer Jeremiah’s concern. Instead, He prepared Jeremiah for the more difficult road ahead. The Lord was going to deal righteously with His faithless people as well as their enemies, in His time and in His way. God’s compassion is not limited to His chosen people but will be extended to anyone who calls on His name.

How should I respond?
The world offers all kinds of answers to the question, “Why do things happen the way they do?” Some believe in fate – a cosmic power that controls a person’s future. Karma is an Eastern religious belief that a person’s own actions determine whether good or bad things happen to him. Others think life unfolds purely from good or bad luck. But as followers of Christ, we trust in the preeminence of God – that nothing can prevent His plan from taking place. Ask God to help you trust His sovereignty, even in those circumstances that don’t make sense.



Read – Jeremiah 11

What does it say?
The Word of the Lord came to Jeremiah. God announced judgment on those who did not obey His covenant.

What does it mean?
The Lord’s covenant with the Israelites seemed simple, “Obey Me.” They would enjoy a unique relationship as God’s chosen people if they would just follow Him. He promised a life and a land that overflowed with His blessing. But God’s people broke their covenant with the Lord by worshipping false gods and refusing to listen to His Word or His prophet. Why would they make such a choice? They stubbornly chose to follow what their own hearts wanted instead of submitting their hearts to God. The all-seeing and all-knowing Lord would have to correct His people through judgment. When that day came, God would ignore their pleas for help and any intercession on their behalf. Disobedience left the once strong nations of Israel and Judah broken.

How should I respond?
The Lord’s call on your life can be expressed by one simple request: “Obey Me.” So why do we sometimes find it difficult to obey? Genuine obedience comes from the inside out. An outward change in behavior cannot be permanent if your heart is unchanged. God wants to give you a heart like His. Committing to prayer and Bible study each day helps you to grow more like Christ. How have you seen God change your heart as a result of being in His Word? Where do you still need to be more obedient to Him? Only Jesus Christ can change our hearts. What do you need to give over to Him today?



Read – Jeremiah 10:17-25

What does it say?
Jeremiah foretold the devastation of his country and desolation of God’s people. He agreed with the discipline but asked for a reprieve so they wouldn’t be destroyed.

What does it mean?
There was nothing the people of Jerusalem could do; their captivity and the devastation of their city were certain. For generations the Israelites arrogantly assumed they had the right to be independent of the Lord instead of turning to Him as their Sovereign Sustainer. God’s people had gone about their own plans for long enough, choosing to worship idols rather than their Creator. They now had to follow the path God had chosen for them, based on their lack of obedience to Him. Jeremiah agreed with God’s just discipline but feared His wrath would destroy His people.

How should I respond?
How many times have you chosen a path in life and then asked God to go along with your plan? As followers of Christ, we freely give up the right to direct our steps; our lives are not our own (1 Cor. 6:19-20). Trying to choose your own way will only take your mind captive and keep your focus off the Lord. God alone knows how your life will best honor Him, bless others, and benefit you. In what way might you be declaring independence from God? He gave His Son to die for you. Doesn’t that kind of love warrant trusting Him with the plans of your life?



Read – Jeremiah 10:1-16

What does it say?
Jeremiah contrasted handcrafted gods with the one true God. No one could compare to the eternal King of nations, the Lord Almighty.

What does it mean?
Jeremiah’s poetic comparison demonstrated the huge divide between the people’s notions of what a god should look like and their Creator God. The contrasts proved God alone as worthy of worship. Their idols couldn’t communicate with them, help or protect them. Ironically, they bowed down to an image that had to be carried from one place to another. Man-made idols have no life or breath, but God’s breath sustains all. God knows all and rules over all; He is unique, powerful, wise, and eternal. Jeremiah couldn’t fathom the foolishness of choosing false gods over the one true God.

How should I respond?
All over the world, people still bow down to handcrafted images. Yet the eternal King alone sits on His throne, deserving our worship. What religious images or ideas on the world stage compete with the God of the Bible for worship? How concerned are you that many people attempt to fill the emptiness in their lives with something other than the one true God? Today’s passage is a call to action. What will you do today to actively proclaim God as the only one worthy of worship? Keep your eyes open and your spirit ready to point others to Him. There is no substitute for our incomparable, Almighty God!



Read – Jeremiah 8:4-9:26

What does it say?
Judah had been given the Law of the Lord, but the people rejected it. Jeremiah grieved over God’s judgment that would fall on the nation.

What does it mean?
God’s people had been given the gift of the Law of the Lord – the foundation of wisdom. The Law, however, had become more of a cultural symbol than a standard to live by. Rather than apply what it said, they hid behind it like a good luck charm. The scribes, who studied, copied, and communicated the Law became puffed up by their own wisdom and twisted God’s Word for their own purposes. This pattern of false wisdom affected the entire nation. Jeremiah mourned because his countrymen had abandoned God’s Word and stubbornly followed their own ideas and desires instead.

How should I respond?
God’s Word is a gift to the entire world. Cultures and governments have been founded on Judeo-Christian thought and ethics. But little by little, people have replaced God’s wisdom with their own. Chaos and corruption are bound to follow when people cease to recognize or follow God’s laws. Impacting your society for Christ starts with a decision to submit to Scripture as the ultimate authority for your life. How might you be living by your own thoughts and opinions rather than following His wisdom? True wisdom comes only from the Lord and must be lived out to be effective.



Read – Jeremiah 7:1-29

What does it say?
The Lord sent Jeremiah to the temple with a message: if God’s people would obey Him, they could live in the land. Otherwise, He would remove them from His presence.

What does it mean?
Despite their outward show of religious activity, the people of Judah were not fooling God. They deceived themselves by assuming that their sacrifices and offerings at the temple appeased God and offered them protection and security. In reality, they had disobeyed His instructions and had drifted far away from Him. God desired a genuine commitment to Him rather than to their traditions. God continued to deliver a clear message: if they continued to disregard His correction, He would allow the destruction of the temple, His dwelling place, and would remove them from their land.

How should I respond?
You can’t fool God. Neither can you impress the Lord with religiosity while allowing sin to go unchecked. He desires whole-hearted commitment to Him alone. We can become distracted from that sole devotion by trying to keep up appearances at church or in our community. Authentic Christianity requires an honest evaluation of whether you are truly committed to the Lord or simply going through religious motions. In what area of your life have you drifted away from Him? God already knows everything, so why not be truthful before the Lord right now? Choosing to do otherwise is just self-deception. |Further reading: Jeremiah 7:30-8:3



Read – Jeremiah 6

What does it say?
The people ignored Jeremiah’s warnings of the approaching siege on Jerusalem. They rejected God’s path that would have allowed them to escape the destruction.

What does it mean?
God explicitly told Judah how to avoid His wrath on their wicked behavior – repent. But they still refused to listen to Jeremiah’s warnings, even as the enemy made plans to invade. Their hearts had become so hardened that they no longer valued what God said. The conscience of the entire nation had been seared; even the leaders showed no embarrassment when confronted with their vile behavior. Just as silver is refined to rid it of impurities, God planned to use the coming judgment to purify their hearts. Sadly, they thought they could rely on ritualistic religious practices to please God.

How should I respond?
Do you ever compare your own actions with others and think, “Well, at least I’m not doing THAT!”? When we do, we ignore the Holy Spirit’s conviction, allowing our sin to become a normal part of our lives. Gradually accepting sin leads to a mindset that is not embarrassed by it anymore. Yet all sin drastically affects the quality of our relationship with God. What sin have you slowly accepted into your lifestyle? Will you confess it to the Lord today? Ask God to prick your conscience with conviction and to forgive you for accepting sin’s presence and quenching the work of the Holy Spirit.



Read – Jeremiah 5

What does it say?
God challenged Jeremiah to find just one person who was just and sought the truth, yet he found no one. God announced that His just judgment was on its way.

What does it mean?
Not one person in Judah had chosen to heed Jeremiah’s warnings of judgment. God’s instructions regarding how to live were designed to protect His people and teach them to deal fairly with one another. They not only overstepped those boundaries but actually embraced wicked people and harmful behavior. In His divine justice, God would send the Babylonians as judgment on Judah’s choice to abandon Him. Still, the Lord graciously and faithfully purposed not to completely destroy them. Their relationship with God could be rebuilt.

How should I respond?
Like a parent who must sometimes discipline the child he loves, God serves both as our Father and our Judge. He is not unduly harsh, but He is just. The Lord lovingly sets up boundaries for our protection. We should expect His discipline when we step past those boundaries. His mercy and justice are perfectly balanced. He never fails to forgive and restore us when we confess our wrongdoing. Which of God’s boundaries might you have overstepped this week? What ramifications followed? Today, humbly ask God for mercy. He is always willing to give you a fresh start.



