Please Pray

Continued mercy and health to keep working as I try to pay bills. Mary

Prayer to stop smoking

Need help to break the cigarette; habit and addiction. Diane

Prayer need for transportation

That my Lord supply me with a vehicle. Praise Him for His mercy endureth forever. Matthew Zigler

Prayer for Salvation

Please pray for my wife and I to get saved. No name given

Unspoken Need

Name: Unspoken Prayer Request: Protection and guidance

Need Healing

Name: Kristi Evans Prayer Request: Please pray for me as I’m still hurting from my surgery. I have been in and out of the hospital for three years.

Prayer for Healing Cancer

Name: Lexi Albert Prayer Request: My step mom, Kim Albert, has been battling stage 4 ovarian cancer for over a year. She has also been undergoing chemo just as long but her condition continues to get worse. Please pray for healing, wisdom on the doctors’ part, and comfort for our family.

Prayer for Spinal Surgery

Name: Lockhart family Prayer Request: My Dad Kevin Lockhart is in need of prayer. He’s having spinal surgery in the next hour or so.

Anonymous Prayer Request

Please pray for me and my family we are in crisis. No name given

Prayer for healing and positive test results

Name: Linda S. Prayer Request: I just had blood work and urine sample test. Please pray that all results are great. Also I have pain in my left back that needs healing. Praise the Lord for hearing and answering our prayers.

Pray for friend

Please keep my dear friend, Melanie, in your prayers as she is about to complete her finals at LU and start an Internship at the end of the month . Billy Ayers

Prayer need for my marriage

Asking prayers for my marriage; that the Lord will guide us in the correct path. Asking for forgiveness and trying to practice forgiveness and letting go and let God. Thanks, Lynn

God’s presence in racing

Please pray for Raceway Ministries in Bristol this week. We have a great opportunity to share the gospel with thousands of people. Please pray that God will move at the speedway this weekend. From: David Wilson

Pray for schools

Please pray for all of our local schools, staff and children, for this upcoming school year.

Prayer for surgery

Please pray for Ryland as he will be having open heart surgery sometime in the coming weeks. He is meeting with his heart doctor this week. He is from Halifax, Va. Please pray for him, trusting God for complete healing and a quick recovery.

Prayer Needed

Please pray for my brother Rev. Mike Southall; he needs a liver and kidney transplants. Thank you, Cheryl

Prayer for 2nd job interview

Name: Maureen Prayer Request: I have a second interview with Liberty and I am praying for this position as I am struggling in many areas of my life. This would help me get on my feet again and give me a more positive work environment. Thank you!

Prayer for health struggles

Please pray for my sister Tracey as her digestive system is not functioning and they don’t know why. Please pray she can get in at John Hopkins soon. It’s a long waiting list. Please pray God will open a door very soon, and for the doctors to have the wisdom to find the cause of the problem.

Travel mercies

Please pray for me and my family as we travel to Georgia to get treatment for lung cancer. Thank you, David Wingfield

Health Concern

Please pray for a good diagnosis after MRI for numbness and lack of balance. Jon

Pray for wife

Anonymous – please pray for my wife to accept Christ as her Savior.

Prayer for Salvation

Anonymous – Please pray that my wife and I will get saved.

Pray for the presence of God

Please pray for me, Matthew, that God the Father will direct my life, for financial blessing and to receive a touch of my Master’s Hand.

Prayer needed for stroke

Please pray for Bonnie who had a stroke.

Pray for Aunt

Prayers for my Aunt.

Prayer Needed

Please pray for Jeff Burgess for health concerns. Cheryl Burgess

Prayer for non-believer

Please pray for salvation for Owen.  He has been diagnosed with terminal cancer and he is not a believer.

Pray for healing

CE is in the hospital with chest pains. Prayer for healing!


Please pray for my attempts at weight loss.

Prayer Need

Please pray for Michelle’s mother with heart condition.


Please pray for the Family of Rosalind Riggenbach.

Prayer for neighbor

Please pray for my neighbor Margaret Elder, she is in ICU and is in very serious condition. Brenda Kidd

Prayer for chronic condition

l am only 67 but my body is racked with pain daily from Sjogrens Disease and Fibromyalgia. Please pray for relief. l founded and direct a Chronic Pain Internet Ministry Group for 17 yrs. now and I need strength to keep working for my Jesus. Thank you so much and God bless you always. Nancy Dittert from Iowa


Please pray for Bob.

Humbly asking God…

Name: Thomas Kohlwaies Prayer Request: I humbly ask that God give me guidance as I make a career change in life. This change as drastically affected my finances and threw my marriage into turmoil.

