Prayers for son

pray for my son please,David Hurd Jr
David Hurd

Father in hospice care

Prayer Request: My dad is at home in hospice care. He needs lots of prayers at this time for comfort and peace that only God can give.  His name is Norman M.

Pray for Puerto Rico

Restoration for Puerto Rico.
Maria Jimenez

Complications from surgery

Continued prayer for Melba as she has complications from her surgery at LG Hospital.

Prayer for job

My wife needs prayer for her job. Thank you.
No name given

Guidance for family and thanks

Please continue to pray for me and my family and to give us guidance in our lives. Thank you all at TRBC for continue Prayers.
No name given


Name: unspoken Prayer Request: Many unspoken needs thank you.

Bypass Surgery

Please pray for Melba as she has vascular bypass surgery tomorrow at LGH. Thank you

Difficult affects from surgery

Name: Jamie Garthright Prayer Request: My 83-year old mother had open-heart surgery on 2-1-17. She was in perfect health prior to surgery and now has lots of health issues. She’s not eating, sleeping well or taking her medicine appropriately. My siblings and I are having to make some tough decisions. Please pray for clarity and her health.

Heart Condition

Name: Don. Has a serious heart condition


Name: unspoken Prayer Request: Family, relationship, illness

Deteriorating Health

Deteriorating physical and mental health

Cancer Surgery

Surgery for cancerous growth in neck
Laurie C.

Prayer for a couple’s health

My wife and I are requesting prayer for our over all health. All prayer appreciated.
No name given

Brain surgery

Melody is having surgery for a brain tumor 10/12/17.
Melody Bowler

Young man needs Godly guidance

…..prayer for a 24 year old man who is struggling with priorities, good decision making, unhealthy friendships, and finding peace in his life.

Addicted to alcohol

please pray for my son and his wife, they are both alcoholics. Thank you.
No name given

Naval training

Please pray for Dustin M.  Still in training with the Navy. He graduates from submarine school around Thanksgiving. I would appreciate prayers for safety.

Prayers for a friend

Name: unspoken Prayer Request: Prayers for a sick friend. Job, financial, and relationship security. Forgiveness

Continuing Recovery

Name: BUDDY SMITH Prayer Request: Pray for his continuing recovery at home

Tongue Cancer

Please pray for Faye F. who has has tongue cancer. Praying for comfort and full recovery.

Prayer for brother with C-diff

Please pray for my brother. Bob S. He has C-Diff again and infectious disease doctor says it is it a hole in his intestines. He is a paraplegic and this is dangerous to him and could take his life he’s not doing well today. Please pray that God will take away the C-DIff and heal him.

Prayer for Grandson

Please pray for my grandson Andrew. He had a seizure in school today. The doctors are with him now.

Brenda Kidd

Prayer for family

Please continue to pray for my family and to give us guidance in making a future decision and to give me strength to over come anxiety. Im having a very hard time.
No name given

In Brazil with infection

Sarah is stuck in Brazil with a bacterial infection had to go on dialysis while there. Please pray for her and her family. They have been stuck there 14 extra days. Thank you!

Student who does not believe

Name: Jenna Prayer Request: I have a student that has expressed his unbelief in a Creator or Savior. Please pray that his eyes would be opened and that his heart would no longer be hardened to the Gospel. The student’s name is Eric.

Admitted to hospital

Choir member Buddy S., is in Lynchburg General. Pls pray for him.

Severe Back Pain

Please pray for my back pain. Really hurts bad today.. Sue
No name given

Prayer Needs

Name: unspoken Prayer Request: Forgiveness, peace, and the health of those I love.

Stress test and MRI

i gotta have stress test and mri of my heart then surgery is possible
No name given

Anonymous Need

Please pray for DH…unspoken.

Hospitalized with heart issues

Name: Norman Mays Prayer Request: Hospital…. heart issues and breathing issues

Bereaved Family

Prayer needed for Joyce Durie and family. She lost her husband on Wednesday. Pray for Grace and comfort from the Lord for them. He was saved. Thanks. Sue
No name given

Injuries in Motorcycle Accident

Name: Jenn Hagner Prayer Request: Dean Smith – Grandfather motorcycle accident in Denver, CO. (Shoulders, ribs and internal injuries).

