Week 34: How can I honor my father and mother?

The last six commandments give God’s instructions about how people should treat one another. The first relationship most of us have is with our mother and father, so it’s no surprise that it’s the first human relationship God talks about in the Ten Commandments. This week we’ll explore what it means to honor our parents.

Be ready to read the following passages:

Let’s start it.

What are a few things you have learned from your mom and dad?

Let’s learn it.

As a baby, you didn’t know how to do anything, and then someone patiently taught you simple things like how to walk and how to use a spoon. Those people were most likely your parents. Have a family member read Exodus 20:12 to see what God says to children about how to treat their fathers and mothers.

Honoring your parents starts with being grateful for all they do and have done for you. True gratitude is more than saying, “Thank you”; it shows up in your attitude toward your parents each day. You demonstrate gratitude every time you choose to do what they’ve asked you to do. The Apostle Paul wrote to the church in Ephesus about the importance of obedience to parents. Take a look at what he said to kids in Ephesians 6:1-3.

Obeying your mom and dad is the right thing to do because God has placed you under their authority. Your parents set rules for your family because they love you and want what’s best for you. When you obey them, you are obeying God. He even promises that things will go better in your life when you respect your parents’ wishes. Obeying your parents is one way you can honor them and show your love for them.

The relationship between parents and children is a picture of the relationship God wants to have with each of us. Our heavenly Father is the perfect parent, and Jesus is His perfect Son. But we aren’t perfect – are we? God wants you to love and respect your parents, even when they make mistakes — the same way they love and forgive you when you mess up. Notice that God didn’t say to honor your parents when they are right. He simply said to honor your father and mother.

You might not have parents who love and follow Christ, but God still wants you to honor them. There may be times when as a Christian child, you have to say, “I cannot do that” if a parent tells you to lie or do something else that goes against God’s Word. Your determination to follow God, combined with a respectful and loving attitude will be a testimony for the Lord, to your parents, as well as to others.

The command to honor our parents doesn’t stop when we grow up. Check out what 1 Timothy 5:4 says about one way adults can honor their parents. As a family, it’s important to take care of the people who have taken care of us. It’s impossible to truly repay your parents and grandparents for all of their support and guidance, but following their example and helping to care for them as they get older is a sign of true faith and a grateful heart. Plus, it gives you the opportunity to show how much you love them!

Let’s discuss it.

  1. How have your parents shown love and care for you?
  2. Ask family members to name specific ways they can show gratitude, respect and care for their parents.
  3. If you were not brought up by your mother and father, how can you honor and respect the person who provided and cared for you?

Let’s do it.

Be determined this week to have an attitude toward your parents that first honors the Lord. Look for ways to thank your parents for providing for your needs. Be careful that your words and tone show respect for their authority. Gratitude, obedience, respect, and care – all of these things are part of honoring your father and your mother. How will your life honor them this week?