Very important unspoken prayer request. UNSPOKEN
Very important unspoken prayer request. UNSPOKEN
Please pray for my wife Vicky. She has sinus and stomach ache and a bad cough. Thanks. Ross
Name: unspoken Prayer Request: Job and financial security. Weight loss. Forgiveness in a relationship and reconciliation
Name: Lori Prayer Request: Thanking God and you all for the prayers as my father came through his cardiac cath without needing another stint. We still need to know why he has increased fatigue but the doctor is working on that. Salvation is still priority though and prayers are appreciated.
Name: House To Sell Prayer Request: Really need to sell my house. Please pray for a buyer to come along.
Name: Steve and Oscar. Prayer Request: Please pray for salvation for two young men…Steve and Oscar. Pray that God will send more Christian people into their lives to help show them the way to Him.
Name: Topher Atkins Prayer Request: Topher has a malignant tumor in his neck. Two surgeries next week. One to remove his tonsils and the 2nd to remove the tumor. Please pray that the surgeries will be a success.
Name: Martha Harper Prayer Request: Please pray for Martha. She has a small cancerous tumor in her brain. She is doing well now and taking a daily chemo pill. Please pray for healing.
Please pray for the family of Mitchell Wright would went home to be with the Lord this morning. Linda
Please lift us up in prayer for my health. We need to reach many souls here in West Plains, MO. for the Glory of God in 2016. Matthew Zigler
Praise the Lord! Mary Jones hasn’t had any mini strokes. She even said,Thank God. She has left foot fracture needs prayer. Matthew Zigler
Healing needed for sciatica. Thanks for praying. No name given
Name: Lisa Anderson Prayer Request: Please pray for Michael as he enters rehab after a serious car accident. Pray for excellent progress
Name: Deb Rummel Prayer Request: Unspoken
Name: unspoken Prayer Request: Many unspoken requests from the health of those I love to reconciliation in a special relationship. Also prayers for job and financial security
Name: Miranda Prayer Request: Please pray for the city where my husband and I used to live. A man randomly began shooting, and 6 have died and 2 are hospitalized. Police belive the gunman is in custody.
Praise. My mom is showing some improvement, and we are hopeful she will be released one day next week. Three weeks in the hospital has been hard on all of us. I am especially thankful for the prayers and support of the MANA Life group. Audrey Mulder
Name: Teresa Prayer Request: My brother is an alcoholic and continues to lose jobs because of it. Pray for God to give him strength to resist the temptation.
Name: Linda Prayer Request: My nephew, Sean (21), is addicted to heroin. His parents (my brother and his wife) are devastated. He was asked why. He said there was an emptiness he couldn’t deal with. He comes from an upper middle class home and has never wanted for anything. He was raised Catholic and the family was devout. The family is in desperate need of prayer.
Name: Austin Hall, grandparents Richard and Kay hall. Prayer Request: Austin is 20 years old had a stroke on Saturday in his brainstem. Found out yesterday he has a large mass in his chest that is either lymphoma or a rare autoimmune disease. Please pray for him to be healed. He is presently in Barnes Jewish Hospital in St. Louis Missouri. Thank you so much appreciate your prayers. Kay and Richard
Name: Lori Prayer Request: My father will undergo a cardiac cath with stint replacement on Tuesday 2/23. Please pray for salvation and good outcome. Thank you.
Name: l Prayer Request: Young man, friend of son-in-law, isolating himself and not being communicative. Worried he is depressed.
I need some serious prayer right now. My whole life is falling apart. My boyfriend might leave me and I’m possibly pregnant with our 2nd child. I’m in school. I’m heart broken. I need so much prayer. I need God’s help and strength. Thanks, Bri
God’s direction and comfort. Increased faith. Health. Diane Zigler
Name: David Redden Prayer Request: Pray for my brother Kirby
Please pray for my mom Ali Brosovic. .. She is in constant pain from arthritis and osteoporosis. .. this has been going on since September. ..please pray for her Pamela Brosovic
Name: unspoken Prayer Request: Reconciliation
Name: Joe Laslie Prayer Request: In I C U
Thank You for this prayer chain. I truly Praise and Thank God!!! Matthew Zigler
Diane my wife needs prayer. My skin on left arm, hand show signs of cancer again. Matthew Zigler
Praise God, doctors finally found what is causing my mothers pain and decline! Please pray for my mother Betty Vess, doctors have just found a large mass on her left kidney and small mass on right kidney. She is down to 99 lbs and very weak, and just turned 80 so were not sure if surgery is an option. Cheryl Burgess
Addiction alcohol, possibly drugs. Stacy
Name: unspoken Prayer Request: Special request about a special relationship in my life. Thank you.