Prayer over surgery

Name: Stephanie Hagner Prayer Request: Paul Stoll (Stephanie’s dad) heart surgery

Prayers for family

Name: Grace Branham Prayer Request: prayer for my family members, Health , finances, salvation, and safety

Heart attack

Name: Larry MEHAFFEY Prayer Request: Please pray for Roger S. of NORFOLK va who is in hospital w heart attack

Favorable decision for Medicaid

i recently applied for medicaid i need this to go thru to pay for me medicines
No name given

Break the bonds of addiction

Please pray for BO who is addicted to drugs and alcohol. Thank you for your prayers .

Anonymous health need

Please pray for my health. Thank you.
No name given

Hospitalized with infection

Please pray for Betty who is in LGH with infection.


Unspoken Needs

Name: unspoken Prayer Request: Many unspoken needs and praise for many things


Please pray for the Anderson Family as they mourn the loss of their dad.

Prayer over chronic nerve pain

Name: Greg Pierce Prayer Request: On July 13, 2017, I had a discectomy in my lumbar spine. Recovery is very slow as I have developed piriformace syndrome. I have intense nerve pain from my left hip down and around my knee. I go to physical therapy 3 days a week. Both my doctor and PT provider are stumped as to why I am not healing faster. I have been out of work since June 27th and can not go back until my doctor releases me. I seek your prayer support as I know all things are possible with God. What a tremendous testimony to Gods sovereignty to again baffle the medical community. Yet not my will but His be done. I ask prayer support for healing but if God does not want to heal me that He comfort and provide for my wife and family and that we are at peace with His decision. My wife and I live in Great Falls, MT and attend services online. Our eldest son graduated from LU the year Dr. Falwell was called home.

Possible stroke

Please pray for my uncle, Benjamin H. Prayer Request: Fell broken arm possible stroke. MRI in the am.

Anonymous needs prayer

Please pray I can let things go and loose weight. Pray that I can heal my relationships in my life and that we can move forward. Thank god for the special People that care about me. Please do not let me destroy it

Prayers for safe travel to pick up adopted child

Name: O’Neal Family Prayer Request: We are about to head to China to bring our son home. Please pray for a smooth and safe journey. Most of all, please pray for our little guy and let God calm his fears as we welcome him into our family.
Scott, Renee, Angel, Caleb, and soon Lincoln!

Prayer for those in path of storm

Everyone in the path hurricane Irma needs to prayed for,also Texas

Prayer for healing from car accident

Name: Crystal Redman Prayer Request: It has officially been two weeks since my Mom’s life changing car accident and I’d like to ask for prayers for her, Deborah Campbell. She’s been undergoing so much stress and pressure. She has been having these seizures her whole life and because she constantly worrying about bills they’re getting worse and happening more often.

Heart issues

Name: Sherri W. Prayer Request: Pray for her as she has a heart issue

Prayer needed for health issues

Name: Nellie Prayer Request: Prayers for Nellie; health

Prayer for hurricane relief worker

Please be in prayer for Allen. He is almost in Houston. Driving a truck for FEMA.

Daily needs

Weight loss and job and financial security. Healing in relationship with someone special.

in ICU

Name: Rob Quel Prayer Request: Rob Quel in ICU. Critical. Kidney failure and cardiac arrest. Children are Bo, Miranda and Faith. Girlfriend and family: Katie Marotta and Family.

Healing from surgery

Please pray for complete healing for Mike as he had open heart quadruple bypass surgery.

Praise! Vision restored!

Praise! My cousin has better vision in right eye after problems followed cataract surgery is surprised! Praise our great Healer!