Prayer for cancer diagnosis

Previously had a football-sized cancerous tumor removed and hey thought it was completely contained. A scan this past week revealed lesions on my liver. I have been told that it is terminal, and there is no need to pursue treatment. Please pray for a miracle! My name is Peggy H.  Thank you.

Prayer for new relationship

Prayers for my new relationship to continue to grow and be strong.

Prayer for Anonymous

Please pray that God will protect me from people’s attacks and for guidance in my new relationships and friendships.

Pray over cancer diagnosis

Pray for David C. who has been diagnosed with incurable cancer.  Pray also for his family.

Prayer through tough times

Please pray LJW who is going through tough times with his health.

Prayer for elderly mother

Please pray for healing CB’s mother who is elderly and in poor health.  CB has to travel from Texas to Indiana because her mother has been in and out of the hospital.  Please pray for God to sustain CB.

Prayer Needed

Anonymous – please pray for my job and financial security. Also for God to protect me from the gossipers that cause problems in my relationship.

Prayer for my son

Please pray for my son. He is very discouraged and close to depression. Im worried about him. Pray that he will meet a nice girl to share his life and that his job will settle down with less OT.

Prayer for Travel

Please pray for my family and I as we travel to Fl for vacation.

Needing the Lord’s help

Name: unspoken Prayer Request: Weight loss, healthy choices and continued growth in my career and personal life. Prayers I can rest easier and be at peace and continued happiness in my new relationship

Unspoken request

Special unspoken request today. Thanks No name given

Pray for revival

For revival and repentance for USA. Matthew Zigler

Brother has very critical injuries from accident

My brother was in a very serious accident in Florida. He is critical and given a small chance. Mike

Wanting to stop smoking

Help with cessation from smoking. God give me strength and determination. Diane

Medications being modified

Pray my mind and body will adjust to Dr. modifying medications. James Bangs

Praise the Lord

We Thank You. We Praise You. We Glorify You. We surrender to Serve You King of Kings. Matthew Zigler

Health issues

Name: Christine and James Prayer Request: Please pray for health and money problems for them. Thank you and God Bless

Needing the Lord’s help with many things

Name: unspoken Prayer Request: Weight loss, job and financial security, continued progress in my new relationship

Really needing the Lord’s help

Name: Karen Crim Prayer Request: My husband and I are in need of prayer. I have had to have a complete knee replacement 3 weeks ago and I am looking to have another knee replacement in a month. My husband had been battling cancer for 3 years and it has spread They are doing treatment and it leaves him very tired. Our money is very tight because my disability insurance hasn’t started.

Having health issues

Name: Shirley Ferguson Prayer Request: In Lynchburg General Hospital with a UTI

Needing the Lord’s guidance

Looking to relocate. Surrendered to serve. Ziglers

Health issues

Dizzy and light headed spells. I need prayer. Sherri Bangs

Health and relationships

Name: unspoken Prayer Request: Weight loss continued strength in relationship job and financial security

Friend is in the hospital

Pray for my friend Norman Martin. He is , in Lychburg. Gen. Larry Mehaffey

Head trauma from car accident

Name: Lisa Prayer Request: Please pray for Michael he has head trauma after a car accident please pray for progressing rehab

New believer faces tough obstacles

Name: Lawanna Prayer Request: Please pray for this young lady who just accepted Jesus as her Lord this weekend. She faces many obstacles in serving Jesus because of previous life styles.

Having tests done for cancer

Name: James “Chip” Saunders Prayer Request: In the hospital indefinitely at this point having tests ran. Suspect cancer. Husband and father or 3 young children.

Pray for baby Parker

Name: Bob and Sue Driskill Prayer Request: Grandson, Parker Chase Driskill, born to Tucker and Megan Driskill on June 28 with complications during the birthing process. He is currently in the NICU at UVA. We ask for continued prayer for his recovery.

Baby is in the NICU

Name: Lynn Copes Prayer Request: Need prayer for baby Parker Driskall at UVA NICU. Also for Zach Foster after a fall and sustaining a brain injury. Currently undergoing surgery.

Wanting to grow in Faith

To grow in Faith to trust and lean on Him for protection and guidance. Matt Jr.

God’s guidance

God’s guidance as we move (travel) to another state to continue to serve and grow in Christ. Matthew Zigler

Please pray for my work

Name: unspoken Prayer Request: Prayers for no more drama at work in a situation that developed.

