Grow in the Lord
To grow in the Lord. Calvin Massey
To grow in the Lord. Calvin Massey
Pray for Lynn Bester who fell & broke her leg. She is the primary care provider for her handicapped husband who is having surgery this Friday. Loretta Zimmerman
Name: Brennan Ranson Prayer Request: Sweet little 6 year old who just had surgery for tonsillectomy and adenoids. Pray for his recovery. Thankful his surgery went well. Thank you so much!
Please pray for our finances and depression. All prayers appreciated. no name
Please pray for my neighbors family. He died in a car crash this morning. His girlfriend may die also. He had 4 kids and she had 1. mel
Prayers needed for Candace who has a virus and a sister who has to undergo tests next week for lung problem. Also pray for Larry who has shingles. Thanks for praying. No name given
Guidance in following and serving JESUS Christ. no name
Health, spiritual guidance, and a job or work. Jr.
For Healing, and for Gods will to be pursued, accomplished in my life. Matthew Zigler
Please add my neighbor, Carol Haertel, to the Prayer List for Comfort, Strength, and Healing. She continues in Centra Hospital since March 9. She has asked to be on our Prayer List. Thank you. Cleta Bohart
Name: Justin Peery Prayer Request: Strength. I lost my home and Bed and Breakfast Saturday night at 11pm while hosting 40 people for a wedding party. It was a total loss of not only everything for my business but also my personal belongings. While watching it burn I could only think of one thing, the song “when I don’t know what to do” by Charles. It’s hard to watch everything you have worked so hard for go up in flames but I know that Gods plan is always Perfect. He is in control. Please pray for me and guidance so that I can heal myself as well as have the strength to rebuild what so many came to know as “Good Place Farms”. Also pray for the 10 year old boy that saved all 40 people by leading them out of the burning house. He has asked me to come to church Sunday and I will gladly take him. Justin Peery Good Place Farms Bed and Breakfast
Name: private Prayer Request: Unspoken many needs
Name: Sylvia Cummins Prayer Request: My wife had a lot of leg problems, nerve damage.
Prayers needed for unspoken request. Thanks. No name given
Praise God! On Jan 22nd I asked for prayer for my brother Mark who was told he had bone marrow cancer, his results did come back negative, Romans 3:4 Thanks for praying Cheryll
Name: No name Prayer Request: Pray for college Liberty student, senior feeling the pressure of last weeks of school, nursing student needing prayers to finish strong.
Pray for the Yoder family. No name given
Pray for Jean who undergoes tests on Monday morning at LGH. No name given
Please pray for my brother Michael Southall-Vess for very serious health issues. Cheryl Burgess
Name: unspoken Prayer Request: Prayers for the many sick and those in need. Thanks for the answered prayers and improvements in mom. Prayers for job and financial security – forgiveness for my sins. Prayers for relationship reconciliation
Please pray for me I have been diagnosed with COPD and I am going through rehab in order to return to work with Gods help. I really need too return to work. Regina Winfield
Request: My coworker’s daughter just had a baby boy about a month ago and he is not doing well. The doctor may have to put him in the hospital tonight. If you could pray for healing, strength, and peace for the family they would really appreciate it. Thank you! From:
Name: LF Prayer Request: A young mother has asked for prayer.
My niece Lily Boggs has been having stomach pain and other abdominal issues. They have not found out the problem yet. We can’t even afford to eat healthy the way they want. I sure wish I knew the point of all this pain was? Scott Boggs
Prayers needed for the Robertson family and for the 72 year old man who was robbed and beaten. No name given
Prayers needed for my nephew who has had sinus, coughing, and congestion for a month now. No name given
Pray for Larry who has shingles. Thanks. No name given
Name: Ken Prayer Request: Had a high PSA test reading!! Have another test in 2 weeks! Please pray that the test will be normal and no problems
Pressure on chest and high blood pressure. Sherri Bangs
Name: Pat in NC Prayer Request: Prayers for my daughter and her lifestyle…may she find her way back to Jesus”….Thank you in advance.
Name: Lois Harris Prayer Request: Please lift my Mama, Lois Harris (Halifax) in prayer. She lost her husband (our Daddy) to colon cancer this past January 30 after a six year battle and she is deeply struggling (as we all are) with moving forward without him. This has been a very tough journey for all of us. Please remember my entire family, trusting the Lord to draw us closer to Him and especially for unsaved family members. Thank you so much.
