Need a quick recovery

Name: Jake Prayer Request: Pray for God to give me a quick recovery. Had a accident at work and hurt my back and neck pretty severely.

Our country needs God

Name: The Burrill family Prayer Request: Pray that Christians will stand up together and promote Gods word in this struggling country. We need to pray that planned parenthood will cease to exist. We need to pray for revival in the United States and that morals will become important again. We are nothing without God and it is starting to show in our great country.


Name: Don  Prayer Request: Need prayer for my finances

Praying to be cured of cancer

Name: Nancy Helms Prayer Request: Please pray for Nancy Helms to be cured of cancer.

Wife is battling cancer

Name: Alfred Prayer Request: My wife was diagnosed with breast cancer in February. We lost our daughter to health issues in April. Please pray for us

Husband is in need of a job

Name: Husband needs a job

Needing God to help me in many areas

Name: Unspoken Prayer Request: Job, health, weight loss, and forgiveness – total restoration in a special relationship

Need a miracle from God

Please continue to pray for my fiancé, son and I as we go through a very difficult time. Work is tough, and our financial situation is very hard. Both of our cars our broken and we’re in need of a miracle. Melody

Special situation

Name: unspoken Prayer Request: Special situation- restoration

Pray for my husband’s health

Name: Susan Prayer Request: Please pray for my husband Earl, he has Pre-Retinal Hemorrhage , in both eyes. Will have laser surgery in the morning then 18 months of shots in both eyes to save his sight. He also has other health issues. Thank you!!

In need of your prayers

I know prayer is the only hope for our situation, so please continue praying for us! Thank you! melody

My son and our family need your prayers

Please pray for my son. His wife left him and their 4 children for a convicted felon. Our family is in a lot of pain. unspoken

My brother and his wife need your prayers

Name: Tate Myers Prayer Request: Please pray for my family (especially my brother and his wife and daughter) as we mourn the sudden loss of my 21 year old nephew.

Broken hip

Pray for healing of Malcolm Burgess with broken hip. Cheryl Burgess

Battling cancer

Pray for Nelson Smith with lung cancer that has spread throughout body. No name given

In need of a miracle

Please pray for my family and I. We are in need of a miracle, God is our only hope. Melody


Name: Beverly Prayer Request: 2 unspoken prayer request…

Looking for a job and right people in my life

Name: unspoken Prayer Request: For God to send the right job and right people in my life. I truly loved someone but it doesn’t seem to work I pray for strength to let it go Help needed with weight loss and depression.

Praying for a promotion

Please pray that my husband will get the promotion he has applied for and that God will show us how to properly use the increase. No name given

Feeling broken

The brokenness that I feel can only be helped by God and prayer melody

Praying for job security

Name: unspoken Prayer Request: Job security financial security and faith I made the right choice in a relationship and reconciliation

Young lady is suicidal

Name: Lori Prayer Request: Suicidal young lady needs urgent prayer!

Niece needs surgery

Name: Kim McKinney Prayer Request: My great niece that is 3.5 weeks will need surgery on her head. She has been through so much. She was born without a heart beat and blue. God brought her back to life and she went to NICU because she was having continuous seizures. God produced another miracle and brought her home within just 4 weeks with no seizure activity and no meds. But now her skull has fussed together and she will undergo surgery around December and will be cut ear to ear and will have to wear a helmet about 2 months after. Please pray for her. Her name is Emmalee Cupit.

Losing blood doctors don’t know why

Name: T.R. Rutherford Prayer Request: Need prayers. In hospital in TN and losing blood and doctors don’t know why. Bleeding internally. Had surgery Friday and still losing blood.

My cousin needs your prayers

Name: Please keep my cousin Iris “Muffin” Morris in your prayers. She is a wonderful teacher for the Alleghany School system who had to give up her calling of teaching students. She was diagnosed with metastatic melanoma a year ago. Prayer Request: Please keep my cousin Iris “Muffin” Morris in your prayers. She is a wonderful teacher for the Alleghany School system who had to give up her calling of teaching students. She was diagnosed with metastatic melanoma s year ago. Thanks so much.. Linda Thomas

Needing complete recovery

Name: Jennifer Hollyfield Prayer Request: Please pray for complete recovery.

Wanting complete recovery

Name: Jordan Prayer Request: Please pray for a complete recovery.