Prayer for those traveling

Name: unspoken Prayer Request: Prayers for my new relationship, my family and continued Weight loss and job security. Prayers for myself and all people that are traveling this holiday weekend. Prayers for those that have recently lost loved ones

Lack energy

Most days I have no energy. Mary Jones

Thanking God

Give thanks to the Lord for His mercy endures forever. Pray for my health and guidance. Matthew Zigler

Health issues

My health. Sherrie Bangs

Seeking out God’s will

For Gods will in my life. Strength and wisdom to make the right choices. James Bangs

Heart issues

Name: WG Watts Prayer Request: Heart issues.

Battling cancer

Name: Linda Calloway Prayer Request: Diagnosed with breast cancer, very early stages, had lumpectomy, needs radiation.

Brother is very sick

My brother, Michael Southall-VESS, is very sick and in need of a liver and a kidney. Please keep him in your prayers that organs will become available before it is too late. Cheryl Vess Burgess

My brother is very sick

My brother Michael Southall-VESS is in need of a liver and kidney, very sick and on the transplant lists. Cheryl Vess Burgess

Health issues

Please pray for my wife, Ellen. She is extremely ill, even after being in the hospital for 5 days and on IVs. She is home but continues having severe GI issues and is also fighting a UTI. My wife is having a problem drinking liquids and eating anything. She is very weak. Dan

Having CT Scan done

I am having an Abdominal CT Scan on Tue the 28th. Please pray for all results to be good and nothing negative. All prayers appreciated. No name given

Please pray for me and my wife

Can you please pray for my Dina Cruz. My wife has had prior health problems and last night after work I found out that the doctor told her that her liver will fail, that she will be put on the Transplant List. I am so sad but I know my God, the God of all ages is faithful and true to everything He says. Please pray for her for comfort and support . Please pray for my God to give me strength and help her all I can to make her feel at ease with all that’s happening to her. Thank you and God Bless all of you. Jose A. Cruz

Need guidance

Name: unspoken Prayer Request: Guidance in my new relationship

Needing the Lord’s strength

I was in a relationship for a whole year and I’m 48yrs old. The time came when I needed to move out and start my life to see if I could just be my own person God wants me to be. I’ve never been alone. A friend gave me one of your books to follow and read. I’m praying for direction. strength. courage to go forward in Christ thank you Lord for your support and for hearing my prayer. Kathleen Pilcher

Health issues

Good evening, I am in need of prayer for my back. I have arthritis in my L4 & L5 which is painful and some days (like today) very painful. I have many health issues and I am believing God to help me. Thank you! 🙏 Audrey

Family needs prayer for healing

Please join me in circling a family in prayer for healing! My neighbors granddaughter. Robin Hale

My friend needs prayer

Dr. Howard Salem in Aberdeen South Dakota. Friend

Have a rash and hoping it is not shingles

The rash behind my neck and on top of my back. Pray it’s not shingles and God will remove it. Sherri Bangs

Praying for the Lord to help in many areas

I need the water to get fixed. My apt, job, for Gods protection. My truck to get back on the road. Matt Jr.

Need the Lord’s help

Need prayer for my feet and my job. Mary Jones

Need guidance and discernment

Need guidance and discernment as to following JESUS. Matthew Zigler

Praying to go full time at work

I’m praying my job will make me full time. Ben

Praying to understand God’s purpose for my life

Need help to grow in knowledge and understanding of the Lord’s purpose for my life. Calvin Massey

Pastor is battling cancer

Name: Pastor Ulrick Ariste Prayer Request: Please pray for Pastor Ulrick he is battling with multiple complications cancers in Haiti. We need a miracle where there’s no money for chemotherapy . Our only hope is prayers

Need healing from surgery

Name: George Adams Prayer Request: Had cancer on his forehead had surgery to remove the cancer and now taking radiation and has become blind in one eye. He has a torn retina and will have surgery on his eye this Thursday the 23rd.


Special Prayer request. No name given

My friend’s brother is dying

Please pray for my friend, Kathy. Her brother is dying from brain cancer. Rita

Need prayer for relationships

Name: unspoken Prayer Request: Many needs weight loss and relationships

Grateful for the Holy Spirit

What a Friend we have in JESUS. Thank you for the comforter the Holy Spirit. Amen. Matthew Zigler

Having a 16 hr. surgery

Pray for Holly Davis, one of the singers on stage. She is having a 16 hour surgery.  No name given

Pray for my current relationship

Name: unspoken Prayer Request: Prayers that the past will not affect my current relationship

Having an upper GI done

Pray for me. I’m having an upper GI this morning. No name given

Needing God’s help with our loneliness

Jesus lives in my heart!!!😃 My sister Laura, my niece Lily, and myself have my Dad who lives three hours from here. We have no family other than him. It is so hard when you have no family to care and love you. It has been this way all our lives. My Mom passed April 2 2015. I know he is always there. I just wish we had people here who loved us. Scott Boggs