Closer walk with Lord. Kristin B.
My father is 85 years old and has a building that needs to be rented or sold. 6000 square feet in Dover, Delaware. It was his income, but its been vacant for 2 years. He had 2 children attend Liberty. Thank you. Walter Peretiatko
Prayer for my family. my husband is at Elim home, he has been struggling with alcohol addiction and not being able to keep a job. Our family has suffered and I’m currently dealing with anger, nerves, and financial difficulties. I also suffer from physical pain and cigarette addiction and I want to be a better soldier for Christ. Lorrie
Name: nameless Prayer Request: Battling severe depression and suicidal thoughts. Our family has lost all our friends and our reputation after rumors and gossip has been circulating. Seems hopeless. Disappointed in fellow Christians. Homesick for heaven.
I need lifted up in prayer. I’m having very bad burning pain and off and on swelling in leg, foot. Matthew Zigler
My son, Matthew Jr. for God’s guidance. Matthew Zigler
Please pray for my unborn baby, his/ her heartbeat was low the first OB visit. 5 weeks 6 days. ty💜 Krista B
Name: Brenda Prayer Request: Please pray for my daughter and I to reconcile and for her to start letting me see my grandson again.
Name: unspoken Prayer Request: Family unspoken. Thanks! Theres power in prayer!!
Name: unspoken Prayer Request: Praise for answered prayers. Asking for continued improved health, a quiet work week without the drama of last week. Also prayers for a special person to get positive results in a health issue
Name: Cyndi Prayer Request: Please continue prayer for my son Chase is in basic training and will be gone for five months !! Praying for strength for us and him!!
Name: Jadyn Krantz Prayer Request: Please lift baby Jadyn up he is 19 months old fighting for his life in Roanoke ICU. Please pray for comfort and understanding for his parents as well.
Please pray that Rebecca will get closer to God and follow His calling on her and to help her make better life choices. Melissa
Pain. right leg and ankle .Gods mercy and strength to lift me up. Praise the Lord for your prayers. Matthew Zigler
Name: Robin Massey Prayer Request: Prayers for my mother, Jill Dunning, the doctors, and family as she has surgery this afternoon for a life threatening condition and for the days ahead as she recovers. She has lung cancer and a tumor that is obstructing her airways. She will start radiation and chemotherapy shortly after procedure. Also Prayers that she will call upon the Lord for strength and feel His presence. Pray for the doctors that God will guide them. Thank you.
Name: N/A Prayer Request: I want to lift up a family member who lost their baby in pregnancy. She is having a hard time and really needs to feel comforted and loved.
I request prayer for my ailing body and mind. Retired and still working. It’s taking a toll on me. Sherri Bangs
For lost souls. Help us Lord to have a deeper burden for lost souls. Matthew Zigler
For a greater understanding ; of and for Spiritual Discernment. Matthew Zigler
Angela is battling cancer and needs a lot of prayers. Angela Hershman
Please pray for me to have opportunities to preach Gods Word. Matthew Zigler
Had injection in my back Friday. Thank you Jesus and I pray for answered prayer. Praise God! Anne
My uncle was just sent to Wake Med in N.C. with severe pain and bleeding. Prognosis not good. I believe in the power of prayer, and I’m asking you to join with me in prayer for my uncle. I love TRBC and believe in your ministries there. Thank you for your prayers. Lisa Crofoot
Name: Marcie long Prayer Request: Her leg is hurting her very much and her feet, hands. Please pray for her.
Name: family unspoken Prayer Request: Family unspoken
I am struggling with severe depression. I am also struggling with financial difficulties in February. My sister missed work due to sickness and snow in January. My mother passed away in April. I am still struggling with her passing. Please pray for a miracle in my life. Scott Boggs
Name: Jonathan Warner Prayer Request: He is currently in UVA hospital and has been shot 4 times and now is paralyzed from chest down he has got a long recovery and wants answers to why this happened to him. He loves Jesus and is saved. He is also scared to fall asleep at night. He is scared. His family helps as much as possible
Name: Tiffany Prayer Request: I have been chosen to go to Cuba for a missions trip. I ask for prayer on support, funding, safety, Gods blessing and for the people in and around to hear and receive His word.