Name: unspoken Prayer Request: Job and financial security – health and weight loss ,and a special relationship to be reconciled if it is God’s will. Thank God for the answered prayers this week and for the patience to endure other trials
Special unspoken requests for Jean. No name given
Pray for my back and feeling dizzy at times. Thanks for praying. No name given
Name: unspoken Prayer Request: Work and relationships
Name: Jeanne Prayer Request: Pray for a closer walk with God.
Name: Senior student at Liberty Prayer Request: Pray for this young man to be given special strength by the Lord to finish strong in this last few weeks before graduation. He has only three courses left to finish but many assignments yet to complete.
My daughter, Ashleigh suffers with depression. Please pray that God will intercede. Thank you. Loretta Zimmerman
Pray for my left eye. Been troubling me all day. Thanks. No name given
Name: unspoken Prayer Request: Prayers for a family and a baby involved in a bad wreck last night – prayers for special relationship in my life and reconciliation – prayers for job security and weight loss- prayers that if my relationship does not reconcile God will send the right man for me. Praise to God for easter and its many blessings.
My friend Mary Shaw went to be with the Lord today Pray for family. No name given
Name: LJP Prayer Request: Prayers for a job I recently applied for since losing my job. I’m under qualified, but hoping God can show favor.
Please pray for a dear close friend of 45 plus yrs, Mary Shaw. She can no longer talk and Doctors just give her few remaining days. Praying she is a Christian and she is not in pain. No name given
Name: Linda Prayer Request: My 44 year old daughter Erica just had a colonoscopy. The doctor removed 6 polyps. Please pray they are benign.
Spiritual discernment and guidance for my walk with my Lord Jesus. Matthew Zigler
Need a closer walk with God. Paul Bangs
I need prayer for pain. I also need to have spiritual renewal in my heart, mind, and soul. Mary Jones
Unexplained health problems and pain unspoken
Praise and Glorify God for our safe trip last week. Pray that we continue to serve with all our heart,mind,words,works. Matthew Zigler
Please lift the Layne family up in prayer as they lost their son Matthew Sunday morning. 20 years old.. Layne Family
Name: Eugene Prayer Request: Right now I’m struggling. I’m struggling with a relationship that I so desperately want. We are both Christians but I want us to go deeper in that. Right now we are on a break but I have a love I’ve never felt for them and I can’t wait to talk again. I also need prayer for life at a job that has little growth opportunities. I also need prayer for moving and possible job offers. I want to be Christ in how I talk, think, and live. I’ve gotten away from that but I want to come back
I recently went on Lantus (insulin) and have gained 20 lbs in 4 months. pray I might be able to control(reduce) my weight as well as my sugar. No name given
Name: Dillon Gray Prayer Request: Prayers that God will continue to use me and shine his light through me so that others will turn to him. Prayers for America and the rest of the world so that all nations turn to the Heavenly Father so that they may know peace and security that Jesus will lead them and never forsake them.
Name: unspoken Prayer Request: Relationship reconciliation, Moms health, Job security, and a peaceful week at work
Name: Judy Johnson Prayer Request: Judy fell again, has had surgery, and is now at Liberty Ridge. She is very weak. Please pray for her as she works to recover from this latest setback.
She is weak…doctor is doing tests. Ruthie Snyder
For God to have mercy on our family. Diane
Name: unspoken Prayer Request: Unspoken
Name: anonymous Prayer Request: Going through marital separation , keep wife kids and family in prayers that God will make our marriage work.
My Dad , Paul L. Jones has been diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer. Please pray for peace and comfort in this time and peace for the rest of our family Jonathan Jones
Name: Sandra Bailey Prayer Request: Sandra broke her right leg and will be having surgery to repair it!
Name: Laffette Family Prayer Request: Pray for Tracey and Chip Laffette!! Mrs. Laffette is in a medical induced coma!!
Pray for Darryl Saunders Family. He had esophageal cancer and passed away Tuesday afternoon. No name given
I pray for SW. No name given
Name: Lori Prayer Request: Co-worker admitted to hospital having a lot of pain with weakness on one side. Please pray for complete healing in Jesus name. Amen.
Very sick with cancer. Has been told his body is giving up. Grant Viar
Name: unspoken Prayer Request: Reconciliation – weight loss and job and financial security
For my brother and his family to. find the joy of the Lord. Matthew Zigler
My wife Vicky is having stomach nausea and pain. Please pray that it is nothing more than a bug and that it will go away quickly. Thanks. Ross
Uspoken prayer request for Billy . No name given
Salvation needed for daughter son in law and grandson. No name given
Having pain and problem again with stomach. Dr. going to run test. Pray that cancer didn’t return. Sarah
Name: anonymous Prayer Request: Pray for a young man in ministry! Victory is needed to combat the discouragement of Satan. Pray also that God will bring encouragement to him through the Scriptures and Christian brothers!