Read – Jeremiah 4:5-31

What does it say?
Jeremiah warned God’s people that disaster was on its way due to their disobedience. He challenged them to turn to Him with hearts moved to repentance.

What does it mean?
Jeremiah urged Judah to turn to the Lord in repentance. God’s chosen people had lost all discernment between good and evil. As a matter of fact, they were very skilled in doing evil and ignorant of what was good. They needed to understand fully the consequences of abandoning the Lord and His commands. No punishment was too harsh if it meant recapturing their unfaithful hearts. God’s warnings reinforced His desire for His people to repent and turn to Him for rescue. Ignoring the warnings of God’s prophet would seal Judah’s fate.

How should I respond?
Good parents teach their children from a young age to avoid danger. We understand that parents lovingly warn and discipline their kids to keep them out of harm’s way. God’s warnings in Scripture are no different. Because God loves us, He warns us about the devastating consequences of disobedience. The Lord says, “Do not” in order to protect us from harm. What biblical warning have you ignored? What are the likely consequences? Ask God to help you recognize where your heart has gone astray. His Word is a gift to guide our choices. Will you choose to heed His warnings today?



Read – Jeremiah 3:6-4:4

What does it say?
God sent another message reprimanding the sins of His people. This time, He offered them mercy if they would truly abandon their wicked ways and commit to Him.

What does it mean?
God’s covenant relationship with His people is pictured as a marriage. The Lord was the husband, the One to whom their highest commitment was due. But Israel and Judah committed spiritual adultery by abandoning worship of the Lord for idols. Judah even paid lip serve to God while flaunting her unfaithfulness. Yet in His love for them, God extended an offer of mercy, urging them to genuinely cast aside everything that kept them from fully committing to Him. Continued disobedience would bring His wrath, but because He keeps His covenant, He declared, “I will choose you.”

How should I respond?
We wouldn’t casually accept even occasional unfaithfulness in our marriages. Well, God sets the same standard for His people, the bride of Christ (Ephesians 5:25-27.) Because of His unchanging affection, you never have to worry that He will abandon you. In return, God wants your wandering heart to be transformed by His love, resulting in full devotion to Him. What is your level of commitment to Christ? Do you have a covenant relationship with the Lord? If you say you love Him, make sure your choices don’t prove otherwise. Sincerely ask God to renew your heart to be faithful in loving Him above all.



Read – Jeremiah 2:1-3:5

What does it say?
Through Jeremiah, God brought charges against Judah because they had rejected their covenant with Him and forsaken Him for other gods.

What does it mean?
Judah turned toward false gods, choosing to exchange the glory of their God for worthless idols. They knew what it was like to walk with Him intimately, yet they allowed their land to be polluted with pagan practices. Abandoning their covenant was offensive to the Lord, and rightly so. He required His people to be distinct, separated to Him only. As a loving Father, God spoke firmly against their disobedience while trying to reconcile the relationship by recounting His goodness toward them. But instead of repenting, they tried to justify their behavior and shift the blame to Him.

How should I respond?
God desires intimacy with you. Because He is righteously jealous for your affection, God will always try to draw you back when your affections wander. Turning toward anything other than God is turning against Him. What have you traded for the intimate relationship that God wants with you? Ask the Lord to reveal anything in your life that could pollute your heart. When He does, confess it as sin and turn to Him with a changed heart and mind. As your loving Heavenly Father, God will always convict you of sin, but He will not force you to repent and obey.



Read – Jeremiah 1

What does it say? |God told Jeremiah that he was chosen before his birth to be a prophet among the nations. God would give him the words to speak to His rebellious people.

What does it mean?
Even though Jeremiah came from the priestly line, the call to be a prophet was unexpected. God wanted to use Jeremiah to urge His people to repent and return to Him. Although he felt inadequate, the Lord would give Jeremiah everything he needed, including the exact words to say. God warned the new prophet that the people would rise against him because the nation as a whole had turned their backs on the Lord. Jeremiah would need to be bold, consistently speaking out against social and personal sins. God’s promise to be with him and equip him removed all reason for fear.

How should I respond?
God still enables those He calls. As with Jeremiah, God acknowledges our fears but assures His followers of His continual presence and provision. What is God calling you to do that may be nerve-wracking? Maybe He is asking you to go to a place or people group outside of your comfort zone and that frightens you. Or maybe you don’t feel skilled enough to accomplish a new ministry task at church. Choose today to trust the One who called you before you were born. He will always provide everything you need to obey His call. Today, let go of fear and look for evidence of God’s presence.



Read – Isaiah 66

What does it say?
Those who love Jerusalem will be blessed and comforted, but her enemies will see God’s fury. People from all nations will come to Jerusalem to worship the Lord.

What does it mean?
The Book of Isaiah reaches its climax by telling Israel how the Lord will keep His promises to bless His people and judge her enemies. Yet their sacrifices to the Lord were still ritualistic rather than heartfelt. Authentic worship begins in humility with remorse for sin, which was impossible as long as they refused to listen to or answer the Lord. So Isaiah gave Israel a glimpse of two points in their future: destruction of the temple by Babylon and rebirth as a nation under the rule of the Messiah. God’s message was clear – sin brings judgment, but repentance brings salvation. One day, God will use Israel’s faithfulness to cause worldwide worship of the Messiah as King.

How should I respond?
Authentic faith causes others to take notice. Sadly, some who profess to follow Christ are obstacles to others’ faith. If neighbors watch you routinely drive to church but don’t see a distinction in your lifestyle, you may be hindering their decision to trust in Jesus. What do you think would change in your church if people showed genuine remorse for sin? How would your community be impacted if your congregation demonstrated heartfelt worship of the Lord throughout the week? If you want a nonbeliever to see his need for Jesus, show him the difference Jesus can make. Be genuine. Be authentic.



Read – Isaiah 65

What does it say?
The Lord will repay Israel for her sins but will not destroy them all. Those who serve Him will live in the new Heaven and Earth, where pain and sorrow do not exist.

What does it mean?
God’s hands are referenced three times in chapter 65. First, He graciously reached out to His people in love. Then His hand enabled Assyria and Babylon to carry out His judgment. The third time tells that God’s hands will one day create a new Heaven and a new Earth. While Isaiah doesn’t provide a physical description (Rev. 21), he does describe what life will be like in a world without sin and evil. People will enjoy meaningful work, just as before mankind disobeyed God. Even the nature of the animal world will be transformed. Anything that previously caused pain or sorrow will no longer exist, nor will it be remembered. God and His people will have perfect communion together.

How should I respond?
It’s hard to imagine a world with no sorrow. Our experiences on Earth have been tainted completely by the effects of sin on people, animals, and nature itself. But that’s not how God created the world to be. What has caused you pain and grief? One day it will be gone and forgotten if you are a follower of Christ. How does this passage change how you see the world and the people you come across today? Which friends or family members do you need to tell about Jesus so they, too, will be part of this glorious future?



Read – Isaiah 63-64

What does it say?
After Isaiah praised God, the Father of Israel, he asked for compassion and retribution on their enemies. He admitted their sin and asked God to look on them and forgive.

What does it mean?
These chapters contain Isaiah’s prophetic prayer on behalf of those who would be exiled in Babylon more than 100 years later. The righteous remnant desired to experience the power and love of their God, just as their forefathers had during the years in the wilderness. Acknowledging their sin showed recognition that the distance between God and His people had been created by their choices. With no righteousness of their own, their best efforts were like dirty rags in His sight. They would once again seek to be a nation shaped by God’s hand, like a lump of clay on a potter’s wheel.

How should I respond?
During some periods of time, more than others, you recognize exactly who you are in God’s eyes. If you’ve chosen to receive the death of Jesus as the payment for your sin, God sees His righteousness covering you. But it is impossible to maintain a healthy relationship and open communication with Him when you choose to rebel. Has sin created distance between you and the Lord? Although no good deed can make up for it, your situation is not hopeless. Ask God for the clarity to see your sin as He sees it. As you allow God to shape you as He wishes, you’ll experience His love, power, and forgiveness.



Read – Isaiah 62

What does it say?
God will give Jerusalem a new name and cause her righteousness to shine. The Savior will return with the Redeemed of the Lord as His reward.

What does it mean?
New names in the Bible represent a fundamental change in character initiated by God. Over the centuries, the name of Israel has been associated with war, desolation, and persecution. The future Jerusalem and her inhabitants will have new names that reflect the favor and righteousness of God, the Father. The names “Hephzibah and Beulah” characterize God’s delight in Israel as a husband with a bride. Jews from around the world will flock there to prepare for and announce the return of the Savior after the Great Tribulation. When He arrives, God’s people will be called “Holy” and “Redeemed.”