Evelyn hip pain and health, and draw closer to Christ. Matthew Zigler
My brother and wife to draw closer to God and increase the reading of Gods Holy Word. Matthew Zigler
For Gods guidance with job. Health, Family. Praise the Lord! Sherri Bangs
Name: unspoken Prayer Request: Unspoken request
Name: Norman Fritz Prayer Request: Pray that our 2006 Volkswagen Jetta would sell
Praise to the Lord!!! Answer prayers. Mary Jones foot problem from fracture not diabetes. Thank You for this list. Matthew Zigler
Please pray for Faith Miller. In Norfolk General in very bad shape. Perforated bowel, kidneys not working, etc… She is a sister in Christ & is a loving person. Desperately needs Gods intervention. Loretta Zimmerman
Please pray for my friend Sabrina Crowell. She found out today that she has breast cancer. Sandy Miller
My husbands niece and her husband adopted 2 children about 8 years ago. a brother and a sister. Z Audrey
Name: Kathleen Smith Prayer Request: Mother in law had a heart attack. May have surgery tomorrow.
Praise! Him for His mercy, goodness, provisions and most of all His Love! Matthew Zigler
Neighbor Sherri Bangs for Gods guidance with her job. Matthew Zigler
Name: Donnie Prayer Request: Need prayer for my finances. Also need prayer that I will find better employment
Ruth received a, not so good, report from Dr. I gave her a Gospel Trac . Wants comfort and peace. No name given
Name: Paul Prayer Request: Please pray for reconciliation in my marriage.
The retina in Brendas eye is tearing away and she will be having emergency surgery this afternoon. Brenda Lawrence
Name: Brenda Kidd Prayer Request: Please pray for my daughter Sarah Barnett. She has had major surgery on her colon and is still in pain. Praying God will take away all her pain and heal her.
Name: unspoken Prayer Request: Various – health, relationships, and weight loss
Name: Darlene Saucedo Prayer Request: She is fighting cancer.
Name: Donna Pankey Prayer Request: She is in the hospital and having surgery Wednesday.
Name: Far apart for too long Prayer Request: That God’s mighty hand would move our family closer together and all back to the Lynchburg area.
Name: Lisa Prayer Request: Please pray for a teenager named Michael, serious car crash in critical condition.
Name: family unspoken Prayer Request: Family unspoken.
Name: Eloise Prayer Request: Time is approaching. I’m still considering moving to Lynchburg to complete my studies at LibertyU. In July 2016, I will have completed my Peace Corps service in Lesotho, Africa May God “instruct and teach” me the path to follow. Amen.
Name: Eliezer Nieves Prayer Request: Family salvation and healing hearts.
Name: Eliezer Nieves Prayer Request: Parkinson. And marriage
Name: Patty Prayer Request: Please pray for me and my son. He has a special need that the Lord knows about. Also, I need prayer for my prayer life and devotional time. I need to spend more quality time in prayer and in his word.
Arthritic and twisted fingers. For Gods grace and courage when people make fun of me. Calvin Massey
My Christian friends twin brother Kevin Massey has heart problems. Matthew Zigler
Please pray for my mother who has twice during her raging and anger welcomed Satan to live in her. Need prayer now! daughters request
Please pray for my brother Mark. He and his wife finally became parents, and now was told he has bone marrow cancer. Let Gods word be true and every man a liar Romans 3:4 Cheryll
For guidance and strengh for a platform to minister Gods Word. Matthew Zigler
Going to have injection in back and ct scan. Relief from pain. Anne
Name: anonymous Prayer Request: Pray for a young woman who is in need of healing from a virus in one of her eyes. That complete healing will happen soon and that that the virus will not spread to her other eye. She will not be able to return to her career until this is cleared up.
Praise the Lord for His Mercy and Truth endured forever! Matthew Zigler
Name: unspoken Prayer Request: Prayers for a family member going through medical issues. Prayers that a special person will reach out and reconcile our relationship – prayers for job and financial security. Praise for my health and all of the prayers and miracles God has worked in my life.
My good friend, Alicia, in Georgia, is wheelchair-bound. Her house burned down last Tuesday while She was at work. She lost all three of her dogs, who were like her children. She lost everything including medical supplies that she needs daily. Being in a wheelchair, she can’t stay just anywhere and wasn’t able to find a way to shower until Saturday! Her husband is in jail but due to be released on the 27th. She really needs him home now. Please pray for Alicia and her husband Daniel as they try to start life all over again. Thank you. Denise
Name: Bane Thurston Prayer Request: Pray for healing from continuous ear infections and other medical concerns.
Has cancer Mark Bowman