Unspoken requests

I have 2 unspoken prayer request. Sandy

Relationship and job

Name: Unspoken Prayer Request: Relationship job security and help with house repairs to not be serious. Thank you

Having knee replacement surgery

I’m having knee replacement surgery today at Moses Cone Hospital in Greensboro NC. Please pray for me and my sons. Angela Snead

Please pray for my daughter

Name: Rebecca Anderson Prayer Request: Please pray for my daughter Carrie.

Please pray for the results of my exam

Name: Anne Prayer Request: Pray that my mammogram is negative Tuesday. Second one in one month.

Praying for restoration and forgiveness

Name: unspoken Prayer Request: Restoration and forgiveness

I need prayer for my marriage

Please pray for my husband and I. I have not heard from him in over 8 months.  Pray that God will reconcile my marriage and bring us close to him as a Christian couple if it is his will. VC

Please pray for my daughters salvation

Please pray for my daughter, Sylvia, who needs Jesus love and salvation in her broken life. Eva Barkman

Having an out patient procedure done

On 7/15/15 having out patient procedure done at Centra Southside Community Hospital in Farmville,Va. Linda Karczewski

My Aunt Alice had a series of strokes

Name: Alice Kisner Prayer Request: At UVA Medical Center. Aunt Alice had a series of strokes on Friday. Please lift her and her family up during this tough time.

Couple just lost their baby

Please pray for a young married couple, high school sweethearts, Liberty grads, as she just lost the baby at 33 weeks. Please pray for their peace, guidance and joy through this terrible time. Melody

Pray for the family of Dale Keith

Dale Keith, Carla Powells brother, passed away this morning. He was saved.

Family needs restoration

Name: JS Prayer Request: Please, please pray for my family. We need to forgive and come back together.

Friend is taking the state boards for nursing

Name: A friend Prayer Request: A close friend is preparing to take her VA state nursing boards this Friday to determine if she can practice as a RN. Any prayers are much appreciated!

My boyfriend and friend are very depressed

My boyfriend and good friend are both very depressed and suicidal, they don’t know each other, but Im trying to help both of them, and at this point, the only hope is God. We need a miracle! They both have had rough lives and have a boy the same age. Please, please pray with me! Melly

My dad really needs your prayers

Name: Russell Harris Prayer Request: Please, Please, Please, Please be in prayer for my dad, Russell Harris, who is a patient at Lynchburg General Hospital, Room 366 surgical floor East Tower. He is suffering from severe complications associated with his last cancer surgery on March 30. Please pray that God will do exceedingly abundantly more than we can ask or imagine!!!!!

My mom is sick with pneumonia

Name: Roberta Colinger Prayer Request: Please pray for my mom, Zelda Colinger. She is in Lynchburg General Hospital battling pneumonia.

Please pray for my husband’s health

Name: Dawn Canard Prayer Request: My husband has pulmonary fibrosis of the lungs, and his health is deteriorating fast. Please pray God will heal him, we have a 3 year old son to raise. I love him so much, we have only been married 6 years.

Relationship issues

Name: unspoken Prayer Request: Please pray my actions do not harm relationships close to me

Please pray for my marriage

Name: Allison Prayer Request: My husband left me. I cannot wrap my mind around his reasoning for divorce. I do not believe in divorce. We have only been married less than 2 years. Please pray that God can help us reconcile our marriage. For He is the author of miracles. Please keep Matt in your prayers to help him come back to the Lord and reconcile our marriage.

Could become homeless

Name: Ladd Family Prayer Request: We are in need of prayer. Janna, Abby, and myself need prayer. We need a place to live. Could be in danger of being homeless if the sale of the rented house we live in goes through.

Having really bad pain

I’m 95 and getting very bad pain in my stomach and esophagus. Please pray for me and wisdom for the doctor. Robert Ward


Name: unspoken Prayer Request: Unspoken request over many situations and relationships in my personal and professional life.

Pray for the Graybill family

Please pray for the family of Joy Graybill who just went home to be with the Lord a few minutes ago. Linda

Battling health problems

Name: Debbie Prayer Request: Please pray for my husband, Bill. He is dealing with many health problems right now and needs a mighty touch from God! Thank you!

Teenager in serious car accident

Name: Whitney Loving Prayer Request: Whitney is a teenager from Nelson County that was in a bad car accident on Friday afternoon. They had to perform surgery on her brain Friday night to alleviate pressure from a bleed. She is now in a medically induced coma. The doctors said that it will be a few days before they will know if she’s going to make it and what type of brain damage she may have. Please pray for her, her doctors, and her family.  She is hospitalized at UVA.