How should I respond?
Trends in baby names change every few years. Some parents search for a name with a significant meaning. No matter what you were named, you received a new name when you decided to follow Christ. Just think about the significance of your new name: God calls you “Holy” and “Redeemed.” Salvation transforms you into a completely new person (2 Cor. 5:17). The character and mind of Christ reside within you. How are you actively reflecting your new name and character in everyday life? Determine today to live up to the name given by your heavenly Father.



Read – Isaiah 61

What does it say?
The Messiah would preach good news, proclaim freedom, and provide comfort. Mourning and despair in Zion will be replaced by gladness and praise.

What does it mean?
Verses 1-2a describe the ministry of the Messiah’s first coming (Luke 4:18-21). The remainder of this prophecy will be fulfilled upon Christ’s return. The passage changes from the picture of a funeral to a wedding. Israel was figuratively dressed for mourning, but the heartache of her persecution will disappear when the Messiah judges her enemies. God Himself promised to clothe the redeemed remnant of Israel in salvation and righteousness, making her a fitting bride for the Sovereign Lord of the earth.

How should I respond?
Successful companies communicate great mission statements to both employees and customers. Have you ever thought of developing a personal mission statement for yourself or your family? The mission of Jesus, stated in today’s passage, would be a great place to start. As followers of Christ, our mission in life should match His: tell the good news of salvation, announce freedom from sin, and provide comfort to the brokenhearted. You may cross paths today with someone in mourning due to the effects of sin. Will you accept the mission and tell them about the hope found in Jesus?



Read – Isaiah 60

What does it say?
The glory of the Lord will rise upon Zion, bringing honor, wealth, and peace.

What does it mean?
At the start of Christ’s millennial reign, Jews will be gathered to their Promised Land. The removal of spiritual darkness during this time will create a desire for people to come to Jerusalem to be near the source of such light – Jesus Himself. People from nations around the world, including former enemies, will worship Christ, bringing the wealth of their homelands in honor of the great King. Jerusalem will be known as the City of the Lord; He will defeat any nation that comes against Israel. God’s hand of judgment on His people will be completely removed, bringing joy and peace. Through Israel, the world will finally understand that Jesus is the Son of God and Savior of the World.

How should I respond?
For generations, presidents and world leaders have tried to broker peace between Israel and her enemies. Scripture tells us that peace will come when Jesus Himself sits on the throne in Jerusalem. Violence in Israel will completely cease, finally. One day, this small parcel of land will rule as the world’s foremost super power. Have you recognized Jesus as the King of the entire world and as your personal King? Will you pray right now for the leaders of our country to commit their support to Israel? Anyone who opposes Israel opposes the Lord, plain and simple.



Read – Isaiah 59

What does it say?
Isaiah acknowledged the nation’s sin against the Lord. By His own righteousness, the Lord’s Redeemer will save the repentant and enact His everlasting covenant with Israel.

What does it mean?
Sin had created a great divide between God and His people. The Lord was powerful enough to save them, both physically and spiritually, but He refused to hear their prayers as long as they refused His way. Even though Isaiah confessed Israel’s rebellion against the Lord, there was no way to get away from their sin. Since no one on Earth could intervene on their behalf, God graciously provided salvation through a Redeemer whose righteousness is enough to cover the depth of their sin. This Messiah will come again as a warrior, fulfilling His covenant with believing Israelites and judging her enemies. Such a future should cause God’s people to follow Him only.

How should I respond?
Sin is the eternal separator between God and mankind. No matter what we do, none of us can change our sinful nature or cross the gap that separates us from God. Only Jesus Christ, the Messiah, can bridge that gap by His righteousness. Only He can change your heart and forgive your sin. When did you admit your sinfulness and receive His redemption? As a follower of Christ, confess sin quickly to keep open communication with God (1 John 1:9). Are you prepared today for Jesus’ return?



Read – Isaiah 58

What does it say?
God’s people fasted and asked for justice, but to no avail. If they turned from their rebellion, the Lord would answer, guide, strengthen, and satisfy their needs.

What does it mean?
Fasting was meant as a time to completely abandon any selfish pursuit and seek God’s guidance. His people had turned this practice into a ritual with no substance, yet they didn’t understand why the Lord wasn’t answering their prayers. They complied with outward obedience, but rebelled inwardly. Their poor treatment of each other was evidence that religious rituals don’t change hearts. God wanted to make them an ongoing source of blessing for others, but that required giving themselves completely to Him. Only then would they find the guidance, strength, and satisfaction they desired.

How should I respond?
Outward shows of Christianity are the result of a growing relationship with Jesus, not the cause. The reality of Christ in your life will spill out on the people around you in the form of generosity, mercy, graciousness, and sincerity. He wants to guide and strengthen you, but first you have to give yourself to Him … completely. What attitude or thought do you need to confess as rebellion against God? In what part of your Christian life are you just going through the motions? A right relationship with Jesus Christ is evidenced, not by God’s outward blessing on your life, but by your inward willingness to bless others.



Read – Isaiah 56-57

What does it say?
Israel’s sovereign, eternal and holy God will heal, guide, restore, and comfort the hearts of the contrite. He will gather, bless, and give peace to others along with the exiles.

What does it mean?
In the Old Testament there had always been delineation between God’s chosen people Israel and pagan nations. Today’s passage, however, told Israel of two future groups: those who worship the Lord and the wicked. Idol worshipping Jews would have no peace, while God-fearing Gentiles would share in Israel’s blessings. The Lord will gather both Jews and “foreigners to Israel” to Himself, specifically during the Messiah’s millennial reign. Anyone who repents from sin, choosing to love and keep His commands, will never be cut off from the Lord.

How should I respond?
How would you finish the phrase, “There are two kinds of people in the world”? Your immediate response is heavily influenced by your upbringing and experiences. Today’s passage points out that you are not defined by your social and economic status, race, or denomination. God’s view of mankind is, by far, the most insightful. To Him, the world is divided into those who follow Christ and those who reject Him. Into which group do you fall? Have you chosen Jesus’ sacrifice as the payment for your sin? Start to view people as God does – either with or without Christ. No other label matters.



Read – Isaiah 55

What does it say?
God’s thoughts and ways are higher than man’s thoughts and ways. God’s Word achieves His purpose, just as rain and snow water the earth and produce food.

What does it mean?
Isaiah’s prophecy foreshadows God’s invitation for Gentiles to experience His salvation. At the time it wasn’t conceivable that anyone outside of Israel could enter into God’s everlasting covenant. The Lord, however, freely offers forgiveness to anyone who turns and calls on Him. The “thoughts and ways” by which God accomplished the salvation of the world are “higher” than man’s. The Suffering Servant in chapter 53 is vastly different from the Messiah Israel envisioned. Those who trust in Him can have confidence that God’s Word will accomplish His purpose – the salvation and satisfaction of their souls.

How should I respond?
Today’s passage is like a roadmap to a higher plane of thought – God’s thoughts. The mind of God is revealed in the promises and principles of Scripture. Every part of God’s Word accomplishes its purpose when it goes out through Bible teaching, preaching, and study. God’s first purpose for His Word in your life is salvation through a relationship with Jesus Christ. As that relationship deepens, Scripture begins the process of shaping you into His image. Little by little your thoughts begin to line up with His thoughts, on a higher plane. What will you allow God’s Word to accomplish in your life today?



Read – Isaiah 54

What does it say?
The Lord Almighty will again show compassion and everlasting kindness to His rejected bride. His unfailing love and covenant of peace cannot be shaken or removed.

What does it mean?
God’s promise of Jerusalem’s future peace and glory in the millennial kingdom was comforting to His people. Despite being rejected and estranged for years, the Lord will restore His holy city and chosen people. Israel will yet experience the salvation of the Lord. God’s description of Himself throughout this passage shows how and why such a restoration is possible. He is their Maker, husband, the Lord Almighty, Holy One of Israel, Redeemer, and God of all the earth. As such, He keeps His covenant of peace and shows unfailing love, deep compassion, and everlasting kindness.

How should I respond?
Certain people, places, and even food can offer a degree of comfort, but only temporarily. Lasting reassurance has to come from an unassailable source. Look back over today’s passage. Jot down one character trait and one name of God that stand out to you. Place them on a mirror or the refrigerator, so you’ll see them often. How do those specific qualities of the Lord bring comfort in light of your current circumstances? Your situation is not too much for the Creator and Sustainer of the world. Will you choose to turn to Him when life gets turned upside down?