Lisa, needs prayer. Blood clots in lungs, cancer, back issues. In hospital. Lord have mercy. Matthew Zigler
Please pray for God’s will to be revealed as we travel the 14th. Plus, a Drs visit. Praise the Lord. Matthew Zigler
Name: Michael Ramsey Prayer Request: Healing of right knee injury.
Name: unspoken Prayer Request: Thank you for your blessings Lord. I ask for your protection as I am sorry for my actions yesterday, please do not let the person involved cause me any issues on my job or my personal life or cause me to have legal issues. Please help me be strong and control myself and move forward. I have asked for this relationship to be reconciled but this person is so hurtful and pushes my buttons and constantly causes me heartache, please just let me accept being single and let go and realize I can’t help some people, I am a good person and have never had any issues legal or otherwise. Thank you.
Name: ljf Prayer Request: My husband is having knee surgery Thursday for work related injury. Please pray for good outcome so he can return to work quickly.
Name: Jan’s friend Prayer Request: Please pray for Hazel. She is in ICU in a Vermont hospital with Encephalitis (an infection of the brain). She is on a respirator and heavily sedated. She suffered a seizure last nite. It does not look good, but asking God for a miracle.
Name: unspoken Prayer Request: Please pray that my daughter and son-in-law come back to the Lord. Their children need godly models.
Name: unspoken Prayer Request: Prayers for health of a loved one- prayers for acceptance of God’s will in a relationship regardless of the outcome. Although I wish for reconciliation
Name: Crystal Prayer Request: Please pray for my husband, Mark, who broke his ankle in 4 places last week. He had surgery (plate and screws/pins) on Wednesday the 2nd and is in considerable pain. Please pray that the pain can be under control without too much medication as well as complete healing of his ankle. Thank you and God bless!
Thnk you for praying for my father Walter Peretiatko Sr. for the rental of his building. He is 85 years old and so far we have had two people call to look at the building. please keep praying☺☝ Walter Peretiatko
Name: Pam Prayer Request: Please pray for guidance and wisdom.
Please pray for me to heal. I have bronchitis and a nasty stomach bug. I cant even rest in my current state. Sarah
Name: unspoken Prayer Request: Praise report a friend was announced as cancer free today. Still asking for God’s guidance and prayers with my health, work and weight loss. Need a special pray for a relationship to be healed and reconciled.
For strength and guidance in all I do. I want to bring Honor and Glory to the Father. Matthew Zigler
For strength to quit these expensive , stinky cigarettes. Diane Zigler
Pray for my older brother who is in hospice care. Pray for peace that he may know he is saved by grace through Jesus precious blood. Pray for peace No name given
My sons and daughter to study and read the living Word of God more than ever and memorize. Matthew Zigler
That my blood work will reveal what’s needed or lacking for my doctor to treat me. Mary Jones
To be healed from any and all diseases/illnesses that keep me from serving my Lord JESUS. Matthew Zigler
Name: Brenda Prayer Request: Please pray for my daughter Sarah who is having a lot of pain with kidney stones and a infection.
Name: Brenda Prayer Request: Praising God for answered prayer. I have been praying for almost a year to see my grandson and to have a relationship with my daughter again. I want to give others hope and tell them not to stop praying for their family situation.
Name: Brenda Prayer Request: Please pray for my grand-daughter. She is having anxiety and panic attacks.
Please pray right NOW for my friend, Terra. She is having emergency surgery for a kidney stone. Thank you. Kathy
Name: unspoken Prayer Request: Many areas of forgiveness and second chance in a special relationship and job security. Please pray I can leave things in God’s hands and give it time.
Name: Blane Prayer Request: Court date on March 2
Noah age 2 has a brain tumor that is situated between 2 main nerves. February 29th he will have surgery to remove it. Prayer needed that surgery will not cause Noah any harm or leave him with other problems. Pray God to guide surgeons hands. Pray he will come through it. Pray strength for his faithful family. Kathy
Mary Harris, who is my coworker. Her husbands uncle Edward Harris was killed in tornado on Wednesday. I would like to have her family in our prayers . Edward Keith Harris