School mercies and wisdom

My sisters nurse practitioner exam tomorrow morning. For God to open doors for me to finish college!
-thank you! Jose

Mother in hospital

Please add my mother Edith Brooks to the prayer list this week. She is now in Roanoke memorial hospital. She was transported there from Lynchburg General on Thursday. She has some pancreas-gallbladder problems. thank you
Judy Hunter

Decision to stop cancer treatments

Name: Owen H.  Prayer Request: please pray for our friend , he has cancer, and has decided to stop all treatments., he has just gotten tired of fighting , this terrible disease. Thank you all.

Surgery TODAY

I have surgery scheduled for Thursday and ask that my church family say a little prayer for me. Thank you in Jesus name.
Linda Thomas

Prayer for Texas

Prayer for people in Texas
No name given

Prayer and Praise

Prayers for a situation at work and praise one was settled prayers for my relationships in life and for family members that are sick

Battling cancer

Bobby A. Has been battling liver and esophageal cancer for a year. Was given 6 months to leave initially. Pray for healing.

Mom battling cancer

Please pray for Kori W.  Young single mom 31 years old with three children battling breast cancer. Has two of 16 chemo treatments. Pray for healing.

Prayer for Travel Mercies

Name: Carlen Gordon Prayer Request: My son Carlen has just finished 4 years in the US Marine Corps and will be driving cross country from California beginning today. We thank the Lord for his faithfulness and protection over these past 4 years and pray for His traveling mercies as Carlen begins his trek back to Lynchburg. Please pray Psalms 91 over my son. Thank you

Prayer for our country

We are Gods people and need to pray for the healing of our nation and to pray for our president to give him the strength and knowledge to all situations for our country. This country needs Gods healing for his people to love one another as he loves us. TRBC members please lets pray for peace, love and healing of the world and for us people to never lose forcing on Gods promises. God loves Us..
No name given

God will be calling her home shortly

Pray for Sue. Shes at the Summit and they only give her 48 hours to live.
No name given

Prayer for loved ones having health issues

Name: Taylor Prayer Request: Please pray for healing for my grandma and also for my dad. They both are having some health issues. Thank you so much!

Pray for 18 year old going through cancer treatments

Name: Danielle Lance Prayer Request: My little sister, Lea Jordan, was diagnosed with B-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia and she is 6 months into treatment with 2 years to go. She’s 18 years old and just graduated from high school. She wanted to be a neonatal nurse but has since changed plans and wants to be a pediatric oncological nurse and work on the wing she has been treated on.


Unspoken request for Linda.

Health issues

Name: No name Prayer Request: Please pray for healing for me. I’ve been having some health issues. Thank you and God Bless.

Difficult outcome of surgery

Name: Jimmy H. Prayer Request: He had a heart stent put in today and during the procedure a wire broke off. He might have to have bypass surgery because the wire can’t be retrieved. Another option is to be on blood thinners for the rest of his life. Please pray for guidance for the doctors and family to make decision for a good outcome. God is good. Thank you

Difficult time in life

please continue to pray for me and my family to give us strength to getting through some difficult times and to give us guidance in how we need to approach this situation in our life. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers and God Bless you all as well.
No name given

Prayer while I am healing

Prayer needed for pyloric bacteria . Antibiotic is making me have a bitter taste in my mouth and making me feel sick. Linda

Prayer over job interview

Name: Maureen Prayer Request: I’m seeking prayers for my upcoming job interview. This job will help me to grow more with the Lord and lessen my anxiety. Please pray for me. Thank You.

34 year old diagnosed with MS

Please pray for Matt the 34 year old husband of my granddaughter. He has had a “first time onset” of multiple sclerosis with paralysis of his lower body. He is probably not a believer. Pray for both his salvation and his physical healing. Pay also for His wife Lindsey and their two year old son Blake.

Testing on child with lumps in throat

7 year old girl was found to have lumps in her throat and will be having biopsy soon. Just need prayers it isnt too serious.


Name: unspoken Prayer Request: Job and financial security. Prayers for g that is very sick- prayers for k and I

Loss of wife

Please pray for Pastor Carlton Duck of Gethsemane Baptist Church. His precious wife of 46 years went to be with the Lord this morning. Please lift he and his family in prayer during this difficult time.
Brian Moore

Terminal Cancer

My sister-in-law, Alisa is terminally ill with cancer. She is traveling to Texas this week to meet with doctors. She has been given 10 months to live.