Read – Isaiah 52:13-53:12

What does it say?
God’s Servant brought healing and peace by taking the punishment of the wicked for their transgressions. After suffering, He will justify and make intercession for many.

What does it mean?
This passage prophesies the rejection, suffering, and glorification of the Lord’s Servant. His sacrifice, although a future event, is stated in past tense. God’s work of salvation was already complete. According to God’s will, His Servant took the brutal punishment for every sin. No one is without guilt in His death because “all have gone astray” from God like sheep wandering from their shepherd. The Servant’s death and resurrection made peace with God possible, ending the need for further sacrifice. The Lord’s Servant will no longer be despised and rejected, but glorified and highly exalted.

How should I respond?
We often shy away from passages in Scripture that describe the brutality associated with the death of Jesus. Today’s passage causes us to pause and consider the cost He paid for the sins of the entire world. Each of us played a part in His death. It was as much our own sin that caused Jesus’ suffering as it was those there the day He was crucified. What is your reaction to the death and resurrection of Christ? Have you made peace with God through His sacrifice? You are accepted because He was rejected. Who do you need to tell today about salvation through the suffering Servant, Jesus?



Read – Isaiah 52:1-12

What does it say?
The God of Israel still reigns and will return to Jerusalem, bringing salvation, comfort, and shouts of joy.

What does it mean?
Isaiah’s dual prophecy in this passage foretold the joyous return of God’s people from Babylon and the Messiah’s peaceful reign when He returns to Zion. The immediate prophecy gave Israel comfort that they would be restored to their homeland and to their God. The Lord’s power would leave no doubt that it was the God of Israel who rescued His people. Their deliverance is a picture of the Messiah’s redemption of the world. The Messianic prophecy spoke of a still future day when Christ will rule for eternity.

How should I respond?
Just as God delivered His people from captivity in Babylon, He has provided a way to deliver us from slavery to sin through Jesus Christ. As followers of Christ, we have been given the mission to bring the “good news” of salvation to anyone still held captive by the chains of sin (Matt. 28:19-20). How are you proclaiming salvation to your community? Who do you need to tell about the joy, peace, and comfort you have found in Jesus? Don’t be silent today; “Your God reigns!”



Read – Isaiah 51

What does it say?
God comforted the righteous people among Israel who were suffering in the wake of the consequences of the sins committed by the rest of Israel.

What does it mean?
Throughout the Old Testament there are many references to a “faithful remnant” of God’s people, who did not walk in the sinful steps of the unfaithful. These are the people who obeyed the law when the rest of Israel disobeyed. These are the people who earnestly pursued the best interest of their fellow Israelites and kept their focus on God when the rest of Israel acted selfishly. In this chapter we find the faithful suffering along with the unfaithful, but God told them to wake up, look around, and see that He was in control of their situation and was about to save them from their suffering.

How should I respond?
Some days you may feel that you did everything right, but everything went wrong. On those days, we can learn a lesson from the faithful remnant in today’s passage. When you wake up, admit to God out loud, “I know You are in control of this day.” When you lie down at night, no matter how the day went, admit to God out loud, “I know You were in control of this day.” Sometimes God has bigger purposes in mind for the events of your day, things you cannot see in the short term. What situation immediately comes to mind? Will you choose to trust that God’s long-term plan is best?



Read – Isaiah 50

What does it say?
Even though Israel sinned greatly against God, He would send them a servant to teach them – one who knows their suffering and speaks in ways they understand.

What does it mean?
Isaiah predicted that God’s special servant would be one who would be humble in the face of persecution. The servant would give his back to those who would beat him, his beard to those who would rip it out, and his face to those who would mock and spit on him. Over 700 years later Jesus’ followers could not help but notice how much Jesus acted in this manner when His back was whipped, when He was mocked, and when His face was slapped and spit upon before He was crucified. Just as the servant in Isaiah was vindicated by God, so was Jesus Christ when God raised Him from the dead.

How should I respond?
While we know that Jesus wants us to share the good news of salvation with the world (Acts 1:8), we often fear what our friends, family, or neighbors will think if we tell them. Jesus said that since the world hated Him first, the same will be true of those who follow Him (John 15:18-19). Imagine the worst-case scenario you might encounter in telling someone the good news of salvation. Ask God to give you the grace to overcome your anxiety of such a scenario. Now, imagine the best-case scenario you might encounter. This is why we tell people the good news!



Read – Isaiah 49

What does it say?
God had not forgotten His people. He was raising up a Servant to bring salvation and blessings to His people and to be light for the nations to find God.

What does it mean?
These first several verses comprise the second of four “servant songs” in the book of Isaiah (see also 42:1-4; 50:4-9; 52:13-53:12). The Servant whom God has chosen has two purposes. The first is to use His words to speak on God’s behalf and call God’s children back to Him. Notice, however, that the Servant is to speak not only to Israel but to the other nations as well. The second purpose is to be a weapon in God’s hand to combat the chaos of the world. Later, Jesus and the Apostles would acknowledge Jesus’ ministry to be in line with that which Isaiah describes in these servant songs.

How should I respond?
Just as the Servant’s ultimate goal was to be a light for all the nations and bring salvation to the ends of the earth, Jesus calls us today to speak on God’s behalf and call all people to Him (John 12:32; Matt. 28:19-20). Whom can you tell the good news of salvation: that God forgives all their sin through what Jesus Christ has already done? Can you think of friends or family members who do not know or understand this yet? How might you start a conversation with them about this good news? God will help you find a way because it has always been His plan to bring salvation to the nations.



Read – Isaiah 48

What does it say?
While Israel stubbornly clung to their idols, God proclaimed both the nation’s punishment and deliverance from Babylon.

What does it mean?
Israel had a history of responding to God’s deliverance and blessings with short-term thankfulness and obedience but long-term apathy and rebellion. Many generations of Israelites went through this cycle of rebellion – punishment – prayer – deliverance – thankfulness – and rebellion again. Isaiah, as well as the other prophets, proclaimed God’s message during Israel’s stage of rebellion but also during their stage of punishment. God seemed to be waiting for His children to say, “God, You are right, and we are wrong.”

How should I respond?
Why is it so hard to say, “I was wrong; I blew it; I’m sorry. Will you forgive me?” When we sincerely apologize, there are usually no further negative consequences, but we are so slow to admit our fault! The peace we experience when we are forgiven outweighs whatever we think we might gain by not apologizing. Is there something you need to get right with someone? What has stopped you from apologizing and asking for forgiveness? Is there something you need to get right with God? He is waiting with open arms to listen to you and forgive you.



Read – Isaiah 46-47

What does it say?
Because there is only one true God, those who worship idols and trust in other gods will be ruined. God will destroy Babylon, despite all her bragging.

What does it mean?
In the 8th and 7th centuries BC, Assyria and Babylon were the two superpowers of the Middle East. God used Assyria to punish the northern kingdom of Israel, and He used Babylon to punish the southern kingdom of Judah. In these two chapters God explained to the Babylonians that the reason they were able to succeed in capturing Israel was that God was punishing His own children. However, the Babylonians grew arrogant, as if their own gods were responsible for their success. God rebuked Babylon and foretold their punishment for their failure to treat God’s people with kindness and God Himself with respect.

How should I respond?
Sometimes we allow a blessing from God to go to our heads, thinking it was a reward for being such a great person. The Bible tells us that every good gift is from God (James 1:17). He might have blessed us as a reward for something good we have done. Then again, maybe He blessed us because He wants to do something through us for others. Think about a blessing God has given you recently. It could be money, time, energy, compassion, or the ability to influence others. How can you use that blessing to bring others closer to God? How can you turn it into a means to bless others?



Read – Isaiah 44:21-45:25

What does it say?
God promised to bless Cyrus and the Persians so that they and the surrounding nations would know that Israel’s God is the only God.

What does it mean?
This is one of the most amazing prophecies in the Bible. God named Cyrus as the foreign king through whom He would reveal Himself to the Persians and the nations in Northeast Africa. This prediction was made at least 140 years before it was fulfilled. The purpose of the prophecy was not to bless Cyrus for his own sake but to show the world’s foremost superpower Who the one true God is. The end result was that the nations who came to submit to Cyrus would do so in recognition that the one true God was the One Who had granted Cyrus such power.

How should I respond?
Have you ever wondered why God sometimes blesses people who do not follow Him? Jesus said that God causes the sun to shine and rain to fall on both good and bad people (Matt. 5:45). Not every tough situation is a curse from God for doing something wrong, and not every blessing from God is a reward for doing something right. However, we should praise God when He blesses anyone – even people who do not seem to deserve it. We should also help and pray for those who are in a tough situation, even if they do seem to deserve it. God can use both situations to bring them to Him.



Read – Isaiah 44:1-20

What does it say?
God reminded Israel that turning to false gods and their idols was senseless since He, and He alone, is the one true God who saves Israel from their sin.

What does it mean?
This chapter reads like a modern résumé in which God presents His qualifications to receive Israel’s total and exclusive worship and trust. He created them, provided for them, taught them His ways, and forgave them when they failed. In contrast, the idols of the surrounding nations were made by human hands and incapable of creating anything, providing for anyone, teaching anyone, or forgiving anyone. While this may seem like common sense, those who worshiped the false gods and their idols were seducing the ancient Israelites. God’s people needed to hear God’s plea.

How should I respond?
Most people in our culture do not worship literal manmade idols. Still, we need to be aware of anything that acts like an idol in our individual lives – things we put before the Lord and are unwilling to give up. Can you think of something in your life that is worth so much to you that you would find it hard to give up if God asked you to? It may even be something good that has taken a higher priority than it should. Talk to God about the things that come to mind. Ask the Lord to help you put those things or relationships in proper perspective so that your life will be honoring to Him.



Read – Isaiah 43

What does it say?
Even though God’s plan was to redeem Israel, to bring her sons and daughters from captivity around the world, they still remained stubbornly disobedient to God.

What does it mean?
This chapter portrays one of the greatest ironies ever. When God loved and cared for Israel as a good father would His own children, Israel rebelled. As a result, God punished His rebellious children – but only for a while. Ultimately, the Lord planned to redeem them and rebuild His family. God promised Israel that they would not be held captive in Babylon forever. Just as He had delivered their ancestors from Egypt in the days of Pharaoh, He would deliver them from Babylon at the end of a 70-year exile.

How should I respond?
Rebellious children often want forgiveness without punishment or responsibility. As God’s child, what is the best way to respond to His discipline? First, own up to your own wrongdoing. Admit and confess the sinful attitude or behavior, and then seek and accept His forgiveness. Second, learn from it. What needs to change in order to avoid similar behavior in the future? Finally, think of your life as an opportunity to demonstrate gratitude for God’s forgiveness. How will you show the Lord today that you are grateful for what you have learned?



Read – Isaiah 42

What does it say?
God, the Creator of the universe, introduces the Messiah: a special Servant, who will save His people and rule the nations.

What does it mean?
In the first part of this chapter, we meet a special Servant who is the Messiah. The word “Messiah” in the Hebrew means “specially chosen one.” Its Greek counterpart is “Christ.” Notice how the Messiah is both a servant and a ruler. The one who brings justice also brings forgiveness for all who ask and trust Him to provide it. In the last part of this chapter, we find Israel again in a state of disobedience to God and in need of such a Savior, the Messiah who will reconcile them to God.

How should I respond?
Just as Israel needed God’s forgiveness, so does the world today. This is why Jesus bears the title “Christ” in the New Testament; He is the specially chosen One of God to offer salvation to the world and to rule it for God. Have you personally trusted in the Messiah, Jesus Christ, to forgive you? If so, what disobedience do you need to walk away from? Sin is a heavy burden that demands justice, but God has provided a Savior to both redeem and reconcile you.



Read – Isaiah 41

What does it say?
God’s revelation of Who He is and what He has done was intended to comfort His people and cause the nations to tremble.

What does it mean?
Israel was surrounded by nations who created and worshiped idols as if manmade objects were really gods. In this chapter God Himself created His own worship song, telling His readers that He alone is the one true God and that He has demonstrated it through His many mighty deeds. He pointed out that idols of metal and stone could not help them learn from their past or warn them of the future, nor could the idols do anything – good or bad. God invited His people to listen to His qualities, so they would not turn in fear to the idols and false gods of their neighbors.

How should I respond?
We live in a world of mass communication. Despite all the conflicting and competing messages we are bombarded with daily, you can choose to tune in to the message God is sending you personally. He seeks to reach you daily through His Word, the Bible. As you listen by reading and as you talk by praying, you have a daily conversation with God. He is jealous for His time with you, just as He was when Israel gave their attention to idols. The same God Who created the world wants to meet with you every day because He loves you. Don’t go on with your day until you finish the conversation.



Read – Isaiah 40

What does it say?
God told Isaiah to speak words of encouragement to the people of Jerusalem. God’s anger had passed after an extensive period of punishment; it was time for recovery.

What does it mean?
Throughout the Old Testament, God related to Israel as their Father. His children were obedient at times but disobedient at other times. When they disobeyed, they deserved and benefited from His discipline. When they had paid the price for their disobedience and had learned their lesson, it was time to forgive, heal, and move on. God’s righteousness is seen in His punishing His children for their disobedience, but His mercy, grace, and love are seen in His forgiving, healing, and restoring them. This chapter signals the beginning of the restoration of God’s people to their Father.

How should I respond?
Chances are you can think of someone who has hurt you deeply. God also feels that kind of hurt when His people disobey Him. Even though our initial response to an offense is to feel betrayed or angry, holding onto the hurt damages you more than it does the person who hurt you. Whose words or actions have caused you pain? Followers of Christ should be careful to handle negative emotions in ways that model and honor Him. Ask God today to help you forgive. Being forgiven and offering forgiveness lead to another emotion: peace.



Read – Isaiah 38-39

What does it say?
God healed King Hezekiah from a terminal illness. Hezekiah praised God but then showed his wealth to Babylonian messengers, which led to Jerusalem’s downfall.

What does it mean?
Imagine the unparalleled joy Hezekiah felt as he realized that God had saved him from a terminal illness. He sang a hymn of praise to the Lord. But in his high state of emotions, he made a crucial mistake. Whether he was being polite, foolish, or prideful is not certain. Regardless, showing everything in his treasure house was a costly mistake. Hezekiah was not thinking about the long-term effects of his impulsive behavior. Years later, all of Hezekiah’s wealth and weapons were confiscated by Babylonian raiders.

How should I respond?
Do you normally rely on God through the trials and tribulations that come your way? Even the most faithful Christian can make costly mistakes. Learn a lesson from Hezekiah. What decision do you need to make soon? Carefully think through all the ramifications. Share your plans with a trustworthy friend before you act; there is wisdom in godly counsel (Proverbs 15:22). Above all, stay sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit. When you sense a warning signal – stop. Impulsive decisions happen quickly, but they can have long-lasting and negative results.



Read – Isaiah 36-37

What does it say?
The King of Assyria sent his spokesperson to persuade the citizens of Jerusalem to surrender. Israel’s king prayed to God, and God delivered His people.

What does it mean?
Rabshakeh, the Assyrian king’s spokesperson, spoke to the citizens of Jerusalem in Hebrew as they were sitting on their protective wall. He came with a large army to see if the mere sight of the troops might cause the citizens of Jerusalem to panic and rebel against their own king. This tactic had worked well among several of their neighbors. However, Rabshakeh went too far. He lumped Israel’s God in with the false gods of the surrounding nations. His disdainful speech became the focus of Hezekiah’s prayer. Jerusalem’s deliverance set Israel’s God apart as the Lord Almighty, the only true God.

How should I respond?
Have you ever felt like those citizens on the wall, listening to the hate speech of the world as they rail against the things you hold most precious? Are there days when you feel as if you are alone in your love and commitment to Christ? Don’t give in to fear or discouragement. Those who hate are not happy, and their hatred will never solve their problems. Only God, the very One they rail against, can give them a new perspective and purpose. Will you, like Hezekiah, take those concerns to the Lord? Look for opportunities today to proclaim the God of the Bible as Lord and Savior of the world.



Read – Isaiah 34-35

What does it say? |God’s enemies will be destroyed, while those He has redeemed will have joy and security in Jerusalem.

What does it mean?
One day, the whole world will be judged according to what they believe about God and how they have responded to Him. An individual’s choice determines whether he or she will experience God’s judgment or His blessing. After final judgment, God will remove everything that brings sorrow. He will make a way for the redeemed of the Lord to come to Jerusalem where they will live in everlasting joy. The prophecies of the nation’s return to a renewed land and the revelation of the Lord’s glory were meant to strengthen and establish believers in Judah and deliver them from fear as they faced the future.

How should I respond?
Time and again, Hollywood makes movies about people who somehow see into their future and then set about to change it. Well, today’s passage gives an amazing description of the life of a redeemed person in God’s future kingdom. Does this glimpse of the believer’s future encourage or concern you? Are you under God’s wrath or have you appropriated the ransom Jesus paid for you on Calvary? Scripture reveals that your future will be filled with either joy or sorrow. If it’s the latter, you can change your future and live as one who has been redeemed and transformed by Christ. Will you trust Him?



Read – Isaiah 32-33

What does it say?
Isaiah described the righteous reign of Messiah on Earth.

What does it mean? |Isaiah saw a future when the Messiah will rule on Earth, and the Holy Spirit will establish security. Many felt entitled and lived selfishly, trusting in things that would ultimately fail. He challenged those who were indifferent or discouraged to repent and live for the Lord. Under the Messiah’s reign on earth, there will be an outpouring of God’s Spirit that will give His people a desire to do His will and please Him. Looking forward to that day, His people could trust the Lord in their present circumstances; in Him alone, they would have stability and deliverance.

How should I respond?
Our culture tells us to live in the moment and for the moment. When trouble threatens and security dissipates, we are suddenly consumed by thoughts of what may lie ahead. What situation in your life is capturing your attention? Seeing the Lord in His beauty makes all your problems dim before His glory. Those who reverence the Lord have a sure foundation and hope as they look toward the future. Christ’s victorious rule over Earth is a future reality that can impact your attitude for the rest of your life. Regardless of present concerns, focus your attention on the One who provides stability – King Jesus.



Read – Isaiah 30-31

What does it say?
The Lord warned Judah that their alliance with Egypt against Assyria would fail, but He offered grace to those who would look to Him for deliverance.

What does it mean?
God’s obstinate people willfully resisted His specific instruction and asked to hear only pleasant things from the prophet. They refused God’s authority and determined to carry out their own plan. God had to tell them over and over again to trust Him for deliverance instead of Egypt. The Lord offered grace, compassion, and justice. It is the Lord who would defend, deliver, and preserve His people. All man’s resources would pale and fail before the Holy One of Israel. God has all power to deal with His people’s enemies as well as their allies. God is the ultimate victor and is worthy of trust and obedience.

How should I respond?
Waiting for the Lord in the face of impending trouble can make you feel that you’re powerless and weak. We want to take action, find an ally, or get an answer. But waiting before the Lord involves so much more. Talking to God about your disappointments, concerns, and fears rolls the burden onto Him. You can open your Bible and find verses to give you strength to face the future with complete faith in Him. You can get up from prayer and, in His power, fulfill the responsibilities He’s given you. Will you choose to find strength and security by obediently waiting before the Lord today?



Read – Isaiah 29

What does it say?
Jerusalem will suffer judgment, but one day her people will be receptive to God.

What does it mean?
God would allow judgment on Judah to bring them to a place of self-examination and humility. They were a religious people who were also spiritually dull, deaf, and blind. One day, God will intervene in history and deliver His people from their enemies in a way that clearly reveals the reality of who He is. This sudden realization will astound those who think they are intelligent and wise. All who oppose God will be removed, and the Redeemer of Abraham will bring spiritual restoration to His people. When God’s people see His works from a renewed heart and enlightened mind, they will bow in awe of Him.

How should I respond?
It’s possible to practice religion as a mechanical, intellectual activity without engaging the heart. Intellectual pride can invert your priorities, making you spiritually dull. Wrong thinking robs you of the continual awareness of God. How have you swapped a meaningful relationship with Christ for religious activity or an intellectual pursuit? Spend time alone with the Lord – a time of opening your heart to Him, telling Him your desires, and listening to the Holy Spirit as you read His Word. Allow God to bring you to a place of self-examination and humility. A heart of pure devotion leads to a genuine worship.



Read – Isaiah 28

What does it say? |Isaiah announced the Lord’s judgment on Ephraim and His promise of the Cornerstone.

What does it mean?
The people of Ephraim perceived God’s Word as a list of “do’s and don’ts.” They took refuge in keeping the rules but failed to listen to God, even though He warned of judgment and promised to intervene to correct their wrong thinking. God would fulfill His promise of rescue through His Son, who never disappoints those who trust in Him. Trying to keep all the laws of Scripture is not enough. Only the Savior meets God’s standard of justice and righteousness required to rescue repentant sinners. God’s plans are dependable even when His people obstinately refuse to listen and choose to believe a lie.

How should I respond?
How well do you listen? While it’s important to listen to others, it’s imperative to listen carefully to the Truth, God’s Word. Scripture is God’s revelation of Himself for the purpose of having a personal relationship with mankind through Jesus. Religion is mankind’s way of trying to reach God; it burdens us with the lie that keeping all the rules and being good all the time determines our spiritual status. The real issue is Jesus, the Savior, who died in the place of every sinner. Those who choose to respond by trusting His sacrifice for sin are rescued from sin’s penalty to enjoy a personal relationship with Him. Don’t be deceived – listen to God’s Word, not religion’s lies.



Read – Isaiah 27

What does it say?
Israel will be gathered to Jerusalem to worship the Lord when the great trumpet sounds.

What does it mean?
One day the Lord will stop the chaos incited by sin and establish a world that reverences Him. God will destroy evil and death, remove sin and its consequences, and deal with all His enemies. Until that time, God, because of His great love for His people, will remove His compassionate protection and allow affliction in order to purify their lives from idols and remove rebellion from their hearts. He promised to continually watch over them. From all over the world, the Lord will draw His people, both Jew and Gentile, to His holy mountain in Jerusalem to worship Him and celebrate His victory with great joy.

How should I respond? |Everyone likes to be on a winning team; it’s part of human nature. Since Jesus is the ultimate victor over sin and death, following Him puts you on the winning side. Knowing that He’ll be victorious should cause us to trust Christ completely. Yet we use so much time and energy micromanaging our lives as well as the lives of others. What change in behavior will show you are depending less on yourself and your plans, while trusting God more and more? How are you relying on your own ideas, strengths, or personality? Surrender your resources to Jesus today and live in greater dependence on Him. Relying on the Victor results in personal victory.



Read – Isaiah 25-26

What does it say?
One day, after the final judgment, the Lord will remove the curse of sin and death.

What does it mean?
The Lord will faithfully fulfill His plan for the world and keep His promises. Isaiah saw world history telescoped to its conclusion and wrote a song of praise to the sovereign, eternal Lord. Throughout the Millennium, the Lord will reveal His grace and righteousness, but some will disregard Him and refuse to believe. At the end of the thousand years, God will vanquish the curse of sin and death and resurrect the dead for final judgment. He will establish His Kingdom on Earth. The Lord promised to protect and care for all who trust in Him throughout difficult end-time events. There will be a day when He will set all matters right at the close of human history.

How should I respond?
Death is only a temporary condition of human life because Jesus has defeated death. As followers of Christ, the effects of sin and death should break our hearts. Through His Word and in His presence, you begin to think as He thinks. Gaining God’s perspective brings complete peace. What enables you to trust the Lord when sin and death seem to prevail? Assurance of the Lord’s ultimate victory and the promise of a joyful life with Him in eternity can sustain you through loss and insecurity. As you focus on the Lord and His promises, look beyond your immediate distress and praise God for His ultimate victory.



Read – Isaiah 24

What does it say?
Isaiah spoke of God’s glory, punishment for rebellion, and the Lord’s reign.

What does it mean?
The prophet warned that there would be a future “day” of judgment beyond the Assyrian invasion. Isaiah saw the Tribulation, Christ’s millennial reign and judgment on evil at the Great White Throne. God’s worldwide judgment will be sure and impartial. Those who receive God’s mercy through faith in the Messiah will come through the judgment, acknowledge God is supreme over all, and worship Him. The Lord will put away all rebellion of heavenly and earthly powers and rule the world in righteousness from Jerusalem. God is the authority over Earth, and in His time His plan will be fulfilled. Mankind and all spiritual forces are subject to God and will be held accountable.

How should I respond?
A time is coming when God will intervene in events, and Jesus will rule the world. Only what is good and righteous will remain. This view of Earth’s future should be a comfort to all who trust God. How does the sure hope of the Lord’s righteous reign impact your attitude and actions? How does knowing that the earth and everything in it will pass away affect how you use your time, energy, and resources? Choose to invest in that which will survive the earthly judgment and bring glory to the Lord. How will you interact today with others who need to know about Jesus? Will you tell them?



Read – Isaiah 22

What does it say?
Isaiah described a coming day of judgment when Judah’s defenses would fail against a formidable enemy, and God’s people would refuse to look to Him for help.

What does it mean?
Because of persistent disobedience, Judah would face a day of judgment. The imminent assault should have led to Judah’s repentance. Instead, the people would survey their situation in pride and self-sufficiency and repair the weakness in their walls. The prophet wept as he saw that their leaders would flee. God called the people to have sorrow for their sin, but they would choose to arrogantly satisfy their carnal desires as they saw their end was near. They would show complete disregard for God. There would be no permanent security in self-sufficiency or national leadership.

How should I respond? |The Lord is our source of security in good times and bad. Looking to Him as Creator and Sustainer offers security through every kind of threat. What keeps you from turning to God and trusting Him – pride, arrogance, or self-sufficiency? Humbling yourself before the Lord means recognizing that your ability to handle life has to come from Him. Turning to God usually involves confession of rebellion or disobedience and results in restoration of intimate fellowship with Him. Trusting in His power and submitting to His authority will result in God-sufficiency regardless of what happens around you.



Read – Isaiah 21

What does it say?
Isaiah spoke of coming judgment on Babylon, Edom, and Arabia.

What does it mean?
Isaiah knew God is sovereign and just in His dealings with mankind, but he was overcome with grief as he warned Israel against trusting in their ally Babylon to rescue them from the Assyrian invasion. He described the destruction of false gods, the spiritual darkness, and the suffering of refugees. His grief was like a continuing wrenching pain in his body; his mind was astounded and confused, while his emotions were perplexed. Isaiah had the burden of warning the nations of coming judgment as he proclaimed his trust in the holy and righteous Lord Almighty, the God of Israel.

How should I respond?
People today without faith in Christ live very much as the people in Isaiah’s time. Many have a worldview that has “no God” and no day of accountability, yet they worship other things. What attitude prevails when you are reminded of God’s just and righteous judgment on our fallen world? Do you wish disaster on people who disagree with you on spiritual matters, or do you pray for them? When your heart is right with God, it will be broken for people who refuse to believe and receive Him through a relationship with Jesus Christ. Stop now and pray for someone who has rejected Christ.



Read – Isaiah 19-20

What does it say? |Isaiah spoke God’s message concerning the future of Egypt and Cush.

What does it mean?
The prophet warned Israel that alliances with Egypt and Cush would be futile since both nations would face judgment through God’s instrument, Assyria. In Egypt, civil war and natural disaster would lead to foolishness at the highest level of government and helplessness throughout their society. God’s judgment will bring Egypt to personally worship and give national recognition to the God of Judah. When Egypt turns from their worship of false gods and calls on the Lord, He will send a Savior as their defender to rescue and heal them. This time of peace when nations will worship the God of Israel together is called the Millennium.

How should I respond?
Would you like a greater understanding of God’s purpose in judgment? He reveals Himself through judgment for sin to give you the opportunity to recognize your need for the Savior. When you call on Jesus, God comes into your life bringing freedom from the condemnation of sin. He rescues you from the emptiness of trusting anything other than Him, the true God. He then heals you from the broken condition caused by sin in your life. In what area of life do you need His rescue and healing from the consequences of your sin? Read 19:20-22 again, and then talk honestly with the Lord Almighty in prayer.



Read – Isaiah 17-18

What does it say?
The Israeli-Damascus alliance would fail when God brings judgment through Assyria. A remnant of people from Israel would trust God.

What does it mean?
Israel was unfaithful to God; they had forgotten and forsaken their Savior. During the devastation of war, some would realize their allies and idols were inadequate to rescue them. This minority would trust God in the middle of the desolation of the Assyrian attack and the failure of Israel’s alliances with Damascus and Cush. They would look to God and trust in Him. Isaiah gave assurance that the Lord would defeat Assyria after He had completed His judgment on Israel. Although God’s judgment would be difficult, some people would turn from idols to the Lord.

How should I respond? |Good ideas, hard work, and volunteer service cannot make up for failing to trust in God alone. Being faithful to the Lord means looking to Him first in any situation, allowing the Holy Spirit to enable you to live according to God’s plan. He knows the end of all things and has power to limit evil and bring world events to His intended conclusion. What situation should you stop trying to fix? Will you trust God even when you don’t understand all He is doing? Turn your expectations to your Creator today and trust Him to work for you. He may even use that situation to increase your faith.



Read – Isaiah 15-16

What does it say?
Isaiah warned of judgment and encouraged Moab to take refuge in Israel’s God.

What does it mean?
Isaiah prophesied that Moab would be completely destroyed. The prophet wept over the suffering of his enemies at the hands of Assyria. With compassion and sympathy, he pleaded with the pagan nation of Moab to seek refuge with the God of Israel in Jerusalem so they would be spared (10:24-34). Rather than take that option, the Moabites did not humble themselves, nor did they trust the Lord to shelter and save them. God protected Israel during this time in order to establish a nation from the descendants of David. Isaiah’s expression of grief reflected God’s sorrow over Moab’s rejection of refuge and the judgment that would follow.

How should I respond?
Some people would still rather trust in themselves and earthly forms of security rather than humbly trust the holy, loving God of the Bible. Scripture teaches that all who do not know Jesus are under God’s wrath or judgment, but those who have trusted in Jesus’ sacrifice on Calvary as payment for their sin are under no condemnation. Have you been grieved by the spiritual condition of family, friends, and acquaintances? Will you choose to see past the hurt caused by an enemy in order to pray for them? How can you encourage them to know and trust Jesus as their refuge?



Read – Isaiah 13-14

What does it say?
On the Day of the Lord, God will restore Israel and destroy her enemies.

What does it mean?
Isaiah 13-23 is a prophecy concerning ten of Israel’s neighboring nations. Isaiah told about events that were future to him. Sometimes the message concerns an immediate event as well as a future day of final judgment when God will deliver His people. He will judge the proud, arrogant, and hostile, while showing compassion for those who honor and trust Him. As history moves forward, kings and nations change, while God works on behalf of His people. The Lord Almighty has sovereign control over all nations. No earthly power can thwart His purpose for His chosen nation, Israel. God is sovereign over the large and small affairs of men and nations.

How should I respond?
Antagonism toward Christianity is growing at a rapid pace, not only in our culture but around the world. Identifying yourself as a follower of Christ draws increasing conflict in everyday life. Who mistreats you because you love Jesus and make the effort to serve Him? Each day you have to make the choice to shift your focus from their hostility to your part in what God is doing in the world. A day is coming when wickedness and wrong will no longer flourish. Will you trust Him to deal with the proud, arrogant enemies of Christianity? His plan, purposes, and promises can withstand every earthly power.



Read – Isaiah 11:1-12:6

What does it say?
The Branch will come from the family of Jesse and bring a time of social justice and peace. At that time, the whole earth will honor and praise the Lord.

What does it mean?
The Branch prophecy reveals a future day when Jesus Christ will rule the world. Just as God was faithful to fulfill the biblical prophecy of Christ’s first advent, He will surely accomplish all He has promised when Jesus comes again. God will triumph and lift the curse of sin. Righteousness, justice, and faithfulness will characterize His Kingdom on Earth. There will be transformation in nature and among people as the nations of the world acknowledge Christ and seek Him. In that future day, God will provide a way for His people from across the world to return to Israel and be comforted. They will give thanks to the Lord and proclaim His greatness.

How should I respond?
A realistic look at our world reveals injustice and indifference, but it will not always be that way. Do you long for people in your family, office, or church to approach each other with understanding and love? You can take comfort in this prophecy. All who believe in and follow Jesus have a secure and glorious future. Until then, ask God for confidence to confess who He is and what He’s done on your behalf. Don’t miss the opportunity to praise God and tell others about Him today.



Read – Isaiah 9:8-10:34

What does it say?
God foretold He would use Assyria as an instrument of judgment on the Northern Kingdom but promised to preserve and deliver a remnant who sought the Lord.

What does it mean?
The sovereign God would bring judgment to accomplish His purposes. God was longsuffering toward his sinful people, but He is also holy and just. He warned Israel of coming judgment as incentive to turn from willfulness, but their hearts were arrogant and unresponsive. Through the harsh Assyrian campaign, God encouraged His people with the promise to preserve a remnant, those who would choose to return to Him. The judgment on Israel would be limited, and God would stop the Assyrians from conquering Judah. God was active in the lives of His people, delivering those who put faith in Him.

How should I respond?
We are all accountable before God. He will not allow our sin to go on indefinitely. Refusal to respond to the Lord’s discipline only leads to more judgment. But in every generation, God preserves a remnant who turn to Him and live in repentance and restoration from sin. In our world of moral relevance, are you living by your opinion even when it conflicts with clear biblical commands? Ask God to make your heart responsive to His Word. Then the Lord Almighty will preserve you with the few who choose to trust Him completely. The choice is yours: will you trust in yourself or in the Lord?



Read – Isaiah 9:1-7

What does it say?
The Lord Almighty promised to send His Son to bring the nation from spiritual darkness into light and establish His kingdom in the world.

What does it mean?
Isaiah spoke of a coming Deliverer who would move the nation from the gloom of occupation and domination to a time of liberty, prosperity, and joy. Isaiah spoke of the two advents of Christ. The infinite Son of God would be born into humanity. The Deliverer is God eternal, the Prince of Peace. In His first advent, Jesus provided peace with God for all who look in faith to the Cross as payment for their sin. When He comes again to establish His Kingdom, peace, justice, and righteousness will characterize the world. God has all power and will accomplish all He has promised.

How should I respond?
God has provided everything you need to live in hope and confidence. Jesus offers wisdom and His constant presence to guide His followers toward right thinking. He is the powerful Sovereign who has the ability to fulfill His plan in and through you, regardless of opposition or difficulty. He accepts and loves you unconditionally. His rule in your life can overcome strife with peace. Who is this Savior and Deliverer to you? Will you submit to Him, depend on Him, and run to Him for rest and refuge? Let the promise of His coming again fill your days with hope and peace.



Read – Isaiah 8

What does it say?
God told the people of Judah to fear Him rather than their enemies. Isaiah determined to trust God and wait for Him.

What does it mean?
Isaiah’s family became an illustration of God’s warning to the people of Judah concerning their trust in foreign alliances rather than the Lord. Isaiah’s son was a sign of deliverance for the immediate future. Although Judah’s allies would be destroyed, God’s people would have the protection of His presence throughout the judgment. The implication of this prophecy was twofold: (1) reject alliances based on fear of a common enemy, and (2) wait in trust for the Lord. Isaiah responded by standing for the Lord Almighty. He encouraged everyone to seek God and search His Word rather than consult advisers, such as mediums and spiritists.

How should I respond?
Your view of God will determine how you respond when trouble and confusion come into your life. People without Christ frantically look for something or someone to offer answers and security. Where do you turn to first when fear grips your thoughts – psychics, your horoscope, or the sovereign Lord? In what area of life are you waiting for Him to act? If you’re struggling with anxiety, set aside time each day to seek and focus on God. As you show reverence for the Lord and submit to Him, you’ll have a growing awareness of His presence. How will you demonstrate trust in God today?



Read – Isaiah 7

What does it say?
King Ahaz was challenged to trust God when he faced the threat of war. He chose to trust in a godless nation which God later used as an instrument of judgment.

What does it mean?
King Ahaz of Judah faced an imminent threat from the Aram-Israeli alliance. Isaiah promised deliverance, gave encouragement with warning, and prophesied Immanuel, God with us. God offered to affirm His promise with a visible confirmation, but Ahaz refused His offer. Rather than trust God, Ahaz made an alliance with Assyria to gain deliverance. The Assyrians came to their aid, but Judah experienced deprivation and humiliation in future years as a result of this alliance. There were consequences when the king turned to man for deliverance and refused to trust in God.

How should I respond?
How can you keep from being overwhelmed and defeated when threatening situations arise? You will either come up with a plan to deal with it yourself, or turn to God and rely on Him. As a believer, the Lord Jesus Christ is with you. Take time to think about the reality of the situation and its implications, and then bring it to the Lord in prayer. Choose to focus on God and trust His promises when fear comes. Don’t be discouraged by how things look from your earthly perspective, but get God’s view. He is sovereign over the affairs of men and nations. Stand firm, trusting in the God of the Bible.



Read – Isaiah 6

What does it say?
Isaiah had a vision of Holy, Majestic God. He confessed his sin, received cleansing, and responded to God’s call to be His messenger.

What does it mean?
The death of the king presented a crisis for Israel and a personal crisis for Isaiah. His focus was on the sins of an unrepentant nation until he saw the vision of God. When Isaiah was given a fresh view of God, he was struck by His compelling holiness and permeating glory. He saw a future for himself and the nation. Isaiah suddenly had an acute awareness of personal sin, but God initiated cleansing. Even though the only observable fruit in Isaiah’s ministry would be that of faithful obedience to God’s call, he was given the hope of a remnant who would receive God’s promised “holy seed.”

How should I respond?
When a crisis comes, it causes us to evaluate and regroup. Today’s passage shows that crises should also cause us to look to God. As we seek Him through the study of Scripture, we gain perspective of who we are compared to who He is. God is completely separate, pure in every way, completely different from what you and I can know and be: transcendent, incomprehensible, and incomparable. Those who truly encounter God are convicted and cleansed of sin, forever changed, and equipped to be faithful through crises. Take time to ask for a fresh view of God’s holiness. When you see God as He is, you will gladly surrender to His call.



Read – Isaiah 5

What does it say?
Isaiah composed a song about God’s care for His vineyard, Israel and Judah. Their rejection of the Lord resulted in unfruitfulness and judgment.

What does it mean?
God provided everything Israel needed to produce the good fruit of justice and righteousness. Instead, they became a nation of bloodshed and distress, self-indulgence and pride. The condition of society and the prevalent sins are revealed in the woes pronounced. All their sin was rooted in their rejection of God and His authority over their lives. The Lord’s zeal for righteousness resulted in judgment. God called godless nations as instruments of judgment on His people. He provided for and preserved the nation through judgment so that the Lord Almighty would be known through His people.

How should I respond?
God has provided everything you need to live for Him. Reading and responding to His Word will develop God-honoring attitudes and actions. As the fruit of the Holy Spirit is matured within your life, you will begin to display the reality of God and produce spiritual fruit (Galatians 5:22-23). How does your daily life show you have regard and respect for God and His Word? How has studying Scripture helped you to be spiritually fruitful? Some people may reject you because you accept God’s authority over your life, but others will have a desire to know Jesus because of your example.



Read – Isaiah 3:1-4:6

What does it say?
God will allow consequences for sin and bring judgment resulting in purification. The Lord’s presence will be Judah’s shelter and hiding place.

What does it mean?
The people were setting themselves against God, parading their sin in open rebellion and defiance. The Lord, their judge, called them to accountability for sins against Him and one another. Isaiah prophesied that when destitution comes upon those living in luxury, the people will turn to the Lord. When they repent, the Branch (a Messianic term for Jesus the Savior) will cleanse them and once more live with them. His glory will be their protection and refuge. To those who remained faithful, God offered the hope of present spiritual cleansing and future restoration to Himself.

How should I respond?
Sin does not go unnoticed by God, even when we see no immediate consequences. God may be longsuffering, but there will be a day of accountability for the choices we make. In your daily life, what words or deeds deny or defy the Lord? Is there an attitude of pride or a focus on outward appearance? God holds you accountable for your love and obedience to Him as well as your treatment of others. Our sin can be washed away only by faith in the sacrifice of Jesus. When we confess our sin, Jesus cleanses us and shelters us through life’s difficulties. Do you know the joy of living in His presence?



Read – Isaiah 2

What does it say?
In the last days, the Lord will reign over all nations from the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. He will teach His ways and judge the arrogant.

What does it mean?
The Lord Almighty has scheduled a day of restoration for Jerusalem and a day of reckoning for mankind. Jerusalem will be the center of the world for all nations. There will be a desire among people from all over the world to know the truth about God and live according to His ways. Justice will prevail and wars will cease under God’s governing of the world. Human arrogance and pride will dissipate before the majesty and splendor of God’s presence. He will rise over everything and everyone as He occupies the place of preeminence. God alone will be exalted.

How should I respond?
Most of us make life decisions based on our knowledge and experiences. We tend to magnify our accomplishments as a way of gaining power and prestige among our peers. In light of God’s ultimate authority, it’s wise to seek Him in His Word, learning to live according to His ways rather than trusting our own experience. Ask God to give you a compelling desire to come before Him each day with the goal of knowing Him as never before. As a believer you can live in continual awareness of His presence. There will be a day of accountability before the reigning Lord. Live for that day.



Read – Isaiah 1

What does it say?
Through the prophet Isaiah, God confronted Israel’s rebellion and called for their repentance. Isaiah announced purifying judgment and future restoration.

What does it mean?
Through the prophet Isaiah, God invited Israel to settle the matter of their spiritual indifference. They kept the outward form of religious rituals but deliberately resisted correction and defiantly turned their hearts away from God. He said that their religion was unacceptable because their lives did not conform to His standard. The Lord offered forgiveness for Israel’s sins if they would stop doing evil things and begin doing right. Their failure to repent would lead to judgment that would have a refining effect. Isaiah foretold a glorious national restoration in righteousness, faithfulness, and justice.

How should I respond?
Everyone is busy. The challenge is to keep your life together while keeping up the appearance that all is well. How does God see your busyness? Would He call your spiritual activity meaningless? God invites you to listen to the words of the Bible and talk with Him concerning the condition of your heart. You can’t keep up appearances with God. He sees and knows you. Will you open your heart to God and ask Him to remove impure thoughts, habits, and desires? There’s hope in our chaotic lives because God purifies those who take time to listen to Him and respond in repentance.