Need prayer for a relationship

Name: unspoken Prayer Request: Full reconciliation in a special relationship

Pray for Pastor Jonathan

Name: Bruce and Sandra Wright Prayer Request: Please pray for Jonathan during these difficult times with the Supreme Court ruling today. May God be with him during this time. Bruce and Sandra Wright

Found a note with a concerning message

Name: anonymous Prayer Request: I was in the Christian book store today and I saw something that broke my heart. I feel the need to share this in hopes that other people see it and pray. I came across a little card for a prayer request from an individual that said: “I’m going to kill myself. Help me.” I have no idea who wrote this request, but it stopped me in my tracks. This feeling of utter sadness washed over me when I picked up and saw that note. Please pray for this person that they find the peace and hope to press onward in life and not give up. Jesus loves you, whoever you are!!!!!

Please pray jaw symptoms subside

I went to have one tooth pulled today. I had to go back this afternoon because it would not stop bleeding. I take blood thinner is why. Please pray my jaw symptoms will subside as well. Scott Boggs

Pray for my sister

Name: Anonymous Prayer Request: My sister is 7 weeks from giving birth and is having a hard time with her job and finances. She is also in an abusive marriage. Please just pray that God just watch over her and protect her. Please pray that the LORD rescue her from that situation.

Finances to pay student loans

Name: anonymous Prayer Request: Please pray for my family as my husbands student loans are going to come due soon.

Husband needs a job

Name: Rebekah Johnston Prayer Request: Our family just moved here from Maine. My husband is looking for a job. Pray that the Lord provides one soon. Thank you.

Dealing with a stressful situation

My mother Leona Boggs died April 2 2015. I have been fighting with JCPENNEY just to get information on her life insurance. My health has really suffered because of it. My TMJ has really flared up. Please pray for comfort from the Lord. I have been in the ER for a panic attack already. I. just cant fight Jcpenney anymore. I just want to get better. Please pray for me! Scott Boggs

9 month old having surgery

9 month old son of Amber and Ramsey Moore having surgery Thursday at UVA. Maui Moore

Improvements in a work situation

Name: unspoken Prayer Request: Improvements in work situation to resolve it self.  Prayers for those that have lost loved ones.  Pray for a full reconciliation in a special relationship.

Job and finances

Name: Unknown Prayer Request: Job and Financial stability.

Broke a bone and is in a rehab

Mary Shaw 92 yrs old has a broken bone and is in rehab very depressed wants to go home. Pray God will heal her with speedy recovery. And she can go back home. No name given

Battling lung cancer

Lung cancer needs lots of prayers Ramsey Shelton

Need healing in relationships

Name: Unspoken Prayer Request: Relationships- healing and total reconciliation- prayers for the positive things. Calmness and security at work. Prayers and healing for my family. Prayers an old friend will move on from our past so I can let it go.

Trying to stop smoking

Please pray for me to stop smoking..Also please pray for my marriage. .. Melanie

Grandfather is having heart surgery

Name: Ray Ferrell Prayer Request: My Grandfather, John Ferrell went to the doctor this week and found four of his arteries almost completely blocked. He is scheduled to have surgery on Monday.

One year old has MRSA

Name: Donna Sturgill Prayer Request: Please pray for Hailey, a year old baby girl, who has MRSA. She is being treated at VCU hospital in Richmond. She is having a procedure this morning to help drain some of the infection from her body.

My daughter voluntarily went into a rehab

Name: James Prayer Request: My Daughter Alexandria voluntarily entered a Christian Rehab for alcohol.

Had a panic attack

I went to med express this morning. I had a panic attack at the doctor. Scott Boggs

Needing to move forward from old relationship

Name: Unspoken Prayer Request: Relationship reconciliation, closure and moving forward from an older relationship, good week at work and job security. Prayers for the many sick. Break free from old demons and addictions including food

My pastor just passed away

My former pastor just died from a long long battle, his wife just got diagnosed with cancer. We are all heartbroken. I’m in the middle of trying to transfer schools and start a new job Wednesday. Please pray for everyone melody

Looking for a full-time teaching job

Name: Brian Hawkins Prayer Request: I’m a recently graduated student with Liberty University. Really in need of prayer for a full time teaching position to open up for me. I can’t seem to get an interview from anyone where I am and starting to feel discouraged. I know I need to wait on God but it can be hard to wait. Prayers appreciated

Needing reconciliation

Name: unspoken Prayer Request: Prayers for reconciliation in a special relationship and a good weekend- praise for a good work week

Pray for my grandson

Please pray for my 18 year old grandsons protection and fill his heart with your presence. Lead him to you Lord and give him your peace. Robin

Pray the doctors removed all the cancer

Name: Jennifer Hollyfield Prayer Request: Please pray for Jennifer that the doctors removed all the cancer and that the pathology report comes back negative. Had surgery today on NY Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center.

My brothers salvation

Name: Tony Fronzaglia Prayer Request: Brothers Matt and Ivo for salvation.

Needing reconciliation in a relationship

Name: unspoken Prayer Request: Full relationship reconciliation with a special person in my life if it is God’s will. Acceptance, financial and job security. Prayers for the sick and ailing in my family and community.

My son has melanoma

Name: Chris Hammond Prayer Request: Please be in prayer for my son , Chris, who has a melanoma on his back and is having surgery on Tues. 06/09/15 in Richmond. Chris has had Juvenile Diabetes since he was one year old, he is 35 now…. Married with a 4 yr. old daughter and a baby on the way. Please pray for complete healing and that the surgeon’s hand will be guided by our Savior. In Christ. Peggy Amonette

My friend needs prayer

Name: Isaiah my best friend Prayer Request: To be with him as things are overwhelming to him right now and allow him to find the peace in his heart that he has still yet to find dealing with the death of a loved one. May he make good choices and live a happy life where he can portray his love for God in every way possible. Things may appear confusing but with God’s guidance you will find the way.

Needing a good report from the doctor

Name: Osby Hooker Prayer Request: To get a good report from the doctor tomorrow so he can get his life back in order.

Having surgery for cancer

Name: Annoymous Prayer Request: Be with a woman who is going to New York to hopefully have a successful surgery that will remove all of the cancer within her body.

Cancer surgery

Name: Jennifer Hollyfield. Prayer Request: Please pray for my wife Jennifer. She and I will be traveling to NY on Tuesday and she is having cancer surgery on Thursday Pray that after they remove the cancer she will be cancer free Thank you , Bart

Pray for my job interview

Prayer: I have a good job interview next week and that I can get accepted at the school I need to go to. Thanks in advance Melody

Needing your prayers

I”m in a completely hopeless situation with no options. I don’t know what to do. Every step in the right direction is a hundred backwards. Please pray for me Melody

New born battling meningitis

Name: Eli Russell Prayer Request: New born baby in VBH NICU with meningitis.

Loved one passed away

Name: Kay Hall’s cousin’s family Prayer Request: Family of Steve Hahs. Passed away Monday night his family needs our prayers

Having surgery and need healing

Name: Kay Hall’s brother Bob Stephens Prayer Request: Bob is having surgery again on wounds that will not heal.. He is in Minneapolis Minnesota hospital. He is a paraplegic and desperately needs our prayers

Serious health issues

Dale, Carlas brother who is living with us is completely dependent on us. He has multiple life threatening ailments (kidneys do not function, COPD, congestive heart failure, and a long list of other ailments). Please pray for: 1) The Lord to draw Dale, Carla & Chris into the closest possible relationship with Him; 2) the Lord to work through us as a testimony of His grace as we face Dales imminent passing; 3) the Lord to guide Chris & Carla through each situation with Dale; 4) should the Lord choose to miraculously heal Dale, that Dale would abandon himself to the Lord as a living sacrifice. Chris & Carla Powell


Praise God for His provision and answers to our prayers. Chris &Carla Powell

Friends salvation

Unspoken request for a friend s salvation. Larry Mehaffey

Recovering from a stroke

John Lanata continued … He is a godly man that loves to witness. The stroke has left him struggling with his speech. Please pray that God will restore his speech like He restored Pauls sight. Thank you. Loretta Zimmerman

Neighbor had a stroke

Please pray for my neighbor & friend, John Lanata. A severe stroke forced his retirement from the FBI Loretta Zimmerman

Daughter needs employment

Pray for my daughter, Ashleigh Holmes, that God will lead her to employment that is His will for her. Loretta Zimmerman

Pray for my niece

Please pray for My niece, Megan, to meet a good, godly man. She is 27, pretty, smart, athletic & a registered nurse in Anne Arundel county Maryland. Young men have presented themselves in a positive light & they turn out to be losers. She needs a spirit of discernment & divine intervention. Thank you. Loretta

Please pray for work and a relationship

Name: unspoken Prayer Request: Prayers for a positive week at work and full reconciliation in a relationship I want things the way they used to be. Job and financial security.

Needing a job

Name: unspoken Prayer Request: Prayers for a family member and a relationship reconciliation – job and financial security

Pray for Gonia

Gonia Behlan