Prayer and Praise

Will be released on August 7th Monday from Lynchburg Health and Rehab. Be home bound for a while. Praise report, getting a new wheelchair from Roberts Medical here in Lynchburg.
Linda Karczewski

3rd surgery – lengthy recovery

Karen D. just had her 3rd major hip surgery in less than 2 years. This was done in Washington DC on Friday with cadaver transplants of labrum and capsule and many repairs. It will be long, painful recovery over several months. She is only 38 and and has unexpectedly been out of work this entire 2 years. Please continue for her and her entire family as this has impacted them all greatly!

Awakening at Bristol Raceway

Name: David Wilson Prayer Request: Please for Bristol Raceway Ministries as we serve August 12-19 at Bristol Motor Speedway. Pray that the Lord will draw people to Himself for salvation and repentance. May He bring revival and awakening to the thousands who attend the race next week.

Prayer for Health

Please pray for my overall health. Thank you.
No name given

Praise report

Praise , Our Friend Sally got a great report from the Dr. spot on her arm was nothing, Praise God!
No name given

Prayer for removal of kidney stone

please pray for Rebecca as she goes in to have her kidney stones remove. pray for quick recovery
Rebecca Cox


I would like to give thanks to the Lord and to all who prayed for me. The lump in my breast was not cancerous. Stephanie

Battling Cancer

pray for these two who have cancer!
Kori AND Corrine

In L-burg Health and Rehab

Still in Lynchburg Health and Rehab room 80A > keep me in prayer for healing and strength. Hope to be home end of next week or t his week.
Linda Karczewski

Unspoken needs

Name: Larry Mehaffey Prayer Request: Myself needs UNSPOKEN request and also put Mark and Kathy

Healing from cancer surgery

Please pray for my father-in-law. He is a member of TRBC and loves the LORD passionately. He recently went through prostate surgery. He is okay now, but the healing process is 4-6 weeks. Please lift him up as he goes through this time of healing. Thank you all.

Praise for healing from HBP

I received healing from high blood pressure and was able to be taken off of medication through singing praises to our God.
Terri Morris


Prayer Request: Relationship issues, travel safety and the health of a loved one. Anonymous


I do not attend TRBC, but hope to one day. I am in another state right now- please pray for a lady in my church… She is one of the sweetest people on the face of the earth and a good friend to my family. Her husband died of a heart attack. He was a young man with 3 kids at home. Salvation is very questionable. Pray for her please! – Autumn

Prayer for good test result

Prayers for good results from test today for Stephanie. They found a lump in her breast last week. Thanks
No name given

Glaucoma Diagnosis

Name: Scott Boggs Prayer Request: Please pray for me!!! I was diagnosed with glaucoma yesterday.

Gall Stone Attack

Please pray for my sister-in-law, Debbie G. She has gall stones and is having a gall stone attack. She has a doctors appointment tomorrow. Thank you and God Bless You all.

Praise and Thanks

thank you for the prayers the burn is healing faster than the doctors who the good praise the Lord praise the Lord
Dobie Toms

Wisdom and Peace

Name: Sharon T Prayer Request: Please pray for 47-year-old pastors wife mother of four beautiful children ages 9 to 20 She has metastatic cancer with bone involvement. May need to surgery this week. Godly believing family. Please pray for wisdom and peace.

Restoration of Family

I’m asking for prayer that my adult children all girls 26, 26, and 29 would begin to be kind and thoughtful toward me. They are so toward my ex husband who has much more financial resources than I, and especially now that he has just inherited close to one million dollars from his mothers death. I’m 60 and they only contact me when they want something from me. I spoke to them about this and they have decided to ignore me. I had a breast biopsy and none even asked if I needed help or how it turned out. I’m ashamed of them. I’m asking for prayer that they see their role as adult children or that I can stop feeling the depression of this situation and move on as though I have no children.  Thank